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Bit rate vs. resolution, which one is more important?
2022-08-05 00:45:00 【LiveVideoStack_】
本文来自OTTVerse,作者为Krishna Rao Vijayanagar.
Easy-Tech #037#
在本文中,我们将讨论OTTIn the field of video compression and processing basic problem:码率vs.分辨率,Which one is more important to video? Many people have this confusion,Because these two factors will be far-reaching influence on the output of the encoder.
How do you think the selection?
选择5mbps 还是3mbps?
如果你不知道该如何选择,那就太好了.This is the purpose of my writing this article:A simple to explain the relationship between bit rate and resolution,And help you correct selection of the encoder Settings.
Let's start with understanding 码率(bitrate) 开始.
Video bit rate or the rateThe number of bits per second transmission refers to the video information.Rate of the unit is usually:
kbpsOr kilobits per second
When you are in the compressed video,What do you usually need to set up not more than a particular bit rate video compression software.
比如,If you set the bit rate video compression software to3mbps,The software will be video compression per second3mb的数据(平均)Transmission to the decoder or player.This is the bit rate.
When you are talking about the rate,You are actually talking about:The ratio of video compression and video quality loss balance.The more you compress,The lower the quality of video(Also is not always the case,我们将在下文讨论).
压缩视频时,The following algorithm can be used for bit rate control,它们是:
CBR(恒定码率,Constant Bitrate):Would rather video quality has a loss to give priority to maintain a constant bit rate,.
VBR(可变码率,Variable Bitrate):Maintain a constant quality of the video, Allow the bit rate fluctuation.
Capped VBR(受限的VBR):As far as possible to keep constant quality of the video, Allow rate fluctuations in setting range.
This article does not discuss in detail the bit rate control method,想深入了解的朋友,欢迎阅读:了解速率控制模式:什么是 CBR、VBR、CRF和Capped-CRF?
所以,When we were talking about the rate,需要注意以下几点:
The quality of the high bit rate video通常Higher than that of low bit rate video.I said I often,Because the video quality will no longer be reached a certain promotion(No matter how you increase rate).
Refers to the code rate比特(bit)而非字节(byte).
仅Rate and can't decide the video quality,You must consider the resolution、帧率、Display size etc.
Used in video compression编解码器:H.264/AVC、HEVC、VP9、AV1?If you change the video codec and its Settings(Or coding tools),Then the same rate will provide different quality of the video.
Rate how to affect the quality of video?
In order to understand how rate affects the quality of video,We need to understand the working principle of video compression.When you are in the compressed video,Compression algorithm did two things:
通过DCT(离散余弦变换,Discrete Cosine Transform),将视频从“像素域”转换为“频率域”.如果你不了解DCT,可以阅读我们之前的文章:如何给5岁孩子解释DCT?
Through a technique known as the quantitative part with some frequency domain information,At the same time, expect to the human eye can't perceive the information loss.
本质上,When you compress video,You are just the discard some information,But at the same time hope that the video quality no loss.When you are overly compressed video,You can discard a lot of information,When the human eye can perceive coding loss.If you don't have too much compressed video,那么文件会很大,At the same time video quality will be great.
This is called video compression in the“Rate-distortion balance(RDT,rate-distortion tradeoff)”,码率越小,视频质量越差(Assumes that the resolution is fixed).
让我们来看下面的例子.我们使用FFmpeg分别以1.5 mbps和5 mbpsCompression example video(CrowdRun).Through the video screenshots below,Can you tell me which one from high bit rate video,Which one from low bit rate video?
5 mbps
很明显,Above rate is low,The following code rate is higher.当我们使用5 [email protected] the rate of,The video quality is very good.同一个视频,当我们使用1.5 mbpsWhen the rate of,CrowdRunThe quality of the video become very poor.
But always like this?Low bit rate will always produce the poor quality of the video?We through a simple test to answer this question.
Let's use animated video to verify“低码率=低质量”这个假设.The next video,We use the popular《辛普森一家》的预告片,并使用H.264/AVC(Make sure that all the encoder configuration consistent)分别以2.5 mbps和1 mbps压缩视频.
Let's now look at the output.
1 mbps
Can you tell me which one looks better quality?They look almost,对不对?为什么会这样?
And is used in aCrowdRun视频的例子(The rate has played an important role)不同,我们发现,Even in the animation used in low bit rate video we also can get good video quality.
This is because the sport is quite small in the animation video,And smooth area in the video is very easy to compress.Encoder can very efficiently compressed animation,And great quality was achieved at low bit rate.
所以,I know your video content is very important before compression.
提示: You can read this article to learn more knowledge of video compression:视频编码完全指南.
Now that we have to understand what is the rate,Then let us know the video**分辨率(resolution)**And its impact on the quality of the output video.
The video resolution refers to the width times the height of video,The measuring resolution is the unit of pixel.
The video resolution is usually expressed in two ways:
Using video height:如1080p或720p
Or use video width by height:如1920×1080或者1280×720
在下表中,我们列出了OTTVideo streaming video resolution is commonly used in:
OTTVideo streaming video resolution is commonly used in
The video resolution in video transmission is very important,Because it affects the user's viewing experience.Most video players will according to the watch window screen resolution or equipment to adjust.
If your users to watch is48寸的电视,Then you sent him a360p的视频,So the video player that he sampled video meeting,To adapt video to the display window on the TV.不过,If the video resolution from you360p上升到1080p,So the video quality will be very bad.
另一方面,If your user is using a smart phone,You send him aUHD视频,He probably won't thank you provide the high quality of,Because his cell phone can't showUHD分辨率.Video applications will change to adapt to the device screen resolution.In terms of providing smooth viewing experience,Rate and resolution played a major role,We will be in below to know.
其次,When a low resolution of video(如480p)时,If you are for the encoder provides a larger rate budget(可能是5mbps),Using excellent video encoder(如HEVC或AVC),Choose encoder can deal with the most complicated Settings,So the video quality would be great!
You see what we do just now?
我们没有说“Use a high bit rate”或“使用高分辨率”!We refer to a series of factors,Indicating the need to consider all factors,To help you get high quality video!
I hope in front of the introduction has been able to convince you both are very important——Rate and resolution for real-time video streaming is important.
In front of the compressed video,Understand it is very important to the following a few things for you:
首先,You need to understand your audience(Cannot emphasize too much).
你的观众At ordinary times the bandwidth of the commonly used是多少?You are to have high speed Internet urban residents provide video service,Or provide service for low speed of rural population?
They are using a fixed connection cable,Or use the mobile Internet?
What's your end users use equipment? They will see a big screen smart TV?Or use a smartphone see video?
The content of the video service provided by you attribute is what? Is full of all kinds of action movies、体育赛事,Still do not have so much action news,Or it is easy to compress a cartoon?了解你的内容.
How much time you have compressed video? If you were spent15分钟和3Hours to compress3mbps的视频,It is likely to spend3Hours of compressed video quality better,Because there is more time to apply complex algorithm and improve the quality of video.If you have a little time,You may want to consider to quickly reduce the video resolution compressed video,And configure a more appropriate rate.
You use what kind of video codec? Target audience equipment can decodeH.264/AVC、 HEVC、AV1或者VP9?
Ask and answer these fundamental questions will help you determine your rate and resolution.
现在,Let's look at some practical example,You need to select rate-分辨率组合.
Target audience only on smart phones to watch video. 这种情况,You should consider a lower rate(也许一个1080p),And focus on creating more resolution as720pAnd the bit rate in2~3mbp的组合.So the user can move rate reduced to more suitable environment and the situation of the poor data connection.
Target audience for the urban residents,And only in the smart TV orRoku上观看视频. 在这种情况下,You can easily create two or three1080p的视频流:如1080p 8mbps、1080p 6mbps、1080p 4mbps,And according to the bandwidth of the user to choose the appropriate video,Because you will almost certainly user network bandwidth is good,而且1080pOn the big TV will look very good.
Live news and talk show:全天候. 在这种情况下,Encoder can be easily and efficiently compressed video,所以你可以选择1080p和3~4mbps,And will have very high quality of the video.
因此,The first thing you should do is to understand your target audience and their video viewing habits.通过分析这些信息,You can easily determine different bit rate and resolution is needed to compress video.
现在,We have already finished the rate、Resolution and they both of which one is more important for video compression discuss.
I hope you can understand the difference between them,以及你Need to how to use the code rate and resolution(以及其他许多因素)To achieve high quality video.
我们下次再见,保重!Happy streaming!
本文已获得作者Krishna Rao Vijayanagar授权翻译和发布,特此感谢.
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