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2.1 Dynamic programming and case study: Jack‘s car rental
2022-07-03 10:09:00 【Most appropriate commitment】
Second Edition ( with visualization )
Dynamic programming
Policy evaluation
By iterations, we could get value function set ( v(s) ) for specific policy, given the environment's dynamics.
while error==True:
error = false
for :
# To iterate
if :
error = True # Judge whether convergence or not
Policy Improvement
For a specific policy, for s in state, if , we could obtain a better policy
So, there is an achievement of policy improvement.
Although we could not prove we could get the optimal policy, we could get convergent consequence of the policy.
While judge == True:
judge = False
for :
for :
if :
If there is no any policy improvement in this loop, we could know the policy has converged.
Case study:Jack‘s car rental
Case Analysis
: Current state is the number of current cars at two locationsin the evening after cars requested and car returned.
: Action is the number of car movd from the first location to the second location. And negative number means moving cars from second location to the first location. ( limitation: -5~5 )
: Next state is the number of cars at two locations after cars requested and cars returned in the second day. ( car requested or returned: p(n|s,a) =
is 3 and 4 for rental requests, and 3 and 2 for returns )
: Reward is the cost of moving cars and rewards of renting cars out. ( cost of moving per car is $2, rewards of renting per car is $10.
First edition
import math
import numpy
import random
state: car number at first location, car number at second location in the evening
(finish renting cars and getting rented cars) (no more 20 cars at each location)
action: move cars from two locations (no more than 5 cars at the evening,
cost: $2 per car) action=3 means move 3 cars at first location to those at second location
1. people rent cars the probability for people renting n cars in first location and
second location is lambda^n * e^(-lambda)/n! lambda= 3 or 4 respectively
2. people return cars the probability for people returning n cars in first location and
second location is lambda^n * e^(-lambda)/n! lambda= 3 or 2 respectively
gamma=0.9; # discounting factor is 0.9
dsize=20; # maximum of cars at one location is 20 (changeable)
# set probability of n cars requested
def pr_required(lamb,num):
return math.pow(lamb,num)*math.exp(-lamb)/math.factorial(num);
# set probability of n cars returned
def pr_returned(lamb,num):
return math.pow(lamb,num)*math.exp(-lamb)/math.factorial(num);
# obtain updated value function
def v_s_a(i,j,action,v,gamma):
# half reward
reward_night = -2*abs(action);
# state_next in the evening
state_next = (min(i-action,dsize), min(j+action,dsize));
for k in range(0,dsize+1):
for l in range(0,dsize+1):
# s' = (k,l) get p(s',r|s,action)
for x in range(0, int (min(i-action+1,k+1))):
for y in range(0,int (min(j+action+1,l+1))):
# number of car required is i-action-x , j+action-y,
# number of car returned is k-x,l-y
val+= pr_required(3,i-action-x)*pr_required(4,j+action-y)\
*pr_returned(3,k-x)*pr_returned(2,l-y)*( reward_night + \
10* (i-action-x + j+action-y)+ gamma* v[k,l]);
return val;
# initial values
v=numpy.zeros((dsize+1,dsize+1),dtype = numpy.float); # x is first (0-20) , y is second (0-20)
# better policy (tabular) pi(s) = a default is 0, which represent no car moved
policy = numpy.zeros((dsize+1,dsize+1));
# policy evaluation
# update every state
for i in range(0,dsize+1):
for j in range(0,dsize+1):
# judge if value functions of this policy converge
if math.fabs(v_temp-v[i,j])>5:
# policy improvement
for i in range(0,dsize+1):
for j in range(0,dsize+1):
for act in range( -min(j,5),min(i,5)+1 ):
if v_s_a(i,j,act,v,gamma)>v_s_a(i,j,action_max,v,gamma):
# judge if policy improvement converges
Second Edition ( with visualization )
### Settings
import math
import numpy
import random
# visualization
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#import seaborn as sns
gamma=0.9; # discounting factor is 0.9
dsize=6; # maximum of cars at one location is 20 (changeable)
### for policy evaluation
# set probability of n cars requested
def pr_required(lamb,num):
return math.pow(lamb,num)*math.exp(-lamb)/math.factorial(num);
# set probability of n cars returned
def pr_returned(lamb,num):
return math.pow(lamb,num)*math.exp(-lamb)/math.factorial(num);
# obtain updated value function
def v_s_a(i,j,action,v,gamma):
# half reward
reward_night = -2*abs(action);
# state_next in the evening
state_next = (min(i-action,dsize), min(j+action,dsize));
for k in range(0,dsize+1):
for l in range(0,dsize+1):
# s' = (k,l) get p(s',r|s,action)
for x in range(0, int (min(i-action+1,k+1))):
for y in range(0,int (min(j+action+1,l+1))):
# number of car required is i-action-x , j+action-y,
# number of car returned is k-x,l-y
val+= pr_required(3,i-action-x)*pr_required(4,j+action-y)\
*pr_returned(3,k-x)*pr_returned(2,l-y)*( reward_night + \
10* (i-action-x + j+action-y)+ gamma* v[k,l]);
return val;
### visualization
def visualization(policies):
num_pic = len(policies) ;
# number of rows of figures
num_columns = 3 ;
num_rows = math.ceil(num_pic/num_columns) ;
# establish the canvas
fig, axes = plt.subplots( num_rows ,num_columns, figsize=(num_columns*2*10,num_rows*1.5*10));
plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.2)
axes = axes.flatten()
for i in range(0,num_pic):
# show policy in cmap
im = axes[i].imshow( policies[i] ,cmap=plt.cm.cool,vmin=-5, vmax=5)
# settings
axes[i].set_ylabel('# cars at first location',fontsize=10)
axes[i].set_xlabel('# cars at second location', fontsize=10)
axes[i].set_title('policy {}'.format(i), fontsize=10)
# hide unused axes
for j in range(num_pic,num_columns*num_rows):
fig.colorbar(im, ax=axes.ravel().tolist()) # it can just show one colorbar
### main programming
# initial values
v=numpy.zeros((dsize+1,dsize+1),dtype = numpy.float); # x is first (0-20) , y is second (0-20)
# better policy (tabular) pi(s) = a default is 0, which represent no car moved
policy = numpy.zeros((dsize+1,dsize+1));
# policy evaluation
# update every state
for i in range(0,dsize+1):
for j in range(0,dsize+1):
# judge if value functions of this policy converge
if math.fabs(v_temp-v[i,j])>5:
# we could not use policies_set.append(policy), because it will only copy the address of policy
# policy improvement
for i in range(0,dsize+1):
for j in range(0,dsize+1):
for act in range( -min(j,5),min(i,5)+1 ):
if v_s_a(i,j,act,v,gamma)>v_s_a(i,j,action_max,v,gamma):
# judge if policy improvement converges
# visualization from policies_set
visualization( policies_set )
For dsize = 15:
For dsize = 12:
For dsize = 6:
Reference resources : RL(Chapter 4): Jack’s Car Rental_ Lian Li o The blog of -CSDN Blog
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