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(3/8) method parameters of improper use of enumeration (2)

2022-07-07 09:19:00 51CTO



Continue to talk about the use of enumeration . This article illustrates the crap of not enumerating method parameters .

【 On the first code 】

First look at the following methods :

private boolean updRpmRtulProcc(RpmRtulDO rpmRtulDO, String rfdSts)
throws YGException {
logger.infoFmt(" Failed to modify the refund order status [{}]", RefundStsEnum.getBySts(rfdSts).getDesc());

... ...

return true;
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The call to this method in the program :

if (!updRpmRtulProcc(rpmRtul, RefundStsEnum.RFD_CLEARING_PROC.getSts())) {
... ...
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The following is RefundStsEnum Enumeration class :

* Refund status enumeration
public enum RefundStsEnum {

RFD_PROCESS("0"," Refund processing "),
RFD_SUCC("3"," Refund successful "),
RFD_FAIL("4"," Refund failed "),
RFD_CANCEL("7"," Refund cancellation "),
RFD_CLEARING_PROC("8"," Refund settlement processing "),
RFD_ACCOUNTING_PROC("9"," Refund bookkeeping processing "),
REFUSE("R9", " Approval denied "),
RFD_APPROVAL("W3", " Refund approval in progress ");

private String sts;
private String desc;

RefundStsEnum(String sts, String desc) {
this.sts = sts;
this.desc = desc;

public String getSts() {
return sts;

public String getDesc() {
return desc;

public static RefundStsEnum getBySts(String sts) {
for (RefundStsEnum type : values()) {
if (type.getSts().equals(sts)) {
return type;
return null;
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【 Refactoring mode 】

In the above method String Variable rfdSts, The corresponding enumeration types are defined in the program RefundStsEnum.

This example is a typical example of improper enumeration . The crux is to set method parameters rfdSts Define a String, This leads to two things :

  1. Inside the method , Like the first line , When logging , First call enumeration RefundStsEnum Of getBySts(), take rfdSts Stored RefundStsEnum Of sts Convert to enumeration RefundStsEnum, then , Get it desc.
  2. The parameters passed by calling this method are RefundStsEnum.getSts()

The right way to do it is : Put the method parameters rfdSts Defined as an enumeration type RefundStsEnum, natural , There is no such unhappiness . It will be clear !

private boolean updRpmRtulProcc(RpmRtulDO rpmRtulDO, RefundStsEnum rfdSts)
throws YGException {
logger.infoFmt(" Failed to modify the refund order status [{}]", rfdSts.getDesc());

... ...

return true;
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