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Using OpenVINO to implement the flying paddle version of the PGNet inference program
2022-08-05 02:00:00 【Intel Edge Computing Community】
第1章 使用OpenVINOTMRealize the flying paddle versionPGNet推理程序
1.6.1升级PaddleOCRComes with a predictor,支持OpenVINO推理
1.6.2借鉴PaddleOCRpreprocessing and postprocessing code,实现OpenVINO推理程序
使用OpenVINOTMRealize the flying paddle versionPGNet推理程序
作者:杨雪峰 英特尔物联网行业创新大使
1.1OpenVINOTM 简介
OpenVINO 工具包2022.1版于2022年3月22日正式发布,根据官宣《OpenVINO 迎来迄今为止最重大更新,2022.1新特性抢先看》,OpenVINO 2022.1将是迄今为止最大变化的版本,And can directly support reading the propeller model.
1.2 PGNet简介
Recognition of free-form text(例如,弯曲文本)received more and more research attention,And the application is more and more extensive(例如,Billboard identification、Seal recognition, etc),如下图所示.
AAAI 2021会议上发表的百度自研的端到端场景文本识别PGNet[1]算法,Effectively meet the above requirements,其典型特点有:
- PGNet是一种新颖的、端到端的、Arbitrary shape text detection recognizer framework
- 不需要字符级别的标注,NMS操作以及ROI操作[2]
- A prediction module of reading order in text lines and a graph-based correction module are proposed to improve the text recognition effect
- The recognition accuracy and running speed are excellentSOTA
另外,paddle versionPGNet的工程化和文档化做的极好,没有任何基础的人,都可以在不到半天的时间内完成PGNet的开发环境搭建、模型训练、ONNX模型导出.
- PaddleOCR运行环境,参考:
- OpenVINOTM开发工具
pip install openvino-dev[onnx]
PaddleOCR已提供PGNet预训练模型,Please download and unzip it by yourself,如下图所示.
下载完毕后,运行PaddleOCRBuilt-in forecasting program tools\infer\predict_e2e.py
# 如果想使用CPU进行预测,需设置use_gpu参数为False python3 tools/infer/predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir="./doc/imgs_en/img623.jpg" --e2e_model_dir="./inference/e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/" --e2e_pgnet_valid_set="totaltext" --use_gpu=False |
运行结果,如下图所示,说明PaddleOCR和PGNetThe pretrained models are all ready.
从图中可见,The average time to run is 5.09s.
from openvino.runtime import Core
# 指定PGNet模型路径
pgnet_path = ".\e2e_server_pgnetA_infer\inference.pdmodel"
# 创建Core对象
core = Core()
# Load and compilePGNet模型
sess = core.compile_model(model=pgnet_path, device_name="CPU")
# 输出PGNet模型输入&输出信息
运行效果如下图所示,说明OpenVINOTMRead the paddle version directlyPGNet模型成功.
基于上述代码,结合PGNetdata preprocessing and postprocessing code,A complete one can be developedPGNet推理程序.
1.6.1升级PaddleOCRComes with a predictor,支持OpenVINO推理
由于PaddleOCRBuilt-in forecasting program tools\infer\predict_e2e.py,已经实现了PGNetdata preprocessing and postprocessing code,所以,只需要稍微修改:
- tools\infer\predict_e2e.py
- tools\infer\utility.py
上述代码,可以从PGNet OpenVINO Inference: Do the PGNet inference based on OpenVINO 下载.下载后,Please and replace the file with the same name.
OpenVINOThe supporting code is shown below,All modifications have been added“# OpenVINO Support Here”:
# OpenVINO Support Here
elif self.use_openvino:
outputs = self.predictor([img])
out_layers = self.predictor.output
preds = {}
preds['f_border'] = outputs[out_layers(0)]
preds['f_char'] = outputs[out_layers(1)]
preds['f_direction'] = outputs[out_layers(2)]
preds['f_score'] = outputs[out_layers(3)]
After replacing the file with the same name,使用命令:
python tools\infer\predict_e2e.py --e2e_algorithm="PGNet" --image_dir=.\doc\imgs_en --e2e_model_dir=ov_infer\e2e_server_pgnetA_infer\inference.pdmodel --e2e_pgnet_valid_set="totaltext" --use_gpu=False --use_openvino=True |
从运行结果可以看到,使用了OpenVINO的推理程序,The average time to run is 1.33s;没有使用OpenVINO的推理程序,The average time to run is 5.09s.OpenVINOGreatly improved the modelCPUon the computational efficiency of inference.
1.6.2借鉴PaddleOCRpreprocessing and postprocessing code,实现OpenVINO推理程序
直接使用ppocrThe pre-processing and post-processing code that comes with it,可以轻松实现PGNet的OpenVINO推理程序:pgnet_ov_infer.py · PPOV_NUC/PGNet OpenVINO Inference - Gitee.com
from openvino.runtime import Core
from ppocr.data import create_operators, transform
from ppocr.postprocess import build_post_process
import cv2
import numpy as np
import time
# 指定PGNet模型路径
pgnet_path = "./e2e_server_pgnetA_infer/inference.pdmodel"
# 创建Core对象
core = Core()
# Load and compilePGNet模型
pgnet = core.compile_model(model=pgnet_path, device_name="CPU")
# 创建preprocess_op
pre_process_list = [{
'E2EResizeForTest': {
'max_side_len': 768,
'valid_set': 'totaltext'}
}, {
'NormalizeImage': {
'std': [0.229, 0.224, 0.225],
'mean': [0.485, 0.456, 0.406],
'scale': '1./255.',
'order': 'hwc'
}, {
'ToCHWImage': None
}, {
'KeepKeys': {
'keep_keys': ['image', 'shape']
preprocess_op = create_operators(pre_process_list)
# 创建postprocess_op
postprocess_params = {}
postprocess_params['name'] = 'PGPostProcess'
postprocess_params["score_thresh"] = 0.5
postprocess_params["character_dict_path"] = "./ic15_dict.txt"
postprocess_params["valid_set"] = 'totaltext'
postprocess_params["mode"] = 'fast'
postprocess_op = build_post_process(postprocess_params)
def clip_det_res(points, img_height, img_width):
for pno in range(points.shape[0]):
points[pno, 0] = int(min(max(points[pno, 0], 0), img_width - 1))
points[pno, 1] = int(min(max(points[pno, 1], 0), img_height - 1))
return points
# 定义filter_tag_det_res_only_clip函数
def filter_tag_det_res_only_clip(dt_boxes, image_shape):
img_height, img_width = image_shape[0:2]
dt_boxes_new = []
for box in dt_boxes:
box = clip_det_res(box, img_height, img_width)
dt_boxes = np.array(dt_boxes_new)
return dt_boxes
# Load image data and implement preprocessing
image_path = 'img623.jpg'
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
data = {'image': image}
data = transform(data, preprocess_op)
img, shape_list = data
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis=0)
shape_list = np.expand_dims(shape_list, axis=0)
starttime = time.time()
# Do the inference by OpenVINO
outputs = pgnet([img])
out_layers = pgnet.output
preds = {}
preds['f_border'] = outputs[out_layers(0)]
preds['f_char'] = outputs[out_layers(1)]
preds['f_direction'] = outputs[out_layers(2)]
preds['f_score'] = outputs[out_layers(3)]
post_result = postprocess_op(preds, shape_list)
points, strs = post_result['points'], post_result['texts']
dt_boxes = filter_tag_det_res_only_clip(points, image.shape)
elapse = time.time() - starttime
print(f"Predict time: {elapse}s")
import utility
src_im = utility.draw_e2e_res(points, strs, image_path)
cv2.imshow("PGNet infer by OpenVINO", src_im)
Paddle versionPGNetis an easy to learn and easy to use、Documentation and engineering are very well done[3]、端到端的、Models that can detect curved text.
由于从OpenVINO 2022.1版本开始,OpenVINO RuntimeDirect reading of the propeller model has been supported,且OpenVINO的API简单易用,所以,Can be easily upgradedPaddleOCRBuilt-in forecasting program tools\infer\predict_e2e.py支持OpenVINO推理计算,Or develop from scratchOpenVINO推理程序.
经过OpenVINO优化后,PGNet的CPUThe inference calculation efficiency is greatly improved,Average runtime from 5.09s,提升到1.33s,效率提升非常明显.
注意:运行时间,仅供参考,在不同CPU上,The running time will vary.
[1] PGNet: Real-time Arbitrarily-Shaped Text Spotting with Point Gathering Network, https://www.aaai.org/AAAI21Papers/AAAI-2885.WangP.pdf
[2] PaddleOCR FAQ: PaddleOCR/FAQ.md at release/2.5 · PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR · GitHub
[3] PGNet repo: https://github.com/PaddlePaddle/PaddleOCR/blob/release/2.5/doc/doc_ch/algorithm_e2e_pgnet.md
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