2022-07-03 09:45:00 【dj1540225203】
- 悲观锁,将库存字段number字段设为unsigned,当库存为0时,因为字段不能为负数,将会返回false,当高并发来时,可能会导致连接数用完,系统数据库奔溃
- 使用for update ,锁定操作的行
- FIFO,使用Redis先进先出,但是这有点又变成单线程的影子,如果内存不够还是会异常
- 文件锁,当关键方法中使用文件锁,这样操作完才释放锁。
- 乐观锁,增加一个version字段判断是否被更新过,但如果使用主从有延迟应该强制读主库。
- 使用redis的watch
$redis = new redis();
$result = $redis->connect('', 6379);
echo $mywatchkey = $redis->get("mywatchkey");
echo "抢购成功!<br/>";
echo "剩余数量:".($rob_total-$mywatchkey-1)."<br/>";
echo "用户列表:<pre>";
$redis->hSet("watchkeylist","user_".mt_rand(1, 9999),'meiqiangdao');
echo "手气不好,再抢购!";exit;
- glassfish org. h2.server. Shutdownhandler classnotfoundexception exception exception handling
- Communication software development and Application
- QT:QSS自定义 QSplitter实例
- Qt:qss custom QSlider instance
- Nuget add reference error while installing packages
- 17K薪资要什么水平?来看看95后测试工程师的面试全过程…
- Software testing redis database
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- MySQL checks for automatic updates at 0:00 every day
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In the middle of the year, I have prepared a small number of automated interview questions. Welcome to the self-test
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