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Classification and prediction of heartbeat signal

2022-07-07 23:06:00 Anny Linlin

Task1. Understanding of competition questions

Time of the game :3 month 12 Japan ——5 month 12 Japan

The competition questions are based on ECG heartbeat signal data , Ask contestants Predict the category of heartbeat signal according to ECG induction data , Among them, the heartbeat signal corresponds to normal cases and cases affected by different arrhythmias and myocardial infarction , This is a Many classification The problem of .

  1. Learning goals : Understand the competition data and scoring system
  2. Learning tasks : Download and understand the game data
  3. Understanding of competition questions :
    1. According to the data set provided by the competition , Choose to build the appropriate model , Predict different types of heartbeat signals . The task of the competition is to predict the type of ECG signal , The total amount of competition data exceeds 20 ten thousand , Extract from it 10 Ten thousand as a training set ,2 Ten thousand as a test set A,2 Ten thousand as a test set B.
    2. In the training data ,id The unique ID assigned to the heartbeat signal ,artbeat_signals Heartbeat signal sequence ( Between the data “,” separation ),label Heartbeat signal category (0、1、2、3). In the test data ,id Unique identification of heartbeat assignment heartbeat_signals Heartbeat signal sequence ( Between the data “,” separation ).
    3. Find the absolute values of four predicted signals and real signals , The smaller the absolute value, the better .
  4. Game Analysis :
    1. This competition question is a multi classification problem , There are four categories .
    2. Main application xgb、lgb、catboost, as well as pandas、numpy、matplotlib、seabon、sklearn、keras And so on data mining common library or framework for data mining tasks .

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