.md namely markdown The basic common writing syntax of a document , It's a quick marker 、 Fast typesetting language , Now a lot of the documents in the previous project readme And so on .md The document was written by , And many companies are encouraging the use of this editing method , Especially as a front-end practitioner, we should learn to use this language . Now I'd like to share some with you .md Basic grammar
One 、 Basic symbols :* - +. >
Basically all markdown Tags are based on these four symbols or combinations , It should be noted that , If the mark begins with the basic symbol , Notice that there is a space after the base symbol to separate the marker from the content .
Two 、 title
1. Anterior band # Number , It's followed by text , respectively h1-h6, Only to h6, and h1 There will be a horizontal line below
# First level title
## Secondary title
### Three level title
#### The fourth level title
##### Five level titles
###### Six level title
2. It's equivalent to closing the label
# First level title #
## Secondary title ##
### Three level title ###
#### The fourth level title ####
##### Five level titles #####
###### Six level title #####
The effect is as follows :

3、 ... and 、 list
- Unordered list
// Form 1
+ a
+ b
+ c
// Form 2
- d
- e
- f
// Form 3
* g
* h
* i
The above three forms , The effect is actually the same :

- Ordered list
// Normal form
1. abc
2. bcd
3. cde
// Wrong order effect
2. fgh
3. ghi
5. hij
design sketch :

Pictured , Be careful , The dots after the numbers can only be English dots , The ordinal number of an ordered list is based on the numerical order of the first line of the list ,
The sequence number of the wrong order list is originally disordered , But it still shows 2 3 5
- Nested list
// Unordered list nesting
+ 123
+ abc
+ bcd
+ cde
+ 465
+ 789
// Ordered list nesting
1. abcd
1. abcde
2. abcde
3. abcde
2. bcde
3. cdef
design sketch :

Lists can be nested , When using, press... Before nesting the list tab or Space To indent , To control the number of levels in the list
Four 、 Reference description block
Make some explanation to the content of a certain part or quote the words of so and so on , You can use this grammar .
- Normal form
> Quotes 、 Description . Add a word before the sentence > , Notice the right angle bracket in English , Note blank space , Reference because it's a block , In theory, it should be possible to put any content , for instance : title , list , Quotes, etc .
design sketch :

- Nested blocks
Here I'll just introduce my common methods , It is also a method that I think is more standardized , It is to add an extra right angle bracket to the next level block of the block
> First level citation
>> Two level citation
>>> Three level quotation
>>>> Fourth level quotation
>>>>> Five levels of quotation
>>>>>> Level six quotes
design sketch :

5、 ... and 、 Code block
In the release of some technical articles will involve the issue of showing the code , At this time, the code block is particularly important .
- A small amount of code , Single line use , Direct use ` Just wrap it up
` shaoliangdaima,danhangshiyong `
design sketch :

- A lot of code , Need more than one line to use , use ``` Wrap it up
design sketch :

6、 ... and 、 link
- Inline
The text of the link is placed in [] in , The link address is placed next to () in , Links can also take title attribute , There is a blank space after the link address , And then quote it in quotation marks
[ Simple books ](https://www.jianshu.com " Create your creation "),
It's a creative community , Anyone can create on it . Users can easily create their own works on the short books , Communicate with each other .
- Parametric formula
The text of the link is placed in [] in , The link address is placed next to : after , There is a blank space after the link address , And then quote it in quotation marks
[ Simple books ]: https://www.jianshu.com " Create your creation "
[ Simple books ] It's a creative community , Anyone can create on it . Users can easily create their own works on the short books , Communicate with each other .
// Other ways to write parameter definitions
[ Simple books ]: https://www.jianshu.com ' Create your creation '
[ Simple books ]: https://www.jianshu.com ( Create your creation )
[ Simple books ]: <https://www.jianshu.com> " Create your creation "
The effects of the above two ways are the same , as follows :

7、 ... and 、 picture
- Inline
Similar to the form of links , The name of the picture is placed in [] in , The photo address is placed next to () in ,title attribute ( There is a blank space after the image address , And then quote it in quotation marks ), Pay attention to is [] Add... Before !

- Parametric formula
The text of the picture is placed in [] in , The photo address is placed next to : after ,title attribute ( There is a blank space after the image address , And then quote it in quotation marks ), Note that the reference to the picture is in [] Add... Before !
[my-logo.png]: https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/13623636-6d878e3d3ef63825.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240 "my-logo"
// Other ways to write parameter definitions
[my-logo.png]: https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/13623636-6d878e3d3ef63825.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240 'my-logo'
[my-logo.png]: https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/13623636-6d878e3d3ef63825.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240 (my-logo)
[my-logo.png]: <https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/13623636-6d878e3d3ef63825.png?imageMogr2/auto-orient/strip%7CimageView2/2/w/1240> "my-logo"
The effects of the above two ways are the same , as follows :

8、 ... and 、 Split line
The dividing line can be divided by * - _( asterisk , minus sign , The bottom line ) this 3 At least... Of the symbols 3 A symbol means , Pay attention to at least 3 individual , And it doesn't need to be continuous , You can also
- - -
* * *
_ _ _
The above code renderings are :

Nine 、 other
- Emphasis on Fonts
An asterisk or an underline , Will be converted to <em> tilt , If it is 2 individual , Will be converted to <strong> In bold
design sketch :

- escape
Basically and js It's the same as the meaning ,\ Add characters that need to be escaped
- Delete line
use ~~ Wrap the characters that need to show the strikeout
~~ Delete ~~
design sketch :

Ten 、 form
// Example a
// Example 2
// Example 3
The above three examples have the same effect , It can be obtained. :
1. The format of the table doesn't have to be very accurate , But in order to be a good style , It's best to align as much as possible
2. The colon after the divider indicates alignment , Write on the left for left alignment , Right is right alignment , Write on both sides for Center
The renderings are as follows :

Reprinted from :https://www.jianshu.com/p/399e5a3c7cc5