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Centos7 local source Yum configuration
2020-11-10 10:41:00 【osc_mxz6aybo】
CentOS7 Local sources yum To configure
- Use software VMware Workstation 16pro
- System CentOS 7
- Image file CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1511.iso
CentOS After the system is installed on the virtual machine or the real machine , There are two ways to install software , Except for local sources yum install , And network installation , But sometimes there are some errors when using network installation , Therefore, it is recommended to set the local source configuration first .
After opening the virtual machine, connect to download or install the image files of the system in the settings
Note that when the image is successfully connected to the virtual machine , The lower right corner of the virtual machine shows
open CentOS The terminal input of
- notes : After opening the terminal, it is recommended to switch to root In user mode
su root
df -h # View mounted devices
- /dev/sr0 It's the device name of the image hinder run/media/root/… Is the default mount path of the image We need to reset the mount path
- First in mnt Create under directory cdrom, Then mount the image to cdrom Next
mount /dev/sr0 /mnt/cdrom/
- After the mount is successful, it will be shown as shown in the figure
- Set mount and enter
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
Under the table of contents
vi CentOS-Media.repo
Edit the file, copy the contents and exit
Use rm -f *
Delete all files
And then create your own .reop The documents are as follows
# The document code is as follows
[a] # Two places here a Is the name of the created file
baseurl=file:///mnt/cdrom/ # Here is the mounted Directory
gpgcheck=0 # Is not enabled
enabled=1 # verification gpg Don't open
# Then save to exit
Because it's reset yum The following commands are used to configure all of them
yum clean alll # Clear all yum To configure
yum makecache # establish yum New cache
Success will be shown as follows
Finally, query the installed software package yum list
Here we are CentOS Local sources yum Configuration complete
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