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Excel basic study notes
2022-07-30 22:54:00 【catch up】
提示:Only the notes taken by the author during his personal study,可能不太详细
● Mouse over the lower right corner of the table-按着shift,Two lines can be swapped/列顺序
● Double-click to quickly adjust to the most suitable width
● Double-click on the upper, lower, left, and right edges of a grid to quickly reach the upper, lower, left, and right boundaries
● When freezing, the rows and columns above the row and column where they are located are frozen by default(Does not include the current row)
● 累加:按着CtrlPull down from the bottom right corner
● 时间:
…●The date and time can be accumulated by pulling directly from the lower right corner
…●Right mouse button down,Filling method can be selected
● ':'Indicates that the range of cells is continuously selected
● Write two lines in one box:Alt+回车
● Slash header setting method:
…● The slashed wireframe is displayed first
…● Write two lines in one box,Control a line to the left by alignment,Then hit space,Keep the other row to the right
● 双击格式刷,可以一直刷,按ESC可以退出
● 数字格式自定义
…● The semicolon in the customization represents the separation of different formats
…● mmm:英文月份简写
…● mmmm:英文月份简写
…● ddd:英文星期简写
…● dddd:English week is written in full
…● aaa:Show one two three…
…● aaaa:显示星期几
● Text formatting is not available
● Text can be directly converted to regular format by splitting into columns
第三讲-Find and replace targeting:
● 通配符:~
● Automatically fill in the content in the corresponding selection direction in the blank:=+方向,Ctrl+回车
● 高级筛选:
● the same behavior and,different behavior or
● when using text,Headers are required
● 使用公式时,Without the header
第五讲-Subtotals and Data Validation:
● Sort first and then aggregate
● Data validation inside the sequence,Values need to be separated by commas
第六讲-Learn about pivot tables:
● 透视表
● Drag and drop using the classic format
第七讲-Recognize functions and formulas:
● The text inside the formula should be enclosed in quotation marks
● 绝对引用:按F4
● 求和:sum
● 平均:average
● 最大/最小:max/min
● 排序:rank
● Ctrl+回车:快速填充
第八讲-IFFunction logic judgment:
● if函数
● Determine whether it is an error:iserror
● 且:and( , )
● 或:or( , )
● 计数:count
● 带条件计数:countif
● 超过15A hyphen follows the number of digits
● sumif(condition interval,条件,求和区间)
● The conditional interval and the summation interval need to be aligned,Otherwise the sum will be misaligned
● sumifs(求和区间,condition interval1,条件1,condition interval2,条件2·········)
● VLOOKUP(条件,查询区间(Start with a conditional query column,Finally the information query column),The number of columns in the query range where the information is located,0(精准查询)/1(模糊查询))
● 跨表使用时,Pay attention to whether it is determined after crossing the table,Try not to move the mouse any further
● There is an empty space after the number"",Convert numbers to text
● isna :判断NAA错误报错
● hlookup,Use sideways
● match+index
● match:(条件,condition interval,0/1)查找
● index:(信息,位置)
● column
● 整数在ExcelThe middle indicates the day
● 整数/24=小时
● 整数/24/60=分钟
● year()/mouth()/day()
● date(年,月,日)
● 下个月的0No. is the last day of the month
● datedif (开始日期,结束日期,“y”/“m”/“d”/“ym”/“md”/“yd”)
● 计算周数:weeknum(日期,Determine the first day of the week)
● 计算星期几:weekday(日期,Determine the order of the week)
● text()
第十五讲-Conditional formatting and formulas:
● 条件格式中,New conditions override old conditions
第十六讲-Simple text function:
● left/right(位置,取多少位)
● mid(位置,从第几位开始取,取多少位)
● 查找位置:find(Find something,单元格位置)
● 四舍五入:round(数据,精确位数)
● 进位:roundup(数据,精确位数)
● 舍去:rounddown(数据,精确位数)
● 取整:int(数据)(负数情况下,int与rounddown不同)
● 取余:mod(数据,除数)
● row/column
● Zoom in,reduce,循环MOD
● When using an array formula:按住Ctrl+shift+回车,You can generate curly braces yourself,Curly braces cannot be written manually
● Region absolute reference
● sumproductNo need for three keys to use,You can use the array directly by pressing Enter
● lookup(查询条件,查找区间,返回值区间)
…● 模糊匹配,二分法
…●Fuzzy matching will not match false values,可以将0Converted to an error value【0/公式】
● Get the address of the cell and its contents:indirect(单元格)【Text can be translated into addresses】
● Apply formatting across tables:表名!单元格
● indirectWhen cross-table references go wrong,Check to see if there is a problem with the table name
● 2019版本,【图表工具-布局】在【图表工具-图表设计-图表布局】中
● 主次坐标轴
● 2019The operation of the version is very different from the operation in the video explanation,需要自己去摸索
● The basic operations are in the small arrow behind the chart options
● Adjust the column style:Select Column,Paste the drawn graphics directly
…● Immutable graphics(It doesn't look good after pasting),Change the format to Cascade
● Collection icon templates
● Dynamic effects can passifFunction and checkbox implementation
● offset(位置,行,列,The row to select after the move,The column to select after moving)【Take a cell as the reference point,下移n行,右移n列,然后再取n行n列】
● offsetDynamic regions can be taken
第二十二讲-Gantt Chart and Dynamic Gantt Chart:
● Background rendering is blurred
● Double column chart setup:Squeeze by adding an extra column,Then modify the fill
● Pie chart beautification:三维旋转-Adjust the height inside the graph chart zoom
● Chart pasted intoPPT中时
● …Choose to keep source formatting,Place the chart to change the color
● …Choose to keep source formatting and data links,Charts can be updated in real time
● Macro table functions cannot be written directly in cells
● get.cell()
● …
● Get cell formula:FORMULATEXT()
● get.workbook()
● hyperlink()
● evaluate()
● 替换函数:substitute(单元格,需要替换的内容,替换后的内容)
Curtain Notes link:https://www.mubucm.com/doc/PxoXSynSgy
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