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Pytorch training process was interrupted

2022-07-05 11:17:00 IMQYT

I'm scared to death , Training 3 The process of Tian's model was killed by his own hand , I almost cried , Has the money for renting a server for a week been wasted , Is time wasted , Can it be remedied ! For the first time , And my code runs very slowly (RTXA5000, It's reasonable to say that it's not slow , Too much data , In order to reduce the number of logs IO Wasted time , There is no log ), Only the model is saved . Already my hands are shaking

Don't talk much , How to remedy it ?

Save the model in the code only torch.save. Other parameters are not saved .epoch Nothing is saved , Found a lot of experience , Finally find a remedy


  Reload the model


In this case , What the model learned is back , Include loss And so on. .

  From here I can see ,loss It did continue 294 The training of the time , The same is true of the predicted value. Continue 294 The result after the first time , Fortunately, I got it back , But there was a problem , Because I saw epoch It seems to be from 1 Here we go , In this case, we need to train 600 Time ?, So remember to revise epoch The total number of times ,600-294=306, Although the control interrupt writes this 1, But retraining 306 This time it will end . Be accomplished

