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Flask generates swagger documents
2022-07-03 18:50:00 【Hua Weiyun】
flask Automatic generation swagger Of api Interface document
- install flask-restplus Third party package , Use pip install flask-restplus Can be installed .
- In an ordinary normal flask Under application project structure , It should be extensions.py Write code under , Because this is the code writing place for program extension . Guide pack , Import flask_restplus Under the Api,Resource,fields. Get one app example . And carry on namespace Writing . The code is as follows :
api = Api(doc='/swagger') api.init_app(app, version='1.0', title='Data Visualization And Analysis API', description='A Charting and Data analysis API') bar_line = api.namespace('drawing bar and line', path='/', description="draw bar and line chart") pie = api.namespace('drawing pie', path='/', description="draw pie chart") radar = api.namespace('drawing radar', path='/', description="draw radar chart") scatter = api.namespace('drawing scatter', path='/', description="draw scatter chart") data_analysis = api.namespace('data analysis', path='/', description="data analysis")
Get an instance Api object ,app Is an instantiated flask object , By instantiating Api When the object passes doc Parameters can specify the route through which the final interface document can be accessed .api.namespace : It's a namespace , Many interfaces have get,post, The namespace separates them , It can be understood as a blueprint .
path: Represents their routing address , Here they all use route The address of , If you don't write it, you will change the namespace name Add to the front of the routing address
description: It is a general comment on all interfaces under this group .
- adopt api.model To describe the requested request and Responsive response, adopt api.namespace.parser To describe the requested headers Parameters .
The code example is as follows :
# Use parser To describe the interface headers and query bar_line_parameter = bar_line.parser() bar_line_parameter.add_argument('Authorization', location='headers', default="a") bar_line_parameter.add_argument('User-Agent', location='headers', default="ua") # Use model To describe the request body of the interface bar_line_model = api.model('Bar_Line_Request', { "type": fields.String(default="bar"), "title": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart title option"), "item": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart series item option"), "xaxis": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart xaxis option"), "yaxis": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart yaxis option"), "grid": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart grid option"), "legend": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart legend option"), "tooltip": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart tooltip option"), "background": DictItem(required=True, default={}, description="chart tooltip option"), }, description="request api needed body parameter") # Use model To describe the response of the interface bar_line_response = api.model('bar_line_Response', { 'data': DictItem(required=True, default=bar_line_response_data_default, description="chart option"), 'status': fields.Integer(required=True, default=200, description="response status"), 'msg': fields.String(required=True, default="successful", description="api response message") })
Above , among bar_line yes api.namespace() The return object of , Use parser Of add_argument() Method to add headers , or query Request required parameters in , You can also define default values .
Use model To describe the body of the request , The response is also .model You need to specify a unique key value , And a {} Dictionary key value pairs , In the dictionary key value pair key The value is the value to be transmitted name,value It's through flask-restplus Under the fields To specify the data type and default value description Value .
If fields The data type provided in cannot meet the requirements of , You can inherit through custom classes fields.Row , And realize format Method , To use custom data types . In code DictItem Custom data types .
- The above defined model,parser Apply to the interface . By means of ornaments , The code is as follows .
# Use api.namespace.route To specify the access route of the interface , Use description To describe the interface @bar_line.route('/api/chart/draw/bar_and_line', doc={"description": " Returns the of the chart echarts Configuration item information , When the request parameter configuration is empty, the chart of the default configuration is returned, which is an example , Otherwise, the corresponding complete chart configuration information is returned according to the requested configuration parameters "}) # there api.namespace.expect Need to work with the above api.namespace.expect In combination with @bar_line.expect(bar_line_parameter) # Need to inherit from Resource class class BarLineOption(Resource): # doc Used to describe interfaces ,body=X Specify the requested body describe @bar_line.doc('Return to bar and line chart configuration item') @bar_line.doc(body=bar_line_model) # marshal_with Specifies the description of the response @bar_line.marshal_with(bar_line_response) # What methods does the interface support , Just define a method . def post(self): return {'data': {}, "status": 200, "msg": "successful"}
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