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Interview summary on November 7, 2020 (interview 12K)

2020-11-09 10:51:00 osc_rq7kb4yf

The reason for work , And I don't study hard ( Ha ha ha ) Try to guide the interviewer to ask ssm Framework
The article is for me This week ,5 The summary of the day's interview
First say mysql

mysql: The address of the original text
1. engine
2. Indexes
3. Isolation level
4. lock

1. Storage engine
One Innodb(mysql Default engine )
Support transactions , It's business safety , Provides row level locks and foreign key constraints , There's a buffer pool , For buffering data and indexes
Applicable scenario : For transaction processing , have ACID Things support , Used to perform a large number of insert and update Table of operations
Unsupported transaction , Foreign key constraints are not supported , Row level locks are not supported , The whole table needs to be locked during operation , However, the number of rows in the table will be saved , So when you execute select count(*) from tablename It's very fast
Applicable scenario : Used to manage non transactional tables , Provide high-speed retrieval and full-text retrieval capabilities , Apply to a large number of select Table of operations , Such as Log table
3、 ... and MEMORY
Create a table with content that exists in memory , every last memory It only corresponds to one disk file . The engine uses hash Indexes , It can be positioned at once , No need to be like B Tree like search from root node to branch node , So the access speed of precise query is very fast , But when it comes to imprecise searches , such as like, This range lookup ,hash It doesn't work .
Applicable scenario : It is mainly used for the table whose content changes infrequently , Or as an intermediate lookup table . Be careful when updating tables because the data is not written to disk , Consider the storage of data before shutting down the service
MERGE Storage engine MyISAM The data table is treated as a logical unit , So we can query them at the same time . Constitute a MERGE Members of the data table structure MyISAM Data tables must have exactly the same structure . The data columns of each member data table must have the same name and type defined in the same order , Indexes must also be defined in the same order and in the same way .

Two 、 Index type
General index : Only speed up queries
unique index : Speed up queries + Column value uniqueness ( There can be null)
primary key : Speed up queries + Column value uniqueness ( There can be no null)+ There is only one in the list
Composite index : Multiple column values form an index , Dedicated to combined search , It is more efficient than index merging
When to create an index :
MySQL Only right <,<=,=,>,>=,BETWEEN,IN, And sometimes LIKE To use the index
When the index doesn't work :
1、 Use like Keyword fuzzy query , The first position is any character
3、OR When the columns in both the preceding and subsequent conditions are indexed , The index will take effect .
4、 Try to avoid where Used in clauses != or <> The operator , Otherwise the full table scan .
5、 stay where Clause to express the field , Function operation , Otherwise the full table scan .
6、order by Indexes , Problems that don't work ( Besides the primary key index ):
  1、 If select Query only index fields ,order by The index field will use the index , Or it's a full table arrangement ;
   2、 If there is where Conditions , such as where vtype=1 order by vtype asc . such order by Index is also used !
Composite index ? In which scenes , Composite indexes will fail :
1、 Composite index fields use indexes no matter how the order changes , The premise is that all fields are in where Conditionally
2、 If you want to use one or two fields in where Conditionally , There must be the first field in the composite index , But it's not about the order , for example a,c or c,a, This scenario can hit the index . however ,b,c or c,b This doesn't hit the index ..
3、order by Only use a, To use the index
mysql Optimization method :
What to consider when creating a table :
1、 Select the most appropriate field property
2、 Try to set the field to NOT NULL
3 Use connections (JOIN) Instead of subquery
4. Link query recommendation :inner join( Internal connection )
5. Create the appropriate index

Optimize SQL Query statement
1 Do not use subqueries
2 Avoid functional indexes
3 use IN To replace OR
4 LIKE The first position is that any character cannot be indexed
6 Avoid inconsistent data types
7 Grouping statistics can prohibit sorting
8 Prohibit unnecessary ORDER BY Sort
9 Batch INSERT Insert

Why subqueries are better than join queries (LEFT JOIN) Low efficiency :
When executing a subquery ,MYSQL You need to create a temporary table , Delete these temporary tables after query , therefore , The speed of subqueries will be affected , Here's an extra process to create and destroy the temporary table

Business :
Atomicity : One thing (transaction) All operations in , Or it's all done , Or not at all , It doesn't end in the middle . An error occurred during the execution of the transaction , Will be rolled back (Rollback) To the state where the transaction begins , It's like this transaction has never been executed .
Uniformity : Before the transaction starts and after the transaction ends , The integrity of the database is not compromised . This means that the data written must fully comply with all the default rules , This includes the accuracy of the data 、 Serialization and subsequent databases can spontaneously accomplish the scheduled work .
Isolation, : The ability of a database to allow multiple transactions to read, write, and modify its data at the same time , Isolation can prevent data inconsistency caused by cross execution when multiple transactions are executed concurrently . Transaction isolation is divided into different levels , Include read uncommitted (Read uncommitted)、 Read submitted (Read committed)、 Repeatable (repeateable read) And serialization (Serializable).
persistence : After transaction ends , Changes to data are permanent , Even if the system fails, it will not be lost .

Transaction isolation level
Read uncommitted
Read submitted
The problems that arise :
1、 Dirty reading : Business A Read transaction B Updated data , then B Rollback operation , that A The data read is dirty data
2、 It can't be read repeatedly : Business A Read the same thing many times , Business B In the transaction A During multiple reads , Update the data and submit , Cause transaction A When reading the same data multiple times , Inconsistent results .
3、 Fantasy reading : System administrator A Change the scores of all students in the database from specific scores to ABCDE Grade , But the system administrator B At this time, a specific score record was inserted , When the system administrator A After the change, I found that there is another record that hasn't been changed , It's like an illusion , This is called Unreal reading .


InnoDB The row lock of is the lock added for the index , It's not a lock on records . And the index cannot be invalidated , Otherwise, it will be upgraded from row lock to table lock

Row lock
The disadvantage of row lock : Spending big ; Lock the slow ; A deadlock occurs
The advantages of row locks : The granularity of the lock is small , The probability of lock conflict is low ; The ability to handle concurrency is strong
The way to lock : Automatic locking . about UPDATE、DELETE and INSERT sentence ,InnoDB An exclusive lock will be automatically added to the involved data set ; For ordinary SELECT sentence ,InnoDB No locks ; Of course, we can also show the lock :
Shared lock :select * from tableName where … + lock in share more
Exclusive lock :select * from tableName where … + for update
Exclusive lock
Exclusive lock , Also known as write lock , An exclusive lock , Before the current write operation is completed , It blocks other write and read locks .
Shared lock
Shared lock , Also known as read lock , It is used to judge whether the data exists , Multiple read operations can be performed simultaneously without affecting each other . If the transaction modifies the read lock , It is likely to cause deadlock .

Analysis line locking

clear through InnoDB_row_lock State variable analysis system row lock contention situation
innodb_row_lock_current_waits: The number of currently waiting locks
innodb_row_lock_time: The total length of time from system startup to lock up ; Very important parameters ,
innodb_row_lock_time_avg: The average time it takes to wait ; Very important parameters ,
innodb_row_lock_time_max: Time spent waiting for the most frequent time from system startup to now ;
innodb_row_lock_waits: The total number of times the system has been waiting since it was started ; Very important parameters . Directly determine the direction and strategy of optimization
Row lock optimization
1 As far as possible, all data retrieval should be done through index , Avoid non index row or index invalidation leading to row lock upgrade to table lock .
2 Try to avoid performance degradation caused by clearance lock , Reduce or use a reasonable search range .
3 Reduce transaction granularity as much as possible , For example, controlling transaction size , And from reducing the amount of locked resources and the length of time , So as to reduce the lock competition and so on , Provide performance .
4 As low level transaction isolation as possible , Higher isolation level , The less concurrent processing power .

Table locks
The advantages of watch lock : Low overhead ; Locked fast ; No deadlock
The disadvantage of watch lock : Big lock size , The probability of lock conflict is high , Low concurrency
The way to lock : Automatic locking . Query operation (SELECT), Will automatically lock all tables involved , update operation (UPDATE、DELETE、INSERT), Will automatically lock the tables involved . You can also show lock :
Shared read lock :lock table tableName read;
Exclusive write lock :lock table tableName write;
Batch unlock :unlock tables;

Shared read lock
Yes MyISAM Read operation of table ( Add read lock ), It will not block other processes from reading the same table , But it blocks writes to the same table . Only when the read lock is released , In order to perform the write operation of other processes . Cannot fetch other tables until lock is released .

Exclusive write lock
Yes MyISAM Write operation of table ( Add write lock ), Will block other processes to read and write to the same table , Only when the write lock is released , Will perform read and write operations of other processes . No other tables can be written until the lock is released .

In what situation is watch lock used
InnoDB Row lock is used by default , Promote to table lock when index field query is not used .
Case one : Full table update .
The second case : Multi-table query .
1 InnoDB Support table lock and row lock , Using the index as the search condition, the row lock is used to modify the data , Otherwise, watch lock is used .
2 InnoDB Automatically lock changes , Do not lock queries automatically
3 Row lock may be promoted to table lock because index is not used , So in addition to checking whether the index is created , It also needs to pass explain Whether the execution plan query index is actually used .
4 Row lock is relative to table lock , The advantage is that it performs better in high concurrency scenarios , After all, the granularity of locks is small .
5 When most of the data in the table needs to be modified , Or when multiple tables are complex associated queries , Table lock is better than row lock .
6 In order to ensure the consistent integrity of the data , There is a locking mechanism in any database . The advantages and disadvantages of locking mechanism directly affect the concurrent processing ability and performance of a database .
