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Under the crisis of enterprise development, is digital transformation the future savior of enterprises

2022-07-05 14:35:00 Bi visualization of Parker data

In artificial intelligence 、 big data 、 Cloud computing 、 Under the influence of cutting-edge technologies such as the Internet , There has been an information revolution in society 、 Technological and industrial innovation in the direction of digitalization , Let enterprises in many fields enjoy the latest technology 、 Business 、 management 、 Ideological and other achievements , Also let some enterprises further , Embarked on the difficult revolutionary road of digital transformation to change enterprises from beginning to end .

Why is digital transformation a difficult road ? actually , According to statistics, although digital transformation has been recognized by most people and enterprises , But because the digital transformation is still in the initial stage of development , Related technologies 、 theory 、 Case study 、 Experience is not mature enough , There is no complete system path , Can only grope forward in the dark . And because digital transformation is a time for enterprises “ subversion ” Innovative , It makes the digital transformation of enterprises more difficult . So in this case , Whether digital transformation is the Savior of enterprises .

What is digital transformation

Digital transformation refers to the use of digital technologies to create a new 、 Or reshape the existing business model , User centered business innovation , Let enterprises acquire the ability of continuous change and development in the changing market environment , So as to maintain sufficient competitiveness in the market , Provide novelty 、 Products and services that meet the needs of users and the market .

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Besides , Digital transformation is still a system level project for enterprises , Business processes will be involved in the development and implementation process 、 organizational culture 、 Business philosophy and management structure, and so on . In a sense , Digital transformation is an important step for enterprises “ Overthrow the reconstruction ”. I have seen people ask why strategic planning in digital transformation 、 Top leaders are so important , In fact, I don't know much about digital transformation , For enterprises, this degree of transformation , It must be guided by senior management , To allocate tasks from top to bottom , In order to mobilize all employees to jointly promote .

Digital transformation has two major components , First, digitalization , Digitalization emphasizes digitalization thoughts 、 Digital business 、 Digital technology, digital management and other digital related applications or services . From the actual implementation of digitalization in the enterprise , We can find that digitalization is more about upgrading 、 Optimized work , Through the digital upgrading of enterprises , It increases the operation efficiency of the enterprise , Reduced manpower 、 material resources 、 Time and other costs , Improved profitability .

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Second, transformation , Transformation refers to the transformation of enterprises , Adjust the original business process of the enterprise 、 Management philosophy 、 Organizational culture construction 、 Personnel organization structure, R & D and production standards, etc . Transformation is an issue that long-term enterprises should always consider , Only transformation can make enterprises more efficient at the right time 、 More adaptable to the environment , So that enterprises in different business forms 、 There can be good innovation and development in different stages , Provide products and services that meet the market requirements of users .

Why is digital transformation so popular

Some people may be strange , Why is the sudden digital transformation in individuals 、 Institutions 、 Enterprises and even countries are booming , For a time, everyone was talking about digital transformation , Most enterprises have also carried out digital transformation planning , Some central enterprises 、 State owned enterprises even responded to the call for digital transformation at the first time and released a hand talk about digital transformation , Announced the digital transformation plan route . therefore , At present, the digital transformation is not why , The question of whether to turn , But where to turn , How to turn . that , Why is the digital transformation so popular ?

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Enterprises' choice of digital transformation can be analyzed from two perspectives , On the one hand, with the rapid economic growth , People's material life is getting richer , During this period, the overall scale of the market continued to expand , Many enterprises have entered the business development , Occupy the high-speed growth period of the market . But because of the slowdown in economic growth 、 The market ceiling appears 、 Competitive enterprises 、 Large scale increase of brands and other reasons , Most enterprises have suffered a unified collective crisis , Have to choose to use transformation to meet the coming risks .

On the other hand , In information technology 、 Under the influence of cutting-edge technologies such as digitalization , Digital upgrading and transformation spread to the Internet 、 medicine 、 automobile 、 Manufacturing and many other fields , Let the digital economy cover all walks of life , At the moment when the traditional economic growth is weak, it has achieved high-speed growth , It has become an important pillar of the national economy . meanwhile , Digitalization has also brought about explosive growth of data , Let data analysis 、 Data visualization 、 Digital marketing 、 User portrait 、 Digital decision-making and other enterprise businesses that rely heavily on data have achieved new development , Realize the value of data , It has become an important asset of the enterprise .

Why is digital transformation the Savior of enterprises

First , Digital transformation is the Savior of enterprises , The main reason is that digital transformation is applicable to enterprises in all walks of life , This is because the digital transformation is essentially , It's also a business 、 technology 、 Management transformation , There are no industry restrictions . Moreover, digital transformation also has strong applicability in different business lines within the enterprise , Research and development 、 production 、 operating 、 Different departments such as the market can also participate in the digital transformation , It is very suitable for most enterprises , It may be the basic framework for future enterprise construction .

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secondly , The foundation of digital transformation has been laid by many enterprises in advance , For example, digital transformation needs the support of data , Now many enterprises have achieved basic information construction , Precipitated a lot of business data ; Another example is the Internet 、 Mobile Internet and e-commerce 、 Web map 、 Take out group buying 、 Online taxi and so on have brought the whole society to informatization 、 Digital understanding , Reduced adaptation 、 The threshold of acceptance . Digital transformation is just a process to sort out the overall informatization of enterprises 、 Digital architecture , Unify the digitalization process of all departments , The process of transforming from single business digitalization to enterprise digitalization .


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