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Linux modify MySQL database password
2022-07-31 05:48:00 【m0_67401499】
1. Modify the database configuration file so that login does not require a password
This operation requires server root account privileges
1.1 Switch the root user of the Linux system
Note: If you are currently using the root account, you do not need to switch again
# su -
1.2 Targeting Profile Location
# locate my.cnf
- 3Use vitool to open configuration file
# vi /etc/my.cnf
Add the "skip password login" code skip-grant-tables below the file content [mysqld], save and exit.
- 4Confirm that the content of the configuration file has been modified
View the contents of the my.cnf configuration file through the cat command.
#cat /etc/my.cnf
2. Restart Mysql service
2.1 In linux, execute the following command to restart the mysql service (the service name may be different and an error will be reported, according to your own mysql service name as the main)
# systemctl restart mysqld
2.2Completion of reboot can be verified by checking status command
# systemctl status mysqld
3. Log in to MySQL again to see if a password is required to log in
3.1 Confirmation that no password is required to log in to MySQL
In Linux enter:
# mysql -uroot -p
– Note: You can log in to MySQL without a password at this time
4.登录数据库, 修改数据库Account password
4.1 Update Password
Syntax: update user set authentication_string=password('new password') where user = 'username';
mysql >update user set authentication_string=password('123456') where user = 'root';
mysql >SET PASSWORD FOR [email protected] = PASSWORD('123456');
mysql>SET PASSWORD = PASSWORD('123456');
4.2 Refresh permissions
mysql>flush privileges;
5. Restore profile settings so that login requires a password
Restoring profile settings is basically the same as adding settings.
- Just comment the skip-grant-tables in the content under [mysqld] in /etc/my.cnf.
- Restart the mysql service: systemctl restart mysqld
- Log in to mysql again.
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