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Wu Enda's refining notes on machine learning 4: basis of neural network - Zhihu

2020-11-10 07:36:00 osc_lhwd57ou

author :Peter

Red stone's personal website :

Red stone's personal blog - machine learning 、 The road to deep learning www.redstonewill.com Icon

Today, I'll bring you the notes for the fourth week : Neural network basis .

  • Nonlinear hypothesis
  • Neurons and the brain
  • Model to represent
  • Features and intuitive understanding
  • Multiple classification problems

Nonlinear hypothesis Non-linear Hypotheses

The disadvantages of linear regression and logical regression : When there are too many features , The computational load will be very large

Suppose we want to train a model to recognize visual objects ( For example, identify whether a car is on a picture ), How can we do this ? One way is to use a lot of pictures of cars and a lot of pictures of non cars , And then use the values of the pixels on these images ( Saturation or brightness ) As a feature .

Suppose you use 50*50 A small picture of pixels , Take all pixels as features , Then there are 2500 Features . What ordinary logistic regression models can't handle , You need to use neural networks

Neurons and the brain

Model to represent

Model to represent 1

Each neuron can be thought of as a processing unit / Nucleus nervi processing unit/Nucleus, It mainly includes :

  • Multiple inputs / Dendrites input/Dendrite
  • An output / axon output/Axon
A neural network is a network in which a large number of neurons are interconnected and communicate through electrical pulses
  1. The neural network model is based on many neurons , Each neuron is a learning model
  2. Neurons are called activation units activation unit; In the neural network , Parameters can also be called weights (weight)
  3. Neural networks like neurons

neural network

The following is an example of a logistic regression model as a neuron of its own learning model

A neural network structure similar to neurons

  • x1,x2,x3 It's the input unit , Input raw data into them
  • Several basic concepts
    • Input layer : The data layer of the node
    • The network layer : Output hihi Along with its network layer parameters w,bw,b
    • Hidden layer : The middle layer of the network layer
    • Output layer : The last layer
    • Bias unit :bias unit, Add bias units to each layer

The activation unit and output of the above model are expressed as :

The expression of the three activation units :

The output expression is :

Put each row of the eigenmatrix ( A training example ) Feed it to the neural network , Finally, we need to feed the whole training set to the neural network .

This left to right algorithm is called : Forward propagation FORWARD PROPAGATION

The memory method of model marking

Its dimensions are specified as :

  • By the end of jj The number of active cells in a layer is the number of rows
  • By the end of j+1j+1 The number of active units in the layer +1 A matrix with the number of columns

Model to represent 2

FORWARD PROPAGATION Coding relative to using cycles , The vectorization method will make the calculation easier ,

If there is now :

among z Satisfy :

That is, in the brackets of the above three activation units , So there are :

Then output h It can be expressed as :

Features and intuitive understanding

Neural network , Monolayer neurons ( No middle layer ) Can be used to represent logical operations , For example, logic and (AND)、 Logic or (OR)

Implementation logic ” And AND”

Implementation logic " or OR"

Implementation logic “ Not not”

Multiple classification problems

When there are more than two categories in the output , For example, neural network algorithm is used to identify passers-by 、 automobile 、 Motorcycles, etc .

  • The input vector has 3 Dimensions , Two intermediate layers
  • The output layer has 4 Neurons represent 4 Kinds of classification , That is, every data will appear in the output layer [a,b,c,d]T[a,b,c,d]T, And [a,b,c,d][a,b,c,d] Only one of them is for 1, Represents the current class

TF The solution

The above multi class classification problem and TF The problem with Chinese handwritten numbers is similar to , The solution is as follows :

  1. Handwritten digital picture data

The total number of categories is 10, That is, the total output node value dout=10dout=10, Suppose the class of a sample is i, The number in the picture is ii, Need a length of 10 Vector yy, The index number is ii The position of is set to 1, The rest is 0.

  • 0 Of one-hot Encoding is [1,0,0,0,….]
  • 1 Of one-hot Encoding is [0,1,0,0,….]
  • And so on

thus , Class notes for week 4 are over !

Series articles :

Wu enda 《Machine Learning》 Refining notes 1: Supervised learning and unsupervised learning

Wu enda 《Machine Learning》 Refining notes 2: Gradient descent and normal equation

Wu enda 《Machine Learning》 Refining notes 3: Regression problems and regularization

This article was first published on the official account :AI youdao (ID: redstonewill), Welcome to your attention !
