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Greenplum Database Source Code Analysis - Analysis of Standby Master Operation Tools
2022-08-01 19:30:00 【Fat Uncle】
Greenplum Standby 节点用于当Master节点损坏时提供Master服务.Standby实时与Master节点的Catalog和事务日志保持同步.在Greenplum Standby Master节点失效时,使用 gpinitstandby command to configure a new one Standby.在当前活动的 Master Run this command on the host.例如:gpinitstandby -s new_standby_master_hostname
.在Greenplum Standby Master节点初始化后,需要同步 Standby and update to the latest sync,运行下面的 gpinitstandby 命令 (使用 - n 参数):gpinitstandby -s standby_master_hostname -n
.在Greenplum Standby MasterWhen a node fails or is not needed,可以通过gpinitstandby -s standby_master_hostname -r
删除Standby Master节点.在Greenplum Master节点失效时,wal sender/reciver程序会停止,Standbycan be activated,激活Standby时,The synchronized log is used for recovery Master 最后一次事务成功提交时的状态.在standby master主机上运行gpactivatestandby命令.-d The parameter specifies the one to be activated Standby 的数据路径:It is best to configure environment variablesMASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY,PGPORT.gpactivatestandby -d ${MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY}
remove Standby Master
当使用gpinitstandby -s standby_master_hostname -r
命令remove Standby Master节点时,走代码delete_standby函数分支.getDbUrlForInitStandbyFunctions are actually createddbconn.DbURL(dbname="template1")
实例连接template1数据库,使用utilityThe schema is obtained from the system tablesGpArray信息(The previous blog introduced this class).If not in the system tablemaster standby条目,则打印Request made to remove warm master standby but no standby located,抛出GpInitStandbyException异常;如果有master standby条目,打印出详细信息.
def delete_standby(options):
dburl = getDbUrlForInitStandby()
array = gparray.GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True)
logger.error('Failed to retrieve configuration information from the master.')
if not array.standbyMaster: # make sure we have a standby to delete
logger.error('Request made to remove warm master standby, but no standby located.')
raise GpInitStandbyException('no standby configured')
print_summary(options, array, None)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signal.SIG_IGN) # Disable Ctrl-C
remove_standby_from_catalog(options, array)
except Exception, ex:
logger.error('Failed to remove standby master from catalog.')
raise GpInitStandbyException(ex)
remove_standby_datadir(array) # delete directory
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signal.default_int_handler) # Reenable Ctrl-C
Actual steps:remove_standby_from_catalogRemoved from system tablesmaster standby条目;stop_standby停止master standby实例;remove_standby_datadir删除master standby数据目录.
get_remove_standby_sqlA function actually just returnsselect gp_remove_master_standby()这个SQL,因此remove_standby_from_catalog其实就是以utilityMode open transaction executes thisSQL.Additions and deletions can be seen from the codemaster standbyIn fact, it is a single transaction execution,So there is no guarantee when the script runs wrongmaster standbyChanges to an entry can be rolled back,Such as the failure introduced in the previous blog.
def remove_standby_from_catalog(options, array):
"""Removes the standby from the catalog."""
# update catalog
dburl = getDbUrlForInitStandby()
conn = dbconn.connect(dburl, utility=True)
logger.info('Removing standby master from catalog...')
sql = get_remove_standby_sql()
dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql)
logger.info('Database catalog updated successfully.')
except Exception, ex:
logger.error('Failed to remove standby from master catalog.')
raise GpInitStandbyException(ex)
stop_standby函数如果standby masterShut down the instance while it is still running.getPostmasterPID函数定义在gpMgmt/bin/gppylib/commands/pg.py中,其实就在master standby节点执行ps -ef | grep 'postgres -D datadir' | grep -v grep
获取postmaster进程号.SegmentStop类定义在gpMgmt/bin/gppylib/commands/gp.py文件中,If you use itremoteStatic methods are actually executed remotelystr( PgCtlStopArgs(dataDir, mode, not nowait, timeout) )
命令,其实就是pgctl stopAdd parameters such as data directory.
def stop_standby(array): #stop standby master if it is running
standby_pid = gp.getPostmasterPID(array.standbyMaster.getSegmentHostName(), array.standbyMaster.getSegmentDataDirectory())
if standby_pid > 0: # stop it
logger.info('Stopping standby master on %s' % array.standbyMaster.getSegmentHostName())
gp.SegmentStop.remote('stop standby', array.standbyMaster.getSegmentHostName(), array.standbyMaster.getSegmentDataDirectory())
except Exception, ex:
raise Exception('Failed to stop postmaster process on standby master, %s' % ex)
remove_standby_datadir函数在array.standbyMaster为trueIn this case, the data directory will be deleted(这里就有问题,If deleted in the system tablestandby master条目,Then the script was killed,下次运行array.standbyMaster为false,The actual delete operation will never be performed).
def remove_standby_datadir(array):
"""Removes the data directory on the standby master."""
# WALREP_FIXME: We should also remove tablespace paths for the server here.
if array.standbyMaster:
logger.info('Removing data directory on standby master...')
pool = base.WorkerPool(numWorkers=DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE)
cmd = unix.RemoveDirectory('delete standby datadir', array.standbyMaster.getSegmentDataDirectory(), ctxt=base.REMOTE, remoteHost=array.standbyMaster.getSegmentHostName())
except Exception, ex:
logger.error('Failed to remove data directory on standby master.')
raise GpInitStandbyException(ex)
create Standby Master
当使用gpinitstandby -s new_standby_master_hostname
命令不带no-update(n)、remove参数时,It's all about codecreate_standby函数分支.First, let's talk about a global variableg_init_standby_state(INIT_STANDBY_STATE_NOT_STARTED=0、INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_CATALOG=1、INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_PG_HBA=2、INIT_STANDBY_STATE_COPY_FILES=3、INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_GPDBID=4、INIT_STANDBY_STATE_STARTING_STANDBY=5),It is used to denote which step the initialization script performs,It is used to perform the corresponding rollback operation when an exception occurs.第一步需要将Greenplum masterThe extension on Sync tomaster standby节点上,SyncPackages类定义在gpMgmt/bin/gppylib/operations/package.py文件中,Its role is to connect local and remote$GPHOME/share/packages/archive进行对比,Take out need to uninstall(There is no local remote)和安装(Local or remote)的gppkg,Finally, perform the corresponding installation and uninstallation work,Its code details are shown below.
def create_standby(options):
"""Creates the standby master."""
global g_init_standby_state
array = None
dburl = getDbUrlForInitStandby()
array = gparray.GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True)
except Exception, ex:
logger.error('Failed to retrieve configuration information from the master.')
raise GpInitStandbyException(ex)
standby_datadir = options.standby_datadir or array.master.getSegmentDataDirectory() # prefer a user-passed flag, but default to the same filepath as master
validate_standby_init(options, array, standby_datadir) # validate
print_summary(options, array, standby_datadir) # display summary
# sync packages
# The design decision here is to squash any exceptions resulting from the synchronization of packages. We should *not* disturb the user's attempts initialize a standby. The design decision here is to eliminate any exceptions caused by packet synchronization.We should not interfere with the user's attempt to initialize the standby state.
logger.info('Syncing Greenplum Database extensions to standby')
except Exception, e:
logger.warning('Syncing of Greenplum Database extensions has failed.')
logger.warning('Please run gppkg --clean after successful standby initialization.')
class SyncPackages(Operation):
""" Synchronizes packages from master to a remote host """
def __init__(self, host):
self.host = host
def execute(self):
if not CheckDir(GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH).run(): # GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH为$GPHOME/share/packages/archive
if not CheckRemoteDir(GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH, self.host).run(): # 检查对端GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH目录
MakeRemoteDir(GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH, self.host).run()
master_package_set = set(ListFilesByPattern(GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH, '*' + GPPKG_EXTENSION).run()) # set of packages on the master 获取GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH目录下所有*.gppkg放到集合中
remote_package_set = set(ListRemoteFilesByPattern(GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH, '*' + GPPKG_EXTENSION, self.host).run()) # set of packages on the remote host
uninstall_package_set = remote_package_set - master_package_set # packages to be uninstalled on the remote host Packages that need to be uninstalled remotely
install_package_set = master_package_set - remote_package_set # packages to be installed on the remote host Packages that need to be installed remotely
if not install_package_set and not uninstall_package_set:
logger.info('The packages on %s are consistent.' % self.host)
if install_package_set: # The package that the remote needs to install
for package in install_package_set:
dstFile = os.path.join(GPHOME, package)
Scp(name='copying %s to %s' % (package, self.host), srcFile=os.path.join(GPPKG_ARCHIVE_PATH, package), dstFile=dstFile, dstHost=self.host).run(validateAfter=True) # Copy the packages to be installed from the local to the remote
if platform.linux_distribution()[0] == 'Ubuntu': RemoteOperation(InstallDebPackageLocally(dstFile), self.host).run()
else: RemoteOperation(InstallPackageLocally(dstFile), self.host).run() # 其实就是rpm -U更新\rpm -i安装
RemoveRemoteFile(dstFile, self.host).run() # Remove after installation
if uninstall_package_set: # The remote package needs to be uninstalled
for package in uninstall_package_set:
if platform.linux_distribution()[0] == 'Ubuntu': RemoteOperation(UninstallDebPackageLocally(package), self.host).run()
else: RemoteOperation(UninstallPackageLocally(package), self.host).run() # 其实就是rpm -e
进入add_standby_to_catalogFunctions are added to the system tablestandby master条目,其实和上面的remove流程一致,The difference is willg_init_standby_state设置为INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_CATALOG,Finally rebuildgparrayReact system table updates into this class.
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signal.SIG_IGN) # Disable Ctrl-C
array = add_standby_to_catalog(options, standby_datadir) # update the catalog if needed
下一步就是更新pg_hba.conf文件,update_pg_hba_conf函数(首先更新g_init_standby_state为INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_PG_HBA)用于向master节点的pg_hba.conf文件中加入standby master的ip地址,将原始的pg_hba.conf文件备份为pg_hba.conf.gpinitstandby.bak,将standby master的ip地址(standby master host ip addresses)and streaming replication configuration([‘host’, ‘replication’, current_user, ‘samehost’, ‘trust’]、[‘host’, ‘replication’, current_user, standby, ‘trust’]),最后执行一下pg.ReloadDbConf.local('pg_ctl reload', array.master)
更新一下配置.update_pg_hba_conf_on_segments函数定义在gpMgmt/bin/gppylib/operations/initstandby.py文件中,This function is used to report to all in the clustersegments的pg_hba.conf添加standby master的ip地址,使用GreenplumThe thread pool of operation and maintenance scripts is open to allsegments发送"$GPHOME/lib/python/gppylib/operations/initstandby.py -p %s -d %s" % (pickled_standby_pg_hba_info, pickled_data_dirs_list)
命令进行执行,其中pickled_standby_pg_hba_infois encodedstandby master的pg_hba条目,pickled_data_dirs_list就是该segment的数据路径.
logger.info('Updating pg_hba.conf file...')
update_pg_hba_conf(options, array)
logger.debug('Updating pg_hba.conf file on segments...')
update_pg_hba_conf_on_segments(array, options.standby_host, options.hba_hostnames)
logger.info('pg_hba.conf files updated successfully.')
copy_master_datadir_to_standbyThe function is actually therestandby master节点上调用pg_basebackup工具做基础备份.update_postgresql_confThe function is mainly in the initializationstandbyand when specifiedmaster不同的port时,需要更新一下standby的postgresql.conf中的port,而不是直接使用master的postgresql.conf配置文件中的port.
copy_master_datadir_to_standby(options, array, standby_datadir)
update_postgresql_conf(options, array)
下一步就将g_init_standby_state设置为INIT_STANDBY_STATE_STARTING_STANDBY,主要是调用start_standbymaster函数,该函数首先调用recovery_startup(datadir, port)Started before function cleanupstandby master.GpStandbyStartThe class is actually the same as the closure above,也就是使用PgCtlStartArgs生成pgctl startThe command string executes.循环60次,等待postmasterThe child process appears.
dburl = getDbUrlForInitStandby()
array = gparray.GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True)
standby = array.standbyMaster
gp.start_standbymaster(standby.hostname, standby.datadir, standby.port, standby.dbid, array.getNumSegmentContents())
except Exception, ex:
raise GpInitStandbyException('failed to start standby')
def start_standbymaster(host, datadir, port, era=None, wrapper=None, wrapper_args=None):
logger.info("Starting standby master")
logger.info("Checking if standby master is running on host: %s in directory: %s" % (host,datadir))
cmd = Command("recovery_startup", ("python -c 'from gppylib.commands.gp import recovery_startup; ""recovery_startup("{
0}", "{
1}")'").format( datadir, port), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host)
res = cmd.get_results().stderr
if res: logger.warning("Unable to cleanup previously started standby: '%s'" % res)
cmd = GpStandbyStart.remote('start standby master', host, datadir, port, era=era, wrapper=wrapper, wrapper_args=wrapper_args)
if cmd.get_results().rc != 0:
logger.warning("Could not start standby master: %s" % cmd)
return False
# Wait for the standby to start recovery. Ideally this means the standby connection is recognized by the primary, but locally in this function it is better to work with only standby. If recovery has started, this means now postmaster is responsive to signals, which allows shutdown etc. If we exit earlier, there is a big chance a shutdown message from other process is missed. 等待standby启动恢复.理想情况下,这意味着primary可以识别standby连接,但在本地,在该函数中,It's best to just use alternate connections.If recovery has already started,这意味着postmasterNow respond to the signal,This allows shutdown etc.If we exit early,It is very likely that shutdown messages from other processes will be missed.
for i in xrange(60): # Fetch it every time, as postmaster might not have been up yet for the first few cycles, which we have seen when trying wrapper shell script.
pid = getPostmasterPID(host, datadir)
cmd = Command("get pids",("python -c 'from gppylib.commands import unix; print unix.getDescendentProcesses({0})'".format(pid)), ctxt=REMOTE, remoteHost=host)
result = cmd.get_results()
if result.rc == 0 and len(result.stdout.split(',')) > 2: # We want more than postmaster and logger processes.
return True
logger.warning("Could not start standby master")
return False
def recovery_startup(datadir, port=None):
""" investigate a db that may still be running """
if check_pid(pid) and is_pid_postmaster(datadir, pid):
info_str="found postmaster with pid: %d for datadir: %s still running" % (pid,datadir)
logger.info("attempting to shutdown db with datadir: %s" % datadir )
cmd=SegmentStop('db shutdown' , datadir,mode='fast') # 尝试关闭
if check_pid(pid) and is_pid_postmaster(datadir, pid):
info_str="unable to stop postmaster with pid: %d for datadir: %s still running" % (pid,datadir)
return info_str
logger.info("shutdown of db successful with datadir: %s" % datadir)
return None
# If we get this far it means we don't have a pid and need to do some cleanup. Use port number if supplied. postgresql.conf may be bogus as we pass port number anyway instead of postgresql.conf default value.
if port is None:
pgconf_dict = pgconf.readfile(datadir + "/postgresql.conf")
port = pgconf_dict.int('port')
lockfile="/tmp/.s.PGSQL.%s" % port
tmpfile_exists = os.path.exists(lockfile)
logger.info("No db instance process, entering recovery startup mode")
if tmpfile_exists: # 需要删除/tmp/.s.PGSQL.port
logger.info("Clearing db instance lock files")
postmaster_pid_file = "%s/postmaster.pid" % datadir
if os.path.exists(postmaster_pid_file): # Need to delete the data directorypostmaster.pid
logger.info("Clearing db instance pid file")
os.remove("%s/postmaster.pid" % datadir)
return None
If there is an exception in the above process,The following exception capture process will be followed,The main thing is to roll back the system tablesmaster standby条目、回滚pg_hba.conf的配置更改、clean关闭standby master.
except Exception, ex: # Something went wrong. Based on the current state, we can rollback the operation.
logger.error('Failed to create standby')
if g_init_standby_state != INIT_STANDBY_STATE_NOT_STARTED:
logger.warn('Trying to rollback changes that have been made...')
if g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_CATALOG:
logger.info('Rolling back catalog change...')
undo_catalog_update(options, array) # Roll back system tablesmaster standby条目
elif g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_PG_HBA:
logger.info('Rolling back catalog change...')
undo_catalog_update(options, array)
logger.info('Restoring pg_hba.conf file...')
restore_pg_hba_on_segment(array) # undo pg_hba.conf change on segment first
undo_update_pg_hba_conf(array) # undo pg_hba.conf on master lastly
elif (g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_COPY_FILES or g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_GPDBID):
logger.info('Rolling back catalog change...')
undo_catalog_update(options, array)
logger.info('Restoring pg_hba.conf file...')
elif g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_STARTING_STANDBY:
stop_standby(array) # make a clean stop on standby, don't even wait for standby postmaster dies
logger.info('Rolling back catalog change...')
undo_catalog_update(options, array)
logger.info('Restoring pg_hba.conf file...')
raise GpInitStandbyException(ex)
if (g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_PG_HBA or g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_COPY_FILES or g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_UPDATE_GPDBID or g_init_standby_state == INIT_STANDBY_STATE_STARTING_STANDBY):
logger.info('Cleaning up pg_hba.conf backup files...')
cleanup_pg_hba_backup_on_segment(array) # should cleanup on segments first
logger.info('Backup files of pg_hba.conf cleaned up successfully.')
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT,signal.default_int_handler) # Reenable Ctrl-C
sync Standby Master
当使用gpinitstandby -s standby_master_hostname -n
命令no_updateSynchronize without updating system tables Standby时,走代码check_and_start_standby函数分支.以utility模式连接master,执行SELECT * FROM pg_stat_replication
,If there is a record descriptionStandby masteris up and running;否则调用start_standbymaster函数启动Standby Master实例.
def check_and_start_standby():
"""Checks if standby master is up and starts the standby master, if stopped."""
dburl = getDbUrlForInitStandby()
array = gparray.GpArray.initFromCatalog(dburl, utility=True)
if not array.standbyMaster:
logger.error('Cannot use -n option when standby master has not yet been configured')
raise GpInitStandbyException('Standby master not configured')
conn = dbconn.connect(dburl, utility=True)
sql = "SELECT * FROM pg_stat_replication"
cur = dbconn.execSQL(conn, sql)
if cur.rowcount >= 1:
logger.info("Standy master is already up and running.")
standby = array.standbyMaster
gp.start_standbymaster(standby.hostname, standby.datadir, standby.port, standby.dbid, array.getNumSegmentContents())
logger.info("Successfully started standby master")
update catalog细节
gpinitstandby脚本提供了get_add_standby_sql和get_remove_standby_sql两个函数,Mainly return execution relatedgp_add_master_standby、gp_remove_master_standbydatabase functionsSQL.其SQL的定义如下所示:
def get_add_standby_sql(hostname, address, datadir, port=None):
"""Returns the SQL for adding a standby master."""
if port is not None:
return "select gp_add_master_standby('%s', '%s', '%s', %d)" % (hostname, address, datadir, port)
return "select gp_add_master_standby('%s', '%s', '%s')" % (hostname, address, datadir)
def get_remove_standby_sql():
"""Returns the SQL for removing a standby master."""
sql = "select gp_remove_master_standby()"
return sql
CREATE FUNCTION gp_add_master_standby(text, text, text) RETURNS int2 LANGUAGE internal VOLATILE AS 'gp_add_master_standby' WITH (OID=5046, DESCRIPTION="Perform the catalog operations necessary for adding a new standby");
CREATE FUNCTION gp_add_master_standby(text, text, text, int4) RETURNS int2 LANGUAGE internal VOLATILE AS 'gp_add_master_standby_port' WITH (OID=5038, DESCRIPTION="Perform the catalog operations necessary for adding a new standby");
CREATE FUNCTION gp_remove_master_standby() RETURNS bool LANGUAGE internal VOLATILE AS 'gp_remove_master_standby' WITH (OID=5047, DESCRIPTION="Remove a master standby from the system catalog");
gp_add_master_standby函数用于向gp_segment_configurationadded to the system tablestandby master记录.
/* Add a master standby. gp_add_master_standby(hostname, address, [port]) * Args: * hostname - as above * address - as above * port - the port number of new standby * Returns: dbid of the new standby */
Datum gp_add_master_standby_port(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
return gp_add_master_standby(fcinfo); }
Datum gp_add_master_standby(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
int maxdbid;
int16 master_dbid;
Relation gprel;
GpSegConfigEntry *config;
if (PG_ARGISNULL(0)) elog(ERROR, "host name cannot be NULL");
if (PG_ARGISNULL(1)) elog(ERROR, "address cannot be NULL");
if (PG_ARGISNULL(2)) elog(ERROR, "datadir cannot be NULL");
mirroring_sanity_check(MASTER_ONLY | UTILITY_MODE, "gp_add_master_standby");
if (standby_exists()) elog(ERROR, "only a single master standby may be defined"); /* Check if the system is ok */
// Update system tables
gprel = heap_open(GpSegmentConfigRelationId, AccessExclusiveLock); /* Lock exclusively to avoid concurrent changes */
maxdbid = get_maxdbid();
/* Don't reference GpIdentity.dbid, as it is legitimate to set -1 for -b option in utility mode. Content ID = -1 AND role = GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROLE_PRIMARY is the definition of primary master. */
master_dbid = contentid_get_dbid(MASTER_CONTENT_ID, GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROLE_PRIMARY, false);
config = get_segconfig(master_dbid);
config->dbid = maxdbid + 1;
config->mode = GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_MODE_INSYNC; // 's' Streaming replication synchronization status
config->hostname = TextDatumGetCString(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(0));
config->address = TextDatumGetCString(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(1));
config->datadir = TextDatumGetCString(PG_GETARG_TEXT_P(2));
/* Use the new port number if specified */
if (PG_NARGS() > 3 && !PG_ARGISNULL(3)) config->port = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
heap_close(gprel, NoLock);
gp_remove_master_standby函数用于向gp_segment_configurationdelete from system tablesstandby master记录.
/* Remove the master standby. gp_remove_master_standby() * Returns: true upon success otherwise false */
Datum gp_remove_master_standby(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS) {
int16 dbid = master_standby_dbid();
mirroring_sanity_check(SUPERUSER | MASTER_ONLY | UTILITY_MODE, "gp_remove_master_standby");
if (!dbid) elog(ERROR, "no master standby defined");
remove_segment(GpIdentity.dbid, dbid);
/* Master function to remove a segment from all catalogs */
static void remove_segment(int16 pridbid, int16 mirdbid) {
get_segconfig(mirdbid); /* Check that we're removing a mirror, not a primary */
/* Remove a gp_segment_configuration entry */
static void remove_segment_config(int16 dbid) {
int numDel = 0;
ScanKeyData scankey;
SysScanDesc sscan;
HeapTuple tuple;
Relation rel;
rel = heap_open(GpSegmentConfigRelationId, RowExclusiveLock);
ScanKeyInit(&scankey, Anum_gp_segment_configuration_dbid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT2EQ, Int16GetDatum(dbid));
sscan = systable_beginscan(rel, GpSegmentConfigDbidIndexId, true, NULL, 1, &scankey);
while ((tuple = systable_getnext(sscan)) != NULL) {
simple_heap_delete(rel, &tuple->t_self);
Assert(numDel > 0);
heap_close(rel, NoLock);
gpactivatestandbyThe tool process is simpler,首先调用check_or_start_standby函数检查standby postmasterWhether the daemon is running.check_or_start_standbyfunction is detectedpostmasterReturn directly during the processTrue,If not detected and not specifiedforce(在standby master没有运行,使用forceoption to force activationstandby),直接抛出GpActivateStandbyException('postmaster is not running')
异常;如果指定了force,需要创建recovery.conf文件,and write to startupstandby_mode = 'on'
、primary_conninfo = 'dummy'
和trigger_file = tempfile
,创建tempfile,最后调用start_master函数启动standby master,进行startupProcess playbackxlog的流程.
def check_or_start_standby(options):
""" Check if standby postmaster is running. We need the process to activate it, but there could be some cases where user wants to activate it anyway, with potentional data loss. In such case, we'll end up restarting the master after promoting it. """
pid = gp.get_postmaster_pid_locally(options.master_data_dir)
if pid > 0: # we are good. proceed with normal operation
logger.info('found standby postmaster process')
return True
if not options.force:
logger.error('Standby postmaster is not running.')
logger.error('Use -f option to bring the system anyway')
raise GpActivateStandbyException('postmaster is not running')
# XXX: We don't have enough knowledge to bring up the standby but there could be a situation where user needs to activate it anyway. We'll restart with the full options after promoting the standby. This is nothing but a bailout and this could lose some of the latest changes from the primary.
recovery_conf_file_location = os.path.join(options.master_data_dir, GP_RECOVERY_CONF_FILE)
fd, trigger_file = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=options.master_data_dir)
trigger_entry = "trigger_file = '" + trigger_file + "'"
with open(recovery_conf_file_location, 'w') as f:
f.write("standby_mode = 'on'\n")
f.write("primary_conninfo = 'dummy'\n")
with open(trigger_file, 'w') as f:
return False
def start_master(options):
"""Starts the master."""
logger.info('Starting standby master database in utility mode...')
gp.NewGpStart.local('Start GPDB', masterOnly=True, masterDirectory=options.master_data_dir)
通过check_or_start_standbyThe return value of the function depends on whether the cluster needs to be restarted,如果返回True,说明standby master正在运行,There is no need to restart the cluster(As shown in the above process),直接执行promote流程;如果返回False,说明standby masterForced to start by us,The cluster needs to be restarted.For situations where a cluster restart is not required,当standby处于recovery流程中,需要进行promote,Elevate it to the main.promote_standby函数的执行流程如下:首先调用pg_ctl promote -D master_data_dir
Perform a lift action,然后循环50Try to use it every timeutilityThe pattern attached to the instance executesCHECKPOINT(When the new master is available for connections, we should run a CHECKPOINT to force the new TimeLineID to be written to the pg_control file),Exit the loop if the execution is successful.
# promote standby, only if the standby is running in recovery
if not requires_restart:
res = promote_standby(options_.master_data_dir)
if not res:
raise GpActivateStandbyException('Either the set port is incorrect or the postmaster could not come up.')
array_ = get_config() # now we can access the catalog. promote action has already updated catalog, so array.master is the old (promoted) standby at this point.
# If we forced to start utility master, this is the time to restart cluster so that the new master becomes dispatch mode.
if requires_restart:
cmd = gp.GpStop.local('GPDB restart', restart=True, datadir=options_.master_data_dir)
pgctl promoteActions trigger startupstandby master提升为主,这时standby masterYou need to put the original in the system tablemaster条目删除,The call stack of the following process is shown below:StartupXLOG --> UpdateCatalogForStandbyPromotion --> gp_activate_standby --> catalog_activate_standby.
/* Activate a standby. To do this, we need to update gp_segment_configuration. * Returns: true upon success, otherwise throws error. */
bool gp_activate_standby(void) {
int16 standby_dbid = GpIdentity.dbid;
int16 master_dbid;
master_dbid = contentid_get_dbid(MASTER_CONTENT_ID, GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROLE_PRIMARY, true);
/* This call comes from Startup process post checking state in pg_control file to make sure its standby. If user calls (ideally SHOULD NOT) but just for troubleshooting or wired case must make usre its only executed on Standby. So, this checking should return after matching DBIDs only for StartUp Process, to cover for case of crash after updating the catalogs during promote. This call comes from the startup process,在pg_controlCheck the status in the file to make sure it's on standby.If the user calls(理想情况下不应该)Just for troubleshooting or wired situations,则必须使usreExecuted only in standby mode.所以,Only matches during startupDBID后,This check should only be returned,to cover the case of a crash after updating the catalog during an upgrade */
if (am_startup && (master_dbid == standby_dbid)) {
/* Job is already done, nothing needs to be done. We mostly crashed after updating the catalogs. */
return true;
catalog_activate_standby(standby_dbid, master_dbid);
return true; /* done */
/* Update gp_segment_configuration to activate a standby. */
static void catalog_activate_standby(int16 standby_dbid, int16 master_dbid) {
segment_config_activate_standby(standby_dbid, master_dbid);
segment_config_activate_standbyThe function is the function that actually updates the system table,首先以AccessExclusiveLock锁打开gp_segment_configuration系统表,然后查找匹配master_dbidentry and delete it,如果没有直接error打印;Then find a matchstandby_dbid的条目,更新role和preferred_role字段.
static void segment_config_activate_standby(int16 standby_dbid, int16 master_dbid) {
/* we use AccessExclusiveLock to prevent races */
Relation rel = heap_open(GpSegmentConfigRelationId, AccessExclusiveLock);
HeapTuple tuple;
ScanKeyData scankey;
SysScanDesc sscan;
int numDel = 0;
/* first, delete the old master */
ScanKeyInit(&scankey,Anum_gp_segment_configuration_dbid,BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT2EQ,Int16GetDatum(master_dbid));
sscan = systable_beginscan(rel, GpSegmentConfigDbidIndexId, true, NULL, 1, &scankey);
while ((tuple = systable_getnext(sscan)) != NULL) {
simple_heap_delete(rel, &tuple->t_self);
if (0 == numDel) elog(ERROR, "cannot find old master, dbid %i", master_dbid);
/* now, set out rows for old standby. */
ScanKeyInit(&scankey, Anum_gp_segment_configuration_dbid, BTEqualStrategyNumber, F_INT2EQ, Int16GetDatum(standby_dbid));
sscan = systable_beginscan(rel, GpSegmentConfigDbidIndexId, true, NULL, 1, &scankey);
tuple = systable_getnext(sscan);
if (!HeapTupleIsValid(tuple)) elog(ERROR, "cannot find standby, dbid %i", standby_dbid);
tuple = heap_copytuple(tuple);
/* old standby keeps its previous dbid. */
((Form_gp_segment_configuration) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->role = GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROLE_PRIMARY;
((Form_gp_segment_configuration) GETSTRUCT(tuple))->preferred_role = GP_SEGMENT_CONFIGURATION_ROLE_PRIMARY;
simple_heap_update(rel, &tuple->t_self, tuple);
CatalogUpdateIndexes(rel, tuple);
heap_close(rel, NoLock);
添加standby master:gp_add_master_standby --> add_segment_config_entry --> add_segment_config
删除standby master:gp_remove_master_standby --> remove_segment --> remove_segment_config
添加segment:gp_add_segment_primary/gp_add_segment/gp_add_segment_mirror --> add_segment --> add_segment_config_entry --> add_segment_config
删除segment:gp_remove_segment/gp_remove_segment_mirror --> remove_segment --> remove_segment_config
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