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C + + STL container
2020-11-10 08:45:00 【D3qbz0a】
Containers | Underlying data structure | Time complexity | There is disorder | It can't be repeated | other |
array | Array | Read at random O(1) | disorder | repeatable | Support random access |
vector | Array | Read at random 、 Tail insertion 、 Tail delete O(1), Head insertion 、 Head delete O(n) | disorder | repeatable | Support random access |
deque | deque | Insert head and tail 、 Delete the beginning and the end O(1) | disorder | repeatable | A central controller + Multiple buffers , Support the rapid addition and deletion of , Support random access |
forward_list | One way linked list Insert 、 Delete O(1) | disorder | repeatable | Random access is not supported | |
list | Double linked list | Insert 、 Delete O(1) | disorder | repeatable | Random access is not supported |
stack | deque / list | Insert at the top 、 Delete at the top O(1) | disorder | repeatable | deque or list Close the head end opening , no need vector The reason should be that the capacity is limited , Expansion takes time |
queue | deque / list | Tail insertion 、 Head delete O(1) | disorder | repeatable | deque or list Close the head end opening , no need vector The reason should be that the capacity is limited , Expansion takes time |
priority_queue | vector + max-heap | Insert 、 Delete O(log2n) | Orderly | repeatable | vector Containers +heap Handling rules |
set | Red and black trees | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(log2n) | Orderly | Do not repeat | |
multiset | Red and black trees | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(log2n) | Orderly | repeatable | |
map | Red and black trees | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(log2n) | Orderly | Do not repeat | |
multimap | Red and black trees | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(log2n) | Orderly | repeatable | |
unordered_set | Hashtable | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(1) The worst O(n) | disorder | Do not repeat | |
unordered_multiset | Hashtable | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(1) The worst O(n) | disorder | repeatable | |
unordered_map | Hashtable | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(1) The worst O(n) | disorder | Do not repeat | |
unordered_multimap | Hashtable | Insert 、 Delete 、 lookup O(1) The worst O(n) | disorder | repeatable |
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