2022-07-01 18:45:00 【時間不夠以後】
- 自定义实现页面标注标签功能
<Icon type="ios-pricetags-outline" size="16" style="margin-right: 6px" />
<Tag v-for="(item, index) in allCaseTags" :key="index" :class="active === item ? 'active' : 'Classification'" @click.native="oncheckTag(item)">
:contenteditable="item.tagId === ''"
@keyup="keydown(item, index, $event)"
@blur="tagNameBlur(item, index, $event)"
style="border: none; outline: none; display: inline-block"
<Icon type="ios-close" v-if="active === item" style="margin-left: 4px" @click="delCurCaseTag(index)" />
<span class="tag-add" @click="addTags()" ref="addTagBtnRef">
<Icon type="icon-add" size="12" />
<div class="popInput" :style="`left: ${left}px !important;`">
<ul class="tagUl" id="tagUl"></ul>
export default {
data() {
return {
allCaseTags: [{
tagName: '标签1', tagId: 1 }],
allProjectsTags: [
tagName: '标签1', tagId: 1, count: 1 },
tagName: '标签2', tagId: 2, count: 1 },
tagName: '标签3', tagId: 3, count: 1 },
tagName: '测试标签', tagId: 4, count: 1 },
tagName: 'vue', tagId: 5, count: 1 },
tagName: 'javascript', tagId: 6, count: 1 },
tagName: '前端', tagId: 7, count: 1 },
tagName: '后端', tagId: 8, count: 1 },
tagName: '测试', tagId: 9, count: 1 },
popDom: '',
active: {
left: 0,
mounted() {
var popDom = document.getElementById('tagUl')
this.popDom = popDom
popDom.addEventListener('click', this.onLiTag2Click, false)
window.addEventListener('click', (e) => this.onCancelCurrentTag(e))
methods: {
onLiTag2Click(e) {
if (e.target.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li') {
var len = this.allCaseTags.length
var _val = e.target.innerText
len - 1}`][0].innerText = _val
this.$set(this.allCaseTags[len - 1], 'tagName', _val)
this.popDom.innerHTML = []
addTags() {
const drag = this.$refs.addTagBtnRef
const canvasInfo = drag.getBoundingClientRect()
this.left = canvasInfo.left
caseId: this.id,
projectId: this.projectId,
tagName: '',
mapId: '',
tagId: '',
this.$nextTick(() => {
this.allCaseTags.length - 1}`][0].focus()
keydown(item, index, e) {
var _val = e.target.innerText.trim()
var _lis = []
if (_val) {
// TODO: 去重
const newArr = this.allProjectsTags.filter((item) => {
return !this.allCaseTags.some((ele) => ele.tagId === item.tagId)
newArr.forEach((str) => {
if (str.tagName.indexOf(_val) !== -1) {
// 匹配所有
// _lis.push('<li>' + str.tagName.replace(_val, '<font color=red>' + _val + '</font>') + '</li>')
_lis.push('<li>' + str.tagName + '</li>')
this.popDom.innerHTML = _lis.join('')
oncheckTag(item) {
this.active = item
// 用来监听鼠标点击非tag区域时,取消已选择的tag
onCancelCurrentTag() {
this.active = {
this.popDom.innerHTML = []
delCurCaseTag(index) {
this.allCaseTags.splice(index, 1)
tagNameBlur(item, index, event) {
var curText = event.target.innerText.replace(/[^\w\u4E00-\u9FA5]/g, '')
if (curText) {
this.$set(item, 'tagName', curText)
// 执行add操作
} else {
// 移除该tag
this.allCaseTags.splice(index, 1)
beforeDestroy() {
this.popDom.removeEventListener('click', this.onLiTag2Click, false)
window.removeEventListener('click', this.onCancelCurrentTag)
<style lang="less">
.active {
background: Var(--SubPrimary);
cursor: default;
.Classification {
background: Var(--TableHeader);
cursor: default;
.popInput {
position: fixed;
.tagUl {
// position: absolute;
list-style: none;
.tagUl li {
padding: 0 8px;
line-height: 28px;
background-color: Var(--Theme);
cursor: pointer;
&:hover {
background-color: Var(--SubSuccess);
- 实现A-Z的字母排序快速搜索(类似手机通讯录)
npm install js-pinyin
import pinyin from 'js-pinyin'
v-show="countryList.length > 0"
<ul class="country-list">
<li v-for="(group, index) in countryList" ref="listGroup" :key="index">
<h2 class="list-group-title">{
group.title }}</h2>
<li v-for="(item, index) in group.items" :key="index" class="list-group-item">
<span class="name"> {
item.tagName }} </span>
<span> ( {
item.count }} ) </span>
<ul class="list-shortcut">
v-for="(item, index) in shortcut"
item }}
import pinyinUtil from 'js-pinyin'
export default {
data() {
return {
value1: true,
countryList: [],
shortcut: [],
phoneCode: '93',
touch: {
listHeight: [],
scrollY: -1,
currentIndex: 0,
created() {
// 获取列表
computed: {
fixedTitle() {
return this.shortcut[this.currentIndex] ? this.shortcut[this.currentIndex] : 'A'
watch: {
scrollY(newY) {
var listHeight = this.listHeight
// 当滚动到顶部时, newY<=0
if (newY <= 0) {
this.currentIndex = 0
// 中间部分滚动
for (var i = 0; i < listHeight.length - 1; i++) {
var height1 = listHeight[i]
var height2 = listHeight[i + 1]
if (!height2 || (newY >= height1 && newY < height2)) {
this.currentIndex = i
// 滚动到底部且newY大于最后一个元素的上限
this.currentIndex = listHeight.length - 1
mounted() {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 200)
methods: {
setScrollY() {
this.scrollY = this.$refs.listview.scrollTop
getCountryList() {
var res = [
tagName: 'qqs3', projectId: 1, tagId: 21, count: 3 },
tagName: 'qqs2', projectId: 1, tagId: 23, count: 1 },
tagName: 'qqs', projectId: 1, tagId: 24, count: 4 },
tagName: 'qqs4', projectId: 1, tagId: 36, count: 1 },
tagName: 'qqs5', projectId: 1, tagId: 37, count: 1 },
tagName: 'qqs6', projectId: 1, tagId: 38, count: 1 },
tagName: '1', projectId: 1, tagId: 39, count: -1 },
tagName: '数据1', projectId: 1, tagId: 40, count: 0 },
tagName: '测试2', projectId: 1, tagId: 41, count: 0 },
tagName: '标签1', projectId: 1, tagId: 69, count: 0 },
tagName: '1233', projectId: 1, tagId: 70, count: 0 },
tagName: 'aca', projectId: 1, tagId: 71, count: 1 },
tagName: 'aaa2', projectId: 1, tagId: 99, count: 1 },
tagName: 'bab', projectId: 1, tagId: 1, count: 1 },
tagName: 'bac', projectId: 1, tagId: 2, count: 1 },
tagName: 'bbb', projectId: 1, tagId: 3, count: 1 },
tagName: 'baa', projectId: 1, tagId: 4, count: 1 },
tagName: 'cac', projectId: 1, tagId: 5, count: 1 },
tagName: 'cab', projectId: 1, tagId: 6, count: 1 },
tagName: 'ccc', projectId: 1, tagId: 7, count: 1 },
tagName: 'ddd', projectId: 1, tagId: 8, count: 1 },
tagName: 'dad', projectId: 1, tagId: 9, count: 1 },
tagName: 'dav', projectId: 1, tagId: 10, count: 1 },
tagName: 'ee', projectId: 1, tagId: 11, count: 1 },
tagName: 'ear', projectId: 1, tagId: 12, count: 1 },
tagName: 'faf', projectId: 1, tagId: 13, count: 1 },
tagName: 'fac', projectId: 1, tagId: 14, count: 1 },
tagName: 'fad', projectId: 1, tagId: 15, count: 1 },
tagName: 'faa', projectId: 1, tagId: 16, count: 1 },
tagName: 'gac', projectId: 1, tagId: 17, count: 1 },
tagName: 'gab', projectId: 1, tagId: 18, count: 1 },
tagName: 'gar', projectId: 1, tagId: 19, count: 1 },
var map = {
res.forEach((item, index) => {
var key =
item.tagName.charCodeAt(0) > 255
? pinyinUtil.getCamelChars(item.tagName).slice(0, 1)
: item.tagName.slice(0, 1).toUpperCase()
if (/^[a-zA-Z]*$/.test(key)) {
if (!map[key]) {
map[key] = {
title: key,
items: [],
} else {
if (!map['#']) {
map['#'] = {
title: '#',
items: [],
// 转为数组
var ret = []
for (var k in map) {
var val = map[k]
// 对首字母排序
ret.sort((a, b) => {
return a.title.charCodeAt(0) - b.title.charCodeAt(0)
this.shortcut.sort((a, b) => {
return a.charCodeAt(0) - b.charCodeAt(0)
// 对每个分组里面的数据进行排序
ret.map((v) => {
v.items.sort((a, b) => {
return a.tagName.localeCompare(b.tagName)
this.countryList = ret
onMouseover(index) {
this.touch.anchorIndex = index
scrollToIndex(index) {
this.$refs.listview.scrollTo(0, this.listHeight[index])
calculateTotalHeight() {
var list = this.$refs.listGroup
var height = 0
if (list && list.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
var item = list[i]
height += item.clientHeight
<style scoped lang="less">
ul {
list-style: none;
.country {
position: fixed;
overflow-y: scroll;
overflow-x: hidden;
z-index: 3000;
width: 400px;
right: 0;
top: 50px;
bottom: 0;
/* 字母 */
.country-list h2 {
padding: 6px 16px;
color: Var(--LightDebug);
background: Var(--TableHeader);
line-height: 16px;
font: 500 14px/16px SFProText-Regular;
/* 数据list */
.country-list ul {
background: Var(--Theme);
padding: 0 16px;
.list-group-item {
padding: 8px 0 8px 20px;
border-bottom: 0.5px solid Var(--Divider);
&:hover {
cursor: pointer;
background: Var(--SubPrimary);
.country-list ul li:last-child {
border: none;
/* 搜索导航 */
.list-shortcut {
position: fixed;
z-index: 30;
right: 0;
padding-right: 8px;
top: 45%;
transform: translateY(-45%);
text-align: center;
background: Var(--Theme);
cursor: pointer;
.list-shortcut .item {
line-height: 16px;
color: Var(--SubContent);
font-size: 12px;
@media (min-width: 640px) {
.list-shortcut {
right: 8px;
.list-shortcut .item {
padding: 0 10px;
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