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Beautifully painted MM set
2022-08-05 07:59:00 【51CTO】
女--韦庄 冠子
韦庄:(836—910)字端己,Chang'an Du Mausoleum(今西安)People do Jinshi,Traveled all over the place before.Former school secretary、Zuo Buque and other posts.Later entered Shu,Wang Jian's secretary.The Wang family established the former Shu,He was prime minister.Finally Shu.His poems are very famous,Poetry is very picturesque,词尤工.与温庭筠同为“花间”重要词人,有《浣花集》.
【Words in the picture】
昨夜夜半,Dreaming clearly on the pillow, Talking for a long time,According to the peach noodles,频低柳叶眉. Half ashamed and half happy,Want to go and Yiyi. Awareness is a dream,Very sad!
李白,字太白,And the word green edge.He Zhizhang read Li Bai's poems,Praise him for being an immortal.As famous as Du Fu,Later generations were called Poetry Immortals.
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秋风词 李白
秋风清,秋月明,The leaves are scattered far and wide,寒鸦栖复惊. 相思相见知何日,此时此夜难为情.入我相思门,知我相思苦,长相思兮长相忆,短相思兮无穷极,早知如此绊人心,As if they didn't know each other before.
晏几道(1030?—1106?),Uncle Yuan,号小山,Linchuan, Fuzhou(今江西抚州)人.Yan Shu's seventh son,Able to write good words,Same name as his father.His words are influenced by the Yan Ci of the Five Dynasties and at the same time“花间”之长,Write more about the suffering of disappointment in life and the joys and sorrows of men and women,Known for small orders,Work on words,语言清新,Gentle twists and turns..In his later years, his family was down,The words are more sentimental.有《Hill word》.
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思远人 晏几道
红叶黄花秋意晚,千里念行客.The clouds are over,归鸿无信,Where to send books.Tears are pouring out of the window.Just spin the inkstone and study the ink.渐写到别来,此情深处,红笺为无色.
秦观:(1049-1100)北宋词人.字少游、太虚,号淮海居士,高邮(今属江苏)人.Former Secretary Provincial Orthography,He is also the editor and editor of the National History Academy.Politically inclined towards the old party,He was regarded as a member of the Yuanyou Party,After Shaosheng was exiled.The words were appreciated by Su Shi,是“苏门四学士”之一.工诗词.Words to write more love between men and women,Also quite sentimental,The style is subtle and subtle,Clean and elegant.Poetry and poetry are similar.有《Huaihai Collection》、《淮海居士长短句》.
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虞美人 秦观
Peach is planted and dew in the sky
Not every flower count
Water lingers deep in the mountains
A pity it is picturesque、为谁开
温庭筠:(约812 — 约870),本名岐,字飞卿,太原祁(today mountain Xiqi County)人.Descendant of Tang Prime Minister Wen Yanbo.Quick thinking at an early age,Famous for words,Then try again and again,Tourist Huai Room.Xuanzong tried his grand speech,Generations to give,to disrupt the field,He was demoted to Sui County Lieutenant.Later, Xiangyang Provincial Governor was appointed as the inspector,The inspector Owai Lang,Leaving Xiangyang soon,Guest in Jiangling.Yizong served as Fang Chengwei,官终国子助教.Poetry works on objects,Colourful,The beauty of tonal colors.I am deeply moved by the work of hanging ancient travel,气韵清新,Still have the guts.
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秦观:(1049-1100)北宋词人.字少游、太虚,号淮海居士,高邮(今属江苏)人.Former Secretary Provincial Orthography,He is also the editor and editor of the National History Academy.Politically inclined towards the old party,He was regarded as a member of the Yuanyou Party,After Shaosheng was exiled.The words were appreciated by Su Shi,是“苏门四学士”之一.工诗词.Words to write more love between men and women,Also quite sentimental,The style is subtle and subtle,Clean and elegant.Poetry and poetry are similar.有《Huaihai Collection》、《淮海居士长短句》.
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End of the world old hatred
Desolate people alone do not ask
I want to see the ileum
Cut off the small seal incense of the golden furnace
Dai moth long convergence
Let the spring breeze blow
Trapped in a dangerous building
After all Feihong word and word sorrow
晏几道:(1030?—1106?),Uncle Yuan,号小山,Linchuan, Fuzhou(今江西抚州)人.Yan Shu's seventh son,Able to write good words,Same name as his father.His words are influenced by the Yan Ci of the Five Dynasties and at the same time“花间”之长,Write more about the suffering of disappointment in life and the joys and sorrows of men and women,Known for small orders,Work on words,语言清新,Gentle twists and turns..In his later years, his family was down,The words are more sentimental.有《Hill word》.
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See you before the flowers are not foggy,Eyes full of beauty.
Smile slightly,Hate that the curtain is not real.
Diligently ask where the house is,Not in the red dust、
If Chaoyun,To be a dreamer tonight.
李清照(1084-约1151):南宋女词人.号易安居士,Qizhou Zhangqiu(今属山东)人.His father, Li Gefei, was a famous scholar at that time,Her husband, Zhao Mingcheng, was a scholar of epigraphs on gold and stone.早期生活优裕,Together with Mingcheng, we are committed to the collection and sorting of calligraphy and painting gold and stone.Jinbing entered the Central Plains,流寓南方,Ming Cheng died of illness,境遇孤苦.所作词,前期多写其悠闲生活,后期多悲叹身世,情调感伤,Some also showed nostalgia for the Central Plains.形式上善用白描手法,自辟途径,语言清丽.论词强调协律,崇尚典雅、情致,提出词“别是一家”之说,Oppose writing lyrics in the way of poetry.And can poetry,Not much left,Some of the chapters are chanting history,Generosity,different from its vocabulary.有《易安居士文集》、《易安词》,已散佚.后人有《漱玉词》辑本.今人有《李清照集校注》.
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Leaning on the fence,Just emotionless!
苏轼(1037—1101):北宋文学家、书画家.字子瞻,号东坡居士,眉州眉山(今 It belongs to Sichuan)人.Shi is a generalist,在诗、词、文、Calligraphy and painting are all open figures,His prose and Ouyang Xiu are also called Ou Su;His poems and Huang Tingjian are also called Su Huang;His words and Xin Qiji are also called Su Xin;他是“苏、黄、米、蔡”One of the four calligraphers;His paintings created the Huzhou School of Painting.
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绣帘开,一点明月窥人;人未寝,Leaning on the pillow and hairpins across the temples.
起来携素手,庭户无声,When see Shu Xingdu Hehan.
但屈指西风几时来,Not right,流年暗中偷换.
韦庄:(836—910)字端己,Chang'an Du Mausoleum(今西安)People do Jinshi,Traveled all over the place before.Former school secretary、Zuo Buque and other posts.Later entered Shu,Wang Jian's secretary.The Wang family established the former Shu,He was prime minister.Finally Shu.His poems are very famous,Poetry is very picturesque,词尤工.与温庭筠同为“花间”重要词人,有《浣花集》.
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Gold Emerald,Spread my will for my Nanfei:
Rong painted the spring water by the bridge,Drunk for a few years.
Don't be ashamed afterward,Tears are hard to send.
Luo screen embroidered mandarin duck quilt,Old love is like a dream.
Shen Ruyun--interim resentment
Shen Ruyun,Jurong people.Hengyang master book.Four poems.
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interim resentment
--Shen Ruyun
It is difficult to send all the books,
Sad and dreamless.
May I follow the shadow of the lonely moon,
Liuzhao Fubo Camp.
Beautifully paintedMM集-12
柳永:(987?-1055?),字耆卿,The first three changes.Because of ranking seven,又称柳七.祖籍河东(今属山西),Later moved to Chong'an(今属福建).Song Renzong Dynasty Jinshi,Official to Tuentian Yuanwailang,故世称柳屯田.Because of the rough career、生活潦倒,He turned from the pursuit of fame to tired of officialdom,Indulge in the beautiful and prosperous city life,在“倚红偎翠”、“浅斟低唱”Looking for sustenance.As the first dedicated lyricist in the Northern Song Dynasty,He not only opened up the subject matter of words,And make a lot of slow words,The narrative method was developed,Promote the popularization of words、口语化,It had a great impact on the history of the word.有《乐章集》.
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