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Dynamic agent explanation (July 16, 2020)

2022-07-07 23:17:00 codepig16

A dynamic proxy (2020.7.16)

characteristic : Create as you go , Load as you go
effect : Enhance the existing methods without modifying the source code
classification : Interface based dynamic proxy and subclass based dynamic proxy
First, let's introduce dynamic agents to a specific scenario , Suppose there is a computer manufacturer producer It wants to sell computers , So there's one Producer Classes and sale Method :

public class Producer  {

    public int sale(int money) {
        System.out.println(" Sell a computer to make a profit " + money);
        return money;

If the manufacturer sells a computer to the consumer , Then you can make profits :

  public static void main(String[] args) {
        Producer producer = new Producer();


But in real life , We all know that when we buy computers, we will not buy computers from computer manufacturers , It must be going to the mall , That is, the computer dealer goes to buy a computer , The requirement now is not to change the original manufacturer's code , We should divide computer profits , Is to enhance the method of selling computers , Here we need to use our dynamic proxy . Let users pay part of the money to computer manufacturers , Part to the dealer .
Here are two dynamic proxy methods and how they are implemented .

Proxy A dynamic proxy

It is Based on interfaces Dynamic proxy for , yes JDK Self contained , No additional jar package . It requires the proxy object to implement at least one interface , Otherwise, you cannot use this dynamic proxy .( Here we implement one Iproducer Interface , Defines a manufacturer's specification ).

         *   Dynamic agent based on Interface :
         *       Involved in the class :Proxy
         *       Provider :JDK official 
         *   How to create a proxy object :
         *       Use Proxy Class newProxyInstance Method 
         *   Requirements for creating proxy objects :
         *       The proxy class implements at least one interface , If not, you can't use 
         *  newProxyInstance Method parameters :
         *      ClassLoader: Class loader 
         *           It is used to load the bytecode of the proxy object . Use the same classloader as the proxied object . Fixed writing .
         *      Class[]: Bytecode array 
         *           It is used to make the proxy object and the proxy object have the same method . Fixed writing .
         *      InvocationHandler: Used to provide enhanced code 
         *           It's to let us write about how agents . We are generally implementation classes of this interface , Usually it's an anonymous inner class , But it's not necessary .
         *           The implementation classes of this interface are written by who .

It should be noted that the execution of each method of the proxied object will pass invoke Method , It acts as an interceptor , We are in invoke Method to enhance the original method . The meanings of the parameters are :

* effect : Any interface method that executes the proxied object passes through this method
* Meaning of method parameters
* @param proxy References to proxy objects
* @param method The current method of execution
* @param args Parameters required for the current execution method
* @return It has the same return value as the represented object method
* @throws Throwable
Cooperate with the following code to better understand , stay main Function to simulate a consumer's consumption process :

public class Client {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        final Producer producer = new Producer();

       IProducer producer_proxy =  (IProducer)Proxy.newProxyInstance(producer.getClass().getClassLoader(), producer.getClass().getInterfaces(),
                new InvocationHandler() {
                    public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable {
                        int resultValue = 0;
                        int money = (int) args[0];
                        if (method.getName().equals("sale")) {
                            resultValue = (int) method.invoke(producer, money/2);
                        return resultValue;



cglib A dynamic proxy

It is a dynamic proxy based on subclasses , When the proxied object does not implement an interface , also Not the final class When , You can use this dynamic proxy mode .

     *   Dynamic agent based on subclass :
     *       Involved in the class :Enhancer
     *       Provider : The third party cglib library 
     *   How to create a proxy object :
     *       Use Enhancer Class create Method 
     *   Requirements for creating proxy objects :
     *       The proxied class cannot be the final class 
     *  create Method parameters :
     *      Class: Bytecode 
     *           It is the bytecode used to specify the proxy object .
     *      Callback: Used to provide enhanced code 
     *           It's to let us write about how agents . We are generally implementation classes of this interface , Usually it's an anonymous inner class , But it's not necessary .
     *           The implementation classes of this interface are written by who .
     *           We usually write the sub interface implementation class of this interface :MethodInterceptor

Like interface based dynamic proxy inctercept Method is also an interceptor

```public class Client {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        final Producer producer = new Producer();

        IProducer producer_cglib = (IProducer) Enhancer.create(producer.getClass(), new MethodInterceptor() {
            public Object intercept(Object o, Method method, Object[] objects, MethodProxy methodProxy) throws Throwable {
                int resultValue = 0;
                int money = (int) objects[0];
                if (method.getName().equals("sale")) {
                    resultValue = (int) method.invoke(producer, money/2);
                return resultValue;


matters needing attention

  • Dynamic proxy represents objects , For example, in the example above producer, What is enhanced is the method in the object
  • Dynamic proxies are not useless , We often use dynamic agents to solve problems , In the thread pool close, Because when the thread pool is closed, the thread needs to return to the thread, not log off at the bottom , It can be realized by dynamic proxy .
  • Spring Medium AOP Technology is implemented through dynamic agents , Greatly simplify the writing of code , Enhance the code without changing the code we write .
