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jetracer_pro_2GB AI Kit system installation instructions
2022-08-02 05:24:00 【hello689】
使用Jetson Nano开发者套件
如果使用JetsonRacer AI Kit的话,首先需要组装小车,组装小车这一步也比较简单,可以参照官网的小车组装pdf文档即可.
- https://www.waveshare.net/w/upload/9/96/Jetracer_pro_Assembly_CN.pdf
1. 安装镜像
- Jetson Nano 开发者套件将 microSD 卡用作启动设备和主存储器.一般会提供一个大容量快速存储卡(64 GB内存卡).
- 下载 Jetson Nano 开发者套件 SD 卡镜像,并留意其在计算机上的保存位置.
如果不是第一次使用SD卡,SD卡中有其他文件,请先做好备份工作,然后格式化SD卡.使用 SD 协会的 SD Memory Card Formatter 格式化 microSD 卡.
- 下载、安装并启动 Windows 版 SD Memory Card Formatter
- 选择卡驱动器
- 选择“Quick format”(快速格式化)
- 将“Volume label”(卷标)留空
- 单击“Format”(格式化)开始格式化,然后在警告对话框中单击“Yes”(是)
- 下载、安装并启动Etcher
- 单击“Select image”(选择镜像),然后选择先前下载的压缩镜像文件,将压缩文件解压
- 插入 microSD 卡(若尚未插入)
- 单击“Select drive”(选择驱动器),并选择正确设备
- 单击“Flash!”(闪存!).如果 microSD 卡通过 USB3 连接,Etcher 写入和验证大约会需要 10 分钟
- Etcher 操作完成后,Windows 可能会提示您它不知如何读取 SD 卡.此时只需单击“Cancel”(取消),然后删除 microSD 卡即可.
2. 进入系统
将 microSD 卡(已写入系统映像)插入 Jetson Nano 模块下侧的插槽中.(SD卡槽位于Jetson Nano核心板的背面)
启动Jetson Nano并通过USB连接
- 将 microSD 卡(已写入系统映像)插入 Jetson Nano 模块下侧的插槽中.
- 拨开电源开关,等待 1 分钟,以便开发者套件启动(这里最好多等一会).
线将Jetson nano 的micro USB接到电脑(Cable is not the power cord),打开浏览器并导航到 ,并使用默认密码 jetbot 登录 Jupyter Lab.(Development board here is not the same as the default password is different,有jetson、Jetson Nano、jetbot几种)
成功登陆Jupyter Lab
首次启动时,Here can not directly make 在Jupyter Lab中打开终端Terminal,In the end to connect to the Internet.
可以用sshWay to connect to the car.Start for the first time can be usedmicro USBConnect the car and computer,使用COMPort way to connect the car.
Enter the following command to scan the availableWiFi网络,And found to connectWIFI名称
sudo nmcli device wifi list
To connect to the selectedWIFI网络,其中<ssid_name>, 替换为你的WIFI账号密码.
sudo nmcli device wifi connect <ssid_name> password <password>
运行如下命令可以查询WIFI 接口wlan0 的 IP 地址.断开USB连接并重启系统也可以在OLED显示器上显示IP地址
断电,重启小车,micro USBThe line is no longer needed,Just pulled away.After operation are directly withwifi连接的.
After the restart the car,The display will have a carip信息,
然后就可以在浏览器中输入http://<jetson_ip_address>:8888连接到小车,其中jetson_ip_address为OLEDDisplayed on the actualIP, 比如: 使用密码 jetbot 登录Jupyter Lab.(注:The computer and the car to even under the same network)
Here is the formal configured network,使用Jupyter LabWeb links andSSH都可以,But the two are different,The first landing inroot用户,You are not to update any changes,The second is the ordinary usersjetbot,Generally we use of the all users after the operation.
See below comparison:
Jupyter Lab网页连接
安装更新JetCard Python包
Check the computer have below several files,No need to download and install,If you have can skip this step,Enter configuration power mode.
执行以下命令更新Jetcard Python包.
cd $HOME
mkdir ws
cd ws
git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/waveshare/jetcard
cp jetcard/jetcard/ads1115.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
cp jetcard/jetcard/ina219.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
cp jetcard/jetcard/display_server.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
cp jetcard/jetcard/stats.py ~/jetcard/jetcard/
cd ~/jetcard
sudo pip3 uninstall jetcard -y
sudo reboot #重启
cd ~/jetcard
sudo python3 setup.py install
执行以下命令安装JetCam Python包
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/jetcam
cd jetcam
sudo python3 setup.py install
执行以下命令安装torch2trt Python包
cd $HOME
git clone https://ghproxy.com/https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/torch2trt
cd torch2trt
sudo python3 setup.py install
Execute the following command in the terminal to installJetRacer软件包
cd $HOME
git clone -b ws/pro https://github.com/waveshare/jetracer
cd jetracer
sudo python3 setup.py install
为了防止Jetson Nano消耗的电量超过电池供电量,我们将其设置为5W模式 打开终端并输入以下命令设置5W模式:
sudo nvpmodel -m1
nvpmodel -q
重启小车,同时OLED上也会显示 MODE: 5W.
3. 电机驱动
Basic Motion
在浏览器地址栏输入http://<jetbot_ip_address>:8888连接到小车,左侧打开/jetracer/notebooks/.打开basic_motion.ipynb文件 带有lpynb后缀的文件为lpython Notebook文件,Includes annotated texts andpython程序.可以通过点击Run->Run Select CellsOr click on run quick icon to run a single program. 【注意】In the text has detailed program annotated,Read to understand program function
运行语句car.steering = 0时,The car steering gear will turn to.0表示向前,1Said the wheels to the left,-1Said the wheel to the right.The direction of the wheels to different value to different,数值范围为[-1,1]
如下设置,The car front wheel deflection to the left
car.steering = 0.3
After running this program,Will be output to gaincar.steering_gainAnd turned to initial displacementcar.steering_offset. To gaincar.steering_gainCan represent Angle the wheel can turn To initial displacementcar.steering_offset Wheels can be said the initial offset,当car.steering = 0时,The car there is no straight can be modified by adjusting the steering rod length or to the value of the initial displacement can make the car straight.
car.throttle For the throttle size,范围为[-1,1],0表示停止,1The maximum speed,-1The maximum speed back,To run the program after the modification of time value, the rear wheels will turn. car.throttle_gain For the gas gain,Can be said the car can exercise the maximum speed of,当car.throttle_gain = 1且car.throttle =1 When the car can run to the highest speed.
总结:This section mainly learn how to control the car movement,The car is divided into two parts control,Part is tosteeringTurn control of the car,The other part for gasthrottleControl the rear wheel speed. To gaincar.steering_gainControl wheel maximum rotation range,To initial displacementcar.steering_offsetCan compensate the mechanical assembly of steering error. The gas gaincar.throttle_gain Control the rear wheel maximum speed range.
4. The remote control car
在浏览器地址栏输入http://<jetbot_ip_address>:8888连接到小车,左侧打开/jetracer/notebooks/.打开teleoperation.ipynb文件 Put the game handle receiver computerUSB口,注意:Receiver is receiving computer rather than tojetson nano上,Game controllers need received openJupyterLabWeb devices.
Handle need to presshome键,The remote control handle two lights state
打开GamePadHandle the test page,Look at the check to the remote control handle.Write down the corresponding equipmentINDEX数值为多少 Press the corresponding numerical control handle button will change,Write down the corresponding button name.
After running this code window will output game handle corresponding buttons.注意程序中的indexNeed to modify for the actual remote control handle the corresponding value,In just open the web page you can see the correspondingINDEX.Press the key corresponding icon will prompt button has been pressed
Set maximum speed of the accelerator here0.2,Behind in order to collect data and convenient limit car movement too fast.Set to offset as0.18,This value according to the actual situation to adjust,Until in the case of not turning the car can be straight
修改axesValues corresponding to different buttons,Here for the convenience of remote control is set toaxes[0], axels[5] 遥控器按键buttons[7]
After running the program can be controlled by remote control handle the car.Asex[0]Control the front wheel steering,Asex[1]Control the left rear wheel speed rocker direction about control of the car front wheel steering,On the right side of the rocker arm up and down direction control car rear wheel speed
注意:Because of the reason of the electrically controlled,Under the car back need to double-click on the two buttons will only be back.“正反转带刹车”Model USES the cross-flow way back,Push the throttle rocker in the region of the first to point to reverse zones,Motor just brake,Won't produce reverse action;When the throttle rocker quickly returned to the neutral point and push for the second time to reverse zones of the region,If the motor has stopped,Are produced by reverse action,If the motor 未停止,Will not be back,Still is the brake,Need to throttle back to neutral and to reverse area,If the motor has stopped will reverse at this time,The aim is to prevent the vehicle Process the error caused by multiple snub back.
5. The car followed the design
The data collection and model training
完成以上步骤,The car can run under remote control,Cannot be independent on the lane line driving.Data is an important part of the model training,This part will introduce how to use the car car for data collection.Only after we collected the data of the lane line,For the next part of the.
在浏览器中登录Jupyter Lab,也就是输入http://<jetson_ip_address>:8888连接到小车,找到/jetracer/notebooks/.打开interactive-regression.ipynb文件.
如上图所示,This code to open the camera,设置图像分辨率为224*224.
**注意:关于摄像头的使用,After running a camera,Run again loading camera is likely to cardBug,Then restart the car directly is the easiest way.**If you don't want to restart the car,Need to be in terminal to run this statement to restart camera,This approach ineffective when spirit.
sudo systemctl restart nvargus-daemon
直接运行interactive-regression.ipynbProcess all unit,In the program will show the following interface:
Can the car on the track at this time,同时打开teleoperation.ipynb程序运行,The remote control handle can control the car movement. To control the car run down the track,Each a piece of mobile location,Just use the mouse to move to the car in the picture the operation of the ideal path click save image,To control the car along the track shoot10圈(采集300It is ok that zhang around,To collect more data curve).
Good data after,将epochsThe value of the choice for15左右,然后点击train,训练15轮. Good training data can clickevaluate 评估训练模型,If the data collected by no problem,Could be seen in the image on the left side of the current car position an ideal direction. Pay attention to the data collected by the car along the rail must be moved to a different position,Migration and direction,As far as possible along the direction of the ideal path, select the point farthest save,In order to make sure the car will not leave the track or collision objects.
Followed the code to run
在这一章中,We use the training model of automatic driving.在浏览器地址栏输入http://<jetson_ip_address>:8888连接到小车,找到jetracer/noteboot/.打开road_following.ipynb文件.
The program runs to this section of the directory will produce after usingtouch2trtTransformation and optimization of the model fileroad_following_model_trt.pth.This optimization process may take a few minutes to complete.
This program is to the output of the image processingoutput再经过PDControl the operation of car. car.steering_offset Parameters of mechanical error caused by the car was to fix the car initial state offset,This parameter need to car practical value. car.throttle Set maximum speed of trolley travelling(0.18最优),Time value will cause the car to run out of orbit. Kp,Kd 为PID参数,The tight to usePD调节.Can run car based on the actual effect of debugging this parameter.
6. 相关资料整理
如果你不想使用命令行的方式访问Jetson Nano,又不想再多添加一个显示器,可以选择搭建VNC Server,网上搜到了一篇搭建步骤:
- https://developer.nvidia.com/embedded/learn/get-started-jetson-nano-devkit#next-projects
- https://www.waveshare.net/wiki/JetRacer_2GB_AI_Kit
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