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Ali teaches you how to use the Internet of things platform! (Internet disk link attached)

2020-11-08 10:56:00 Programmer interview

What I want to share with you today is Ali's internal information , Teach you how to use the Internet of things platform ! Pull down at the end of the text to get the link to the network disk

1. Basic introduction

1.1 6 Step by step to get a quick introduction to the Alibaba cloud Internet of things platform file

1.2 Three functional models of Internet of things platform ( Models of things ) file

2. How to access

2.1 MQTT.fx: Fast access , Relaxed experience file

2.2 Based on open source JAVA MQTT Client Connect to alicloud IoT file

2.3 Sample code details Coap Protocol access to the Internet of things platform (java Realization ) file

2.4 HTTP Protocol access to the Internet of things platform (Getman simulation ) file

3. Data flow

3.1 The server subscribes to it AMQP file

3.2 The server subscribes to it MNS file

3.3 Server side subscription 4 Step by step investigation process file

3.4 7 Data flow examples explain the rules engine file

3.5 be based on Topic Message routing builds M2M Inter device communication architecture file

3.6 Build based on rule engine M2M Inter device communication architecture file

4. Advanced features

4.1 8 Step by step to explain the firmware upgrade process file

4.2 Remotely configured 2 Three kinds of scene demonstration file

4.3 NTP Clock synchronization : How to get the exact time on the device file

4.4 Based on open source Java MQTT Client demonstration RRPC The implementation of the file

Click on the link to get the full document link :https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qN0WA32y3KFekXUvmBWDvQ Extraction code :8o81

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