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[Unity Entry Plan] Handling of Occlusion Problems in 2D Games & Pseudo Perspective
2022-08-05 01:28:00 【flashinggg】
2 2D&3DGame processing block the way
3.2 Order in Layer 图层中Renderer对象的顺序
4.1 yCoordinates with the relationship between before and after
4.2 Under the same layer event of problem
5.2 Custom Axis Custom shaft arranged forY轴
6 方案2-Using a script to compareY值
通过Static&DynamicThe script for the judgment
Learning process is followed this tutorial to.
1 Game scene sheltered
We are in the game,Inevitably have to deal with someBefore and after the relationship between objects in the scene.Such as the following situation
- Players on the map to walk,Walking away from the front of the buildings around the building behind
The scene isCameraFrom perspective of relationship between before and after“Players in the top,Buildings in the”变成了“Players in the,Buildings in the top”.Therefore in the process of the game is running,In the game of moving objects and static、Other dynamic game between objectsKeep out relationship would change.Reasonable and effective treatment to handle this“Who is blocking”The relationship is very important in the game production!Not only ensure the game experience and also promoted the realistic picture.
2 2D&3DGame processing block the way
需要了解的是,Keep out relationship is2D和3DAll need to deal with problems in the game,但由于2D和3DThe difference between the game itself,The processing method of both very different.
从3DGame point of view,由于它是3D的,Express objects in depth can directly through the perspective of relationship between before and after,Keep out of deep shaft processing,Is it not a need to focus on solving the problem.
但对于2D游戏,No matter what players are perspective,The game itself is drawn on a flat surface,If there is the depth of the so-called,Images of all the depth of the object should be the same!为了处理2DKeep out of question,They put forward such a伪透视的概念.(The word of pseudo perspective is thatBStanding of the tutorialUPMaster the knowledge of)
3 Unity中的图层 Layer
在继续进行之前,To insert a concept,就是关于UnitySome characteristics of the layer.
In the previous concept learning,精灵渲染器Sprite Renderer和Tiles rendererTilemap RendererMentioned in the properties of the layer:
需要注意的一点是:Layer relation between the renderer are common!也就是说Tilemap和SpriteThe renderer share the same set of layer system.
3.1 Sortring Layer 图层的顺序
- Game objects are created by default in the first0图层Layer 0(Default)里
- Can arbitrarily change the layer order、添加新的图层
- 图层顺序:0->1->2...At the back of the priority in front of the,也就是:2优先于1,1优先于0,2的内容会覆盖1,1的会覆盖0,以此类推
3.2 Order in Layer 图层中Renderer对象的顺序
跟Sorting LayerThe relationship between,数字越大,Position the in front;数字越小,位置越靠后.
3.3 举例说明
例如,拿RubyAdventureThe resource, for example:
The current created a map of tiles,It's in the layer0(Default),The order of the layers is-1.
Create two elves game object again, Also in the layers0,The order of the layers are0
Keep out the result:
如果此时我把Tile map inLayer 1中,发现:
如果把Tile map inLayer0But the order is0:
Believe in the above example can realizeThe order of the different layers和The order of the different objects in the layer之间的关系.
4 伪透视图
2DIn the game through theBefore and after covering relations来伪造3DThe effect of depth,This relationship is called pseudo perspective.
4.1 yCoordinates with the relationship between before and after
2D游戏中,The above mentioned before and after the relationship between a game object by theY轴决定的.在Y轴上:
- y坐标值越小,位置越靠前
- y坐标值越大,位置越靠后
Unity根据游戏对象的yCoordinates to draw the game object,yCoordinate values greater priority to draw,yCoordinate values smaller after drawing,Can guarantee coverage before and after the relationship.
4.2 Under the same layer event of problem
The first step in implement the perspective,By using the sequence in the same layer relationship.
场景中加入Tilemap、A tree and a box,加入玩家,其中:玩家Order=-1,树Order=0.
Really reflected the condition,但是会出现一个问题:无论怎么移动,Players always be tree.
This is not what we want keep out relationship will change according to the mobile real-time shade effect.
Here are some real-time keep out of the solution is introduced.
5 方案1-使用Unity自带的方法
The engine provides a convenient method for us,According to the prioritization of transparent queue order.
菜单栏Edit -> Project Settings -> Graphics -> Camera Settings:
5.1 透明队列
Transparent queue arrangement has the following kinds of:
- Default——默认,Shall be transparent queue is not arranged
- Perspective——透视,此时Renderer排列顺序是RendererWith the position of the camera
- Orthographic——正交
- Custom Axis——Custom order
5.2 Custom Axis Custom shaft arranged forY轴
This is the method of leading,前面介绍了2DBefore and after judgment is usually in the gamey坐标值,So here will choose custom shaft alignment and set the shaft intoy轴.也就是Transparency Sort Axis中Y设置成1(默认是Z轴=1)
Have been here can change the effect of the shade,But is not so accurate,问题出在了SpriteThe choice of the center.
5.3 修改Pivot Point 轴心点
This is one of the attribute of the elves,Said the elf spin axis point.In order to more accurately realize,Here should have the players and tree corresponding axis of elves are moving to the bottom.
There are two kinds of change way,One is direct selectionPivot属性为Buttom,一种可以通过Sprite Editor修改Pivot
This is the engine's own processing method.
6 方案2-Using a script to compareY值
通过Static&DynamicThe script for the judgment
这个方法是我在bStand to see aUPThe method of main introduction:Unity 2DKeep out of the game problem solution(Figures and buildings、Tilemap的先后关系)以及3DEffects of the game are occluded part
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class OrderController : MonoBehaviour
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
private List<SpriteRenderer> SpriteDynamic;
private List<SpriteRenderer> SpriteStatic;//让树、Boxes and other types ofstatic
private void Awake()
SpriteRenderer[] spriteRenderers = GetComponentsInChildren<SpriteRenderer>();
SpriteDynamic = new List<SpriteRenderer>();
SpriteStatic = new List<SpriteRenderer>();
for(int i = 0; i < spriteRenderers.Length; i++)
if (spriteRenderers[i].gameObject.isStatic)
//sorting order=y*-100
spriteRenderers[i].sortingOrder = Mathf.RoundToInt(spriteRenderers[i].transform.position.y * -100);
else //isDynamic
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
//The need of dynamic has been updated,Because the player is moving
for(int i = 0; i < SpriteDynamic.Count; i++)
SpriteDynamic[i].sortingOrder = Mathf.RoundToInt(SpriteDynamic[i].transform.position.y * -100);
At the same time, the trees and boxes of game objects are on the hookStatic:
After hang up to the players and the cases are script:
Find how smooth interaction with tree or not here,Here you can change the tree and players elf correspondPivot Point,改为Buttom,修改后的效果:
对比发现,The script this method,In dealing with the effect of boundary on the shade looks than the engine alone look comfortable.
7 (方案3-将Y值映射到Z值
This method is also a solution2The video review to see:
In addition to the above mentioned two options outside,The idea is feasible,If you have time will try to realize him out.
8 Set the anchor+碰撞体
This is also seen in the video review ideas,The current project learning to collision body set that together,So here to put a hole,After come back.
9 总结
Comparing several treatment scheme,其实方案1Use the engine to have been able to solve most of the problems,Meet more buildings can be split into several small,Too much can also avoid building center too offset the problem of.
But when faced with a difficult to break up large object(Such as the article I use a lot of examples of a tree,Split the tree also not too realistic),This time the alternative2Isn't it a little better?
Based on my simple try to do the following summarized:
- When faced with a lot of objects and is not convenient to break up,可以采用方案2
- When faced with easy separation of object,Such as house together,Can split after the plan1
关于2DThe game deal temporary shelter problem summary here,Subsequent will complement.
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