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MySQL - Index Optimization and Query Optimization
2022-08-02 07:51:00 【kk_lina】
- 索引失效、没有充分利用到索引--索引建立
- 关联查询太多join(设计缺陷或不得已的需求)--SQL优化
- 服务器调优及各个参数设置(缓冲、线程数等)--调整my.cnf
- 数据过多--分库分表
- 全值匹配我最爱
- 最佳左前缀法则:过滤条件要使用索引必须按照索引建立时的顺序,以此满足,一旦跳过某个字段,索引后面的字段都无法使用
- 主键插入顺序:need to increase sequentially,The leaf nodes of the dinner index are stored in the increasing order of the primary key,A new data page will be opened when the maximum data page is stored,If you add a primary key in a range at this time,The data after the primary key needs to be re-divided into data pages;
- 计算、函数导致索引失效:Using a function requires applying the function first and then comparing the results;
- 类型转换(自动或手动):A mismatch between the condition type and the database field type will cause the index to fail;
- Create a joint index,The range index needs to be put last:Conditional statements involve range and other index queries,If you put the range condition first,Then the index conditions in the index corresponding to the range condition will all be invalid;
- 不等于索引失效:Need to traverse the whole table and then compare,但是在select Then query the index field,Indexes are used when back tables are not required;
- is null可以使用索引,is not null无法使用索引:So try to increase as much as possible in actual developmentis not null约束,int类型默认为0,String defaults to the empty string'';
- not like,like以通配符%开头索引失效:在select Index fields are used later,则索引生效,Reduce back to table lookups,The optimizer chooses a covering index,However, the Ali development manual stipulates that the page search is strictly left fuzzy or full fuzzy,如果需要请走搜索引擎来解决;
- or 前后存在非索引的列,索引失效:orBoth the front and rear are index columns to take effect,Before and after is equivalent to the execution of both statements;
- 数据库和表的字符集统一使用:Character conversion is involved when the characters are inconsistent,类型转换会导致索引失效.
- 左外连接:select * from 'type' left join book on type.card = book.card;
没有索引时:取type表中的第一条card,与book表中所有card匹配,取出bookMatches in the table and typeTable full of content,然后取typeThen proceed to the second itembook中的card匹... 直到type中所有cardall match;
给book添加索引后:从type表中取出card后,在bookLookup in the table can be usedbook表中的索引,避免对book表进行全表扫描.
注意:The driven table needs to add an index and the lookup condition is of the same type in the two tables,The front is not necessarily the driver table,The drive resolves to an inner join.
- 内连接:select * from type inner join book on type.card = book.card;
没有索引时:The choice of driving table and driven table depends on the calculation of the driver,Choose the lowest cost(Generally, a small amount of data is selected)为驱动表,然后进行匹配,Match the common data of the two;
注意:对于内连接来讲,如果表的连接条件中只能有一个字段有索引,则有索引的字段所在的表会被作为被驱动表;When the link conditions of both tables are indexed,会选择小表作为驱动表.Small result sets drive the principle of large result sets.
join原理:The essence is nested loop matching,The query optimizer above is the driver table,Below is the driven table,The data is retrieved from the drive table and matched with the driven table,Indexing is used to reduce the number of matches of inner table data.A full table scan of both tables is performed to prevent index invalidation,Introduced block nested loop to use buffer pool to reduce drive table loading times,Put the drive table into the buffer pool,Loaded once by the driver table.
# 查看block_nested_loop状态,默认是开启状态
show variables like '%optimizer_switch%';
# Check the parameter size
show variables like '%join_buffer%';
- 永远用小结果集驱动大结果集(The amount of data in the outer loop after the essence is built);
- 为被驱动表匹配的条件增加索引(Reduce the number of matches in the inner table loop);
- 增大join buffer size的大小(一次缓存的数据越多,The fewer times the inner table is scanned);
- 减少驱动表不必要的字段查询(字段越少,join buffer 所缓存的数据就越多);
- mysql 8.0默认使用hash join,Only equi-linking can be used.
When using subqueries normally,mysqlA temporary table needs to be created for the inner query,Temporary tables will not have indexes,然后外层查询从临时表中查询记录,查询完毕后,再撤销这些临时表.This will consume too muchIO资源,产生大量的慢查询,对于返回结果集比较大的子查询,其对查询性能的影响也就越大.
1、为什么order by字段要加索引?
- mysqlTwo sorts are supported in ,FileSort和Index.
- FileSortGenerally sorted in memory,占用cpu较多.
- Index排序中,索引可以保证数据的有序性,不需要再进行排序.
- where和order by子句中使用索引,whereAvoid full table scans,order by为了避免使用FileSort排序.
- 无法使用index时,需要对FileSort进行调优.
- 数据量太大时,即使创建索引,However, due to the need to perform a back-to-table lookup,则索引会失效,增加limitindex is used.
- Sort criteria in an ascending order,一个降序,索引会失效.
- 在索引上完成排序分页操作,最后根据主键关联回原表查询所需要的其他列内容;
explain select * from student t,(select id from student order by id limit 2000000,10) a where t.id = a.id;
- 将Limit查询转换成某个位置的查询
explain select * from student where id > 2000000 limit 10;
多使用Limit 1,After a result is found, the scan will not continue,If the data table has a unique index on the field,Then query by index,If you don't have a full table scan, you don't need to add itlimit 1.
select Then query the index conditions,For some cases where the index fails, the index can continue to be used,Looking for an indexed field can avoid back-to-table scans.
reduce withselect * Select after use* Convert to specific fields of the data table,浪费时间,And you can't use a covering index.
- 避免innodb表进行索引的二次查询(回表);
- 可以把随机io变成顺序IO加快查询效率;
2、Disadvantages of covering indexes
- Index maintenance has a cost.
- For example, create a joint index,Only the first two indexes are used when querying,In this case, index pushdown occurs.
- ICP的开启/关闭
# 打开索引下推
set optimizer_switch = 'index_condition_pushdown=off';
# 关闭索引下推
set optimizer_switch = 'index_condition_pushdown=on';
- When pushing down with an index,EXPLAIN中Extra列内容显示为Using index condition;
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