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Line test - graphic reasoning - 4 - alphabetic class

2022-07-07 22:50:00 Caspian�

There are several ways to investigate alphabetic classes :



  One 、 Its own characteristics

1. symmetry

2. Straightness

3. Opening and closing

Two 、 Quantitative characteristics

1. Number of lines

2. Number of closed sections

3. The number of points

3、 ... and 、 Other rules

1. Writing habits

2. Alphabet position

3. Element distribution

  One 、 Its own characteristics

1. symmetry


The first three letters are axisymmetric , So choose B. 


The order is axisymmetric 、 Centrosymmetry 、 axial symmetry ……  

2. Straightness


There is only one curve in the first set of figures , Therefore, there is only one graph in the second group ,S Already there. , Select the one without curve A. 


The first group of figures are straight line figures 、 Straight curve figure 、 Curvilinear figures . According to this Law , be a candidate for election C. 

3. Opening and closing


There is no enclosed space for all letters , So choose C. 

Two 、 Quantitative characteristics

1. Number of lines


The first group of pictures are all three paintings , The second group of pictures are 4 draw , choose D. 

2. Number of closed sections


  Each group of graphs satisfies the closed interval number of the first graph + The number of closed intervals in the second picture = The number of closed intervals in the third figure , choose A.

3. The number of points


The number of points increases in turn 1, So choose D.


3、 ... and 、 Other rules

1. Writing habits


The first four figures are written counterclockwise , So choose C. 

2. Alphabet position


The order in the alphabet is different 1,2,3. So choose B. 


The first row differs in sequence 1, The second line differs in sequence 2, So it should be L. 

3. Element distribution


  Letter a The position of moves to the right in turn , choose B.

