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Natural language processing (NLP) roadmap - KDnuggets

2020-11-09 00:40:00 On jdon

because   In the past ten years big data The development of  . Enterprises now need to analyze a large amount of data from various sources every day .

natural language processing (NLP) It's the field of artificial intelligence , Dedicated to processing and using text and voice data to create intelligent machines and insights .


Pretreatment technology

  To prepare text data for reasoning , Some of the most common techniques are :

  • Tokenization :  Used to split input text into its constituent words ( Mark ). such , It's easier to convert our data into digital format .
  • Stop words remove :  Used to remove all prepositions from our text ( for example ,“ One ”,“ This ” etc. ), These prepositions can only be regarded as noise sources in our data ( Because they don't carry any additional words ) The information in our data ).
  • Word stem :  Finally, it is used to remove all affixes from the data ( Such as prefixes or suffixes ). such , actually , For our algorithm , Think of it as actually having a similar meaning ( for example , Insightful opinions ) It's much easier to use proper words for .

standards-of-use Python NLP library ( for example NLTK  and  Spacy), All of these preprocessing techniques can be easily applied to different types of text  .

in addition , In order to infer the grammar and text structure of a language , We can use parts of speech such as (POS) Tags and shallow parsing ( chart 1) Technology like that . actually , Using these technologies , We can use lexical categories of words ( Based on the context of phrase grammar ) Mark each word explicitly .


modeling technique

  • Speech pack

 Bag of Words It's a kind of natural language processing and   Computer vision technology  , The goal is to create new features for training classifiers ( chart 2). This technique is implemented by constructing a histogram that counts all the words in the document ( Regardless of word order and grammar rules ).

One of the main problems that may limit the effectiveness of this technique is the presence of prepositions in our text , pronouns , Articles, etc . actually , All of these can be thought of as words that often appear in our text , Even if you don't really know what the main features and themes of our documents are .

To solve this type of problem , Commonly referred to as “ The term frequency - Anti document frequency ”(TFIDF) Technology .TFIDF The purpose of this paper is to adjust the frequency of word count in text by considering the frequency of each word appearing in a large number of texts . then , Using this technology , We're going to reward words that are very common in text but rarely in other texts ( Increase the frequency value proportionally ), At the same time, for the words that appear frequently in the text and other texts ( Scale down the frequency value ) To punish ( For example, prepositions , Pronouns, etc ).


  • Potential Dirichlet distribution (LDA)

Potential Dirichlet distribution (LDA) It's a topic modeling technique . Topic modeling is an area of research , Focus on finding ways to cluster documents , In order to find potential distinguishing markers which can characterize their characteristics according to their contents ( chart 3). therefore , Topic modeling can also be seen as    drop Dimension Technology , Because it allows us to reduce the initial data to a limited set of clusters .

Potential Dirichlet distribution (LDA) It's an unsupervised learning technology , It is used to find potential topics that can represent different documents and cluster similar documents together . The algorithm will   Considered to exist N Topics as input  , Then group the different documents into  N  Document clusters closely related to each other .

LDA With other clustering techniques ( for example K Mean clustering ) The difference is that LDA It's a soft clustering technique ( Each document is assigned to clusters based on probability distribution ). for example , Documents can be assigned to clusters A, Because the possibility that the algorithm determines that the document belongs to this category is 80%, Some features embedded in this document are still taken into account ( rest 20%) More likely to belong to the second cluster B.


  • Word embedding

Word embedding is one of the most common ways to encode words into digital vectors , Then we can input it into our machine learning model for reasoning . Word embedding aims to transform our words into vector space reliably , So that similar words are represented by similar vectors .

Now , There's something to create Word There are three main techniques for surface embedding :Word2Vec, glove and fastText. All three techniques use shallow neural networks to create the required word embedding .

  • Sentiment analysis

  Emotional analysis is a kind of NLP technology , Usually used to understand some form of text is about the positive side of the subject , Negative or neutral emotions . for example , Trying to find out about a subject , General public opinion of a product or company ( Through online reviews , Tweets, etc ) when , This can be particularly useful .

In emotional analysis , Emotion in a text is usually expressed as -1( Negative emotion ) and 1( Positive emotions ) Between the value of the , It's called polarity .

Affective analysis can be regarded as an unsupervised learning technique , Because we don't usually provide handmade tags for data . To overcome this obstacle , We use pre marked dictionaries ( A collection of words ), The dictionary is used to quantify the emotions of a large number of words in different contexts . Some examples of widely used words in affective analysis are  TextBlob  and  VADER.

  • Transformer

Represents the latest NLP Model , In order to analyze text data .BERT  and  GTP3 It's something well known Transformers Model   Example .

Creating Transformer Before , Recursive neural network (RNN) It is the most effective way to analyze text data in order to make prediction , But it's hard to reliably exploit long-term dependencies , for example , Our network may find it difficult to understand that words entered in previous iterations may be useful for the current iteration .

With the help of a method called “ attention ”  (Attention) The mechanism of , Successfully overcome this limitation ( The mechanism   Used to determine which parts of the text need to be focused and given more attention ). Besides ,Transformers Make parallel processing of text data easy , Not sequential processing ( So it improves the execution speed ).

Now , With the help of Hugging Face library , It's easy to be in Python To realize Transfer .



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