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4. Classes and objects
2022-07-03 02:15:00 【I want to go sailing】
C++ Three characteristics of object-oriented : encapsulation , Inherit , polymorphic .
C++ That everything is an object , Objects have their properties and behaviors .
4.1 encapsulation
4.1.1 The significance of encapsulation
The package is C++ One of the three characteristics of object orientation
The significance of encapsulation :
1. Take attributes and behaviors as a whole , Show everything in life .
2. Control attributes and behaviors with authority .
The meaning of encapsulation is : When designing classes , Attributes and behaviors are written together , Physical representation .
grammar :class Class name { Access right : attribute / Behavior };
Example 1: Design a circle class , Find the circumference of a circle
using namespace std;
#define PI 3.14
// class Represents a class , Class is followed by the name of the class
class Circle
int m_r;
double calculateZC()
return 2*PI*m_r;
int main()
Circle c1;
cout<<" The circumference of the circle is :"<<c1.calculateZC()<<endl;
return 0;
Example : Design a student class , You can assign names and student numbers , Name and student number can be displayed
using namespace std;
class Student
void setName(string name)
void setId(int id)
void showStudent()
cout<<"name = "<<this->m_name<<"\tId = "<<this->m_id<<endl;
string m_name;
int m_id;
int main()
Student s1;
return 0;
The second meaning of encapsulation : Class at design time , You can put attributes and behaviors under different permissions , To control .
There are three kinds of access rights :
1. public: Public authority
2. protected: Protection rights
3. private: Private rights
Example :
using namespace std;
class Person
// Public authority
string m_Name;
// Protection rights
string m_Car;
// Private rights
int m_Password;
void func()
m_Name=" Zhang San ";
m_Car=" Tractor ";
int main()
Person p1;
p1.m_Name=" Li Si ";
//p1.m_Car=" Mercedes "; // Protect the content of permissions , Not accessible outside the class
//p1.m_Password=123; // Private permission content , Not accessible outside the class
return 0;
4.1.2 struct and class difference
stay C++ in struct and class The only difference is that the default access rights are different
difference :
struct The default permission is public
class The default permission is private
4.1.3 The member property is set to private
advantage 1: Set all member properties to private , You can control the read and write permissions by yourself
advantage 2: For write access , We can test the validity of the data
using namespace std;
class Person
void setName(string name)
string getName()
return this->m_Name;
// For age , Can read but write , If you want to modify ( The scope must be 1~100)
void setAge(int age)
cout<<" Input error !"<<endl;
int getAge()
return this->m_Age;
void setLover(string lover)
// full name : Can read but write
string m_Name;
// Age : Read only not writable
int m_Age;
// Lover : Writing alone is not readable
string m_Lover;
int main()
Person p;
p.setName(" Zhang San ");
cout<<" The name is :"<<p.getName()<<endl;
cout<<" Age is :"<<p.getAge()<<endl;
p.setLover(" Xiao Wang ");
return 0;
4.2 Object initialization and cleanup
In life, the electronic products we buy basically have factory settings , We will delete some of our own information data to ensure security when we don't use it one day .
C++ Object oriented comes from life , Each object also has initial settings and settings for cleaning data before object destruction .
4.2.1 Constructors and destructors
Object initialization and cleanup are also two very important security issues .
1. An object or variable has no initial state , The consequences of its use are unknown .
2. Again, use an object or variable , Not cleaned up in time , It will also cause certain security problems .
C++ Constructor and destructor are used to solve the above problems , These two functions will be called automatically by the compiler , Complete the initialization and cleaning of objects .
The initialization and cleanup of objects are what the compiler forces us to do , So if we don't provide construction and deconstruction , The compiler will provide , The constructors and destructors provided by the compiler are null implemented .
Constructors : It is mainly used to assign values to the member properties of the object when creating the object , The constructor is called automatically by the compiler , No need to call .
Destructor : It is mainly used to automatically call... Before object destruction , Do some cleaning up .
Constructor Syntax : Class name (){}
1. Constructors , There is no return value and no void
2. The function name is the same as the class name
3. Constructors can have parameters , So overloading can happen
4. The program will automatically call the constructor before calling the object , No manual call required , And it's only called once .
Destructor Syntax : Class name (){}
1. Destructor , There is no return value and no void
2. The function name is the same as the class name , Put the symbol before the name ~
3. Destructors cannot have arguments , So overloading can't happen
4. The program will call destruct automatically before the object is destroyed , No manual call required , And it's only called once .
Example :
using namespace std;
class Person
// Constructors
cout<<"Person Call the constructor of !"<<endl;
// Destructor
cout<<"Person Destructor call for !"<<endl;
int main()
Person p;
return 0;
4.2.2 Constructor classification and call
Two kinds of classification :
1. It can be divided into : Parametric and nonparametric structures
2. It can be divided into : Normal construction and copy construction
Three call modes :
1. Bracket method
2. Display method
3. Implicit transformation
4.2.3 Copy constructor call timing
C++ There are usually three kinds of call times using copy constructor in :
1. Initialize a new object with an object that has already been created .
2. The method of passing values to function parameters .
3. Returns the local object as a value .
Example :
using namespace std;
class Person
// Constructors
cout<<"Person The default copy constructor calls "<<endl;
Person(int age)
this->m_Age = age;
cout<<"Person Call the parameter constructor "<<endl;
Person(const Person &p)
cout<<"Perosn Copy constructor call !"<<endl;
// Destructor
cout<<"Person Destructor call !"<<endl;
int m_Age;
// 1. Initialize a new object with an object that has already been created
void test01()
Person p1(10);
Person p2(p1);
cout<<"p2 The age is :"<<p2.m_Age<<endl;
// 2. The method of passing values to function parameters
void doWork(Person p)
void test02()
Person p;
// 3. Returns the local object as a value
Person doWork02()
Person p1;
return p1;
void test03()
Person p=doWork02();
int main()
return 0;
4.2.4 Constructor call rules
By default :C++ The compiler adds... To at least one class 3 A function
1. Default constructor ( No arguments , Function body is empty )
2. Default destructor ( No arguments , Function body is empty )
3. Default copy constructor , Copy property values
The rules for calling constructors are as follows :
1. If the user defines a parameter constructor ,C++ The default nonparametric construction will no longer be provided , But the default copy structure will be provided
2. If you define a copy constructor ,C++ No more copy constructors will be provided
4.2.5 Deep copy and shallow copy
Shallow copy : Simple assignment copy operation
Deep copy : Reapply space in the heap area , Copy
Example :
using namespace std;
class Person
cout<<"Person The default copy constructor of "<<endl;
Person(int age, int height)
this->m_Age = age;
this->m_Height = new int(height);
cout<<"Person The parameterized constructor of !"<<endl;
// Implement your own copy constructor , Solve the problems caused by shallow copy ( The memory opened up by the heap is repeatedly released, resulting in an error )
Person(const Person &p)
cout<<"Person Copy constructor call for "<<endl;
// m_Height = p.m_Height; // This is the default implementation of the compiler
// Deep copy operation
this->m_Height = new int(*p.m_Height);
// Destruct code , Release the data opened in the heap area
delete m_Height;
cout<<"Person Destructor call for !"<<endl;
int m_Age;
int* m_Height;
void test01()
Person p1(10,140);
cout<<"p1 The age is :"<<p1.m_Age<<"\t Height is :"<<*p1.m_Height<<endl;
Person p2(p1);
cout<<"p2 The age is :"<<p2.m_Age<<"\t Height is :"<<*p2.m_Height<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
summary : If the attribute is opened in the heap area , Be sure to provide your own copy constructor , Prevent problems with shallow copies .
4.2.6 Initialization list
effect :C++ Provides initialization list properties , Used to initialize attribute values
grammar : Constructors (): attribute 1( value 1), attribute 2( value 2)…{}
Example :
using namespace std;
class Person
// Traditional initialization operation
//Person(int a, int b, int c)
// m_A=a;
// m_B=b;
// m_C=c;
// cout<<"Person The parameterized constructor of !"<<endl;
// Initialize list properties
Person(int a, int b, int c):m_A(a),m_B(b),m_C(c)
cout<<"Person Destructor call for "<<endl;
int m_A;
int m_B;
int m_C;
void test01()
Person p(10,20,30);
cout<<"m_A = "<<p.m_A<<"\tm_B = "<<p.m_B<<"\tm_C = "<<p.m_C<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
4.2.7 Class objects as class members
C++ A member of a class can be an object of another class , We call this member an object member
Example :
using namespace std;
// Mobile phones
class Phone
Phone(string pName)
m_PName = pName;
cout<<"Phone Constructor call for !"<<endl;
string m_PName;
// human beings
class Person
// Implicit transformation :Phone m_Phone = pName; It's equivalent to writing Phone m_Phone=Phone(pName)
Person(string name, string pName):m_Name(name),m_Phone(pName)
cout<<"Person Constructor call for !"<<endl;
string m_Name;
Phone m_Phone;
void test01()
Person p(" Zhang San ", " Apple ");
cout<<p.m_Name<<" Hold "<<p.m_Phone.m_PName<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
summary :
- When the members in the class are other objects , We call this member an object member .
- The order of construction is : Call the construction of the object member first , Then call the constructor of this class .
- The order of deconstruction is opposite to the order of construction .
4.2.8 Static members
Static member is to add keywords before member variables and member functions static, Called static members .
Static members are divided into :
- Static member variable
All objects share the same data
Allocate memory during compilation
Declaration within class , Class initialization- Static member functions
All objects share the same function
Static member functions can only access static member variables
Example :
using namespace std;
// human beings
class Person
// Static member functions
static void func()
m_A = 100; // Static member functions can access , Static member variable
//m_B = 200; // Static member functions cannot be accessed , Non static member variables , Because it is impossible to distinguish which object it is m_B attribute
cout<<"static void func call "<<endl;
static int m_A; // Static member variable
int m_B; // Non static member variables
// Static member functions also have access
static void func2()
cout<<"static void func2 call "<<endl;
int Person::m_A=0;
void test01()
// 1 Object access
Person p;
// 2 Access by class name
// Person::func2(); // Out of class access to private static member functions
int main()
return 0;
4.3 C++ Object models and this The pointer
4.3.1 Member variables and member functions are stored separately
stay C++ in , Class member variables and member functions are stored separately
Only non static member variables belong to objects of a class
Example :
using namespace std;
// Mobile phones
class Phone
// human beings
class Person
int m_A; // Static member variable On objects belonging to classes
static int m_B; // Non static member variables , On objects that do not belong to a class
// Non static member functions On objects that do not belong to a class
void func()
// Static member functions On objects that do not belong to a class
static void func2()
int Person::m_B = 0;
void test01()
Phone ph;
// The memory space occupied by empty objects is :1
// C++ The compiler also allocates a byte space to each empty object , It's to distinguish where empty objects occupy memory
// Each empty object should also have a unique address
cout<<"size of ph = "<<sizeof(ph)<<endl;
void test02()
Person p;
cout<<"size of p = "<<sizeof(p)<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
4.3.2 this Pointer concept
We know that C++ Member variables and member functions are stored separately in .
Each non static member function will produce only one function instance , That is, multiple objects of the same type share the same code . So the question is : How does this piece of code distinguish the object calling itself ?
C++ By providing special object pointers ,this The pointer , Solve the above problems .this Pointer to the object to which the called member function belongs .
this A pointer is a pointer implicit in every non static member function .
this The pointer does not need to be defined , It can be used directly .
this The purpose of the pointer :
1. When a parameter has the same name as a member variable , You can use this Pointer to distinguish .
2. Return the object itself in the class's non static member function , You can use return * this
using namespace std;
// human beings
class Person
Person(int age)
// 1. Resolve name conflicts
// this Pointer to The object to which the called member function belongs
this->age = age;
Person& PersonAddAge(Person p)
// 2. Return the object itself with *this
this->age += p.age;
return *this;
int age;
void test01()
Person p1(19);
Person p2(22);
cout<<"p2 The age is :"<<p2.age<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
4.3.3 Null pointer to member function
C++ Hollow pointers can also call member functions , But also pay attention to the use of this The pointer ; If used this The pointer , You need to judge the robustness of the code .
Example :
using namespace std;
// human beings
class Person
void showClassName()
cout<<"this is Person class"<<endl;
void showPersonAge()
// The reason for the error is that the pointer passed in is NULL
// Adding the following line of code can improve the robustness of the program
cout<<"age = "<<m_Age<<endl;
int m_Age;
void test01()
Person* p = NULL;
p->showClassName(); // You can visit
p->showPersonAge(); // Cannot access , The reason for the error is that the pointer passed in is NULL;
int main()
return 0;
4.3.4 const Modifying Member Functions
Constant function :
- Add... After the member function const Later we call this function a constant function .
- Member properties cannot be modified in a constant function .
- Add keywords to member property declaration mutable after , It can still be modified in a constant function .
Regular object :
- Add... Before declaring the object const Call this object a constant object .
- A constant object can only call a constant function .
4.4 Friends
In life, your home has a living room (Public), There's your bedroom (Private); The living room is accessible to all guests , But your bedroom is private , Which means only you can get in .
In the program , Some private properties also want special functions or classes outside the class to access , You need to use friend technology .
The purpose of friends is to make a function or class , Access private members in another class .
The keyword of friend is :friend
Three realizations of friendship :
- Global functions are friends
- Class as friend
- Member function as friend
4.4.1 Global functions are friends
Example :
using namespace std;
// Buildings
class Building
// goodGay The global function is Building A good friend , You can visit Building Private members in
friend void goodGay(Building &building);
m_SittingRoom = " A living room ";
m_BedRoom = " Bedroom ";
string m_SittingRoom; // A living room
string m_BedRoom; // Bedroom
void goodGay(Building &building)
cout<<" Good friends global function Visiting :"<<building.m_SittingRoom<<endl;
cout<<" Good friends global function Visiting :"<<building.m_BedRoom<<endl;
void test01()
Building building;
int main()
return 0;
4.4.2 Class as friend
using namespace std;
class Building;
class GoodGay
void visit();
Building* building;
class Building
// GoodGay Class is a good friend of this class , You can access private members in this class
// goodGay The global function is Building A good friend , You can visit Building Private members in
friend class GoodGay;
string m_SittingRoom; // A living room
string m_BedRoom; // Bedroom
m_SittingRoom = " A living room ";
m_BedRoom = " Bedroom ";
// Create building objects
building = new Building;
void GoodGay::visit()
cout<<" Good friends are visiting :"<<building->m_SittingRoom<<endl;
cout<<" Good friends are visiting :"<<building->m_BedRoom<<endl;
void test01()
GoodGay gg;
int main()
return 0;
4.4.3 Member function as friend
using namespace std;
class Building;
class GoodGay
void visit(); // Give Way visit Functions can be accessed Building Private members in
void visit2(); // Give Way visit2 Function is not accessible Building Private members in
Building * building;
// Buildings
class Building
// GoodGay Under class visit Member functions are good friends of this class , You can access private members in this class
friend void GoodGay::visit();
string m_SittingRoom; // A living room
string m_BedRoom; // Bedroom
// Implement member functions out of class
m_SittingRoom = " A living room ";
m_BedRoom = " Bedroom ";
// Create building objects
building = new Building;
void GoodGay::visit()
cout<<"visit Function is accessing :"<<building->m_SittingRoom<<endl;
cout<<"visit Function is accessing :"<<building->m_BedRoom<<endl;
void GoodGay::visit2()
cout<<" Good friends are visiting :"<<building->m_SittingRoom<<endl;
// visit2 Cannot access
//cout<<" Good friends are visiting :"<<building->m_BedRoom<<endl;
void test01()
GoodGay gg;
int main()
return 0;
4.5 Operator overloading
Operator overload concept : Redefine existing operators , Give it another function , To adapt to different data types .
4.5.1 Plus operator overload
effect : Realize the operation of adding two custom data types .
Example :
using namespace std;
// Plus operator overload
class Person
// 1. Member overloading + Number
//Person operator+(Person &p)
// Person temp;
// temp.m_A = this->m_A+p.m_A;
// temp.m_B = this->m_B+p.m_B;
// return temp;
int m_A;
int m_B;
// 2. Global function overload + Number
Person operator+(Person &p1, Person &p2)
Person temp;
temp.m_A = p1.m_A+p2.m_A;
temp.m_B = p2.m_B+p2.m_B;
return temp;
void test01()
Person p1;
p1.m_A = 10;
p1.m_B = 10;
Person p2;
p2.m_A = 10;
p2.m_B = 10;
Person p3 = p1+p2;
cout<<"p3.m_A = "<<p3.m_A<<endl;
cout<<"p3.m_B = "<<p3.m_B<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
summary 1: For expressions with built-in data types, the operator cannot be changed .
summary 2: Don't abuse operator overloading .
4.5.2 Shift left operator overload
effect : You can output custom data types
Example :
using namespace std;
// Shift left operator overload
class Person
int m_A;
int m_B;
// The shift left operator can only be overloaded with member functions
ostream& operator<<(ostream &cout, Person &p) // The essence :operator<<(cout,p) Simplified as cout<<p
cout<<"m_A = "<<p.m_A<<"\tm_B = "<<p.m_B;
return cout;
void test01()
Person p;
int main()
return 0;
summary : Overloading the left shift operator with friends can output custom data types .
4.5.3 Increment operator overload
effect : By overloading the shift left operator , Realize your own integer data .
Example :
using namespace std;
// Overload the increment operator
// Custom integer
class MyInteger
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, MyInteger myint);
m_Num = 0;
// Heavy load front ++ Operator The purpose of returning a reference is to increment a data all the time
MyInteger& operator++()
return *this;
// Heavy load post ++ Operator
// void operator++(int)int Represents the occupancy parameter , Can be used to distinguish between pre and post incrementing
MyInteger operator++(int)
MyInteger temp = *this;
return temp;
int m_Num;
// Overload left shift operator
ostream& operator<<(ostream& cout, MyInteger myint)
return cout;
void test01()
MyInteger myint;
void test02()
MyInteger myint;
int main()
return 0;
4.5.4 Assignment operator overload
C++ The compiler at least gives y Add a class 4 A function
- Default constructor ( No arguments , Function body is empty )
- Default destructor ( No arguments , Function body is empty )
- Default copy constructor , Copy the value of the property
- Assignment operator operator=, Copy the value of the property
If there are properties in the class that point to the heap area , There are also deep and shallow copy problems when doing assignment operations .
using namespace std;
// Assignment operator overload
class Person
Person(int age)
m_Age = new int(age);
if(m_Age != NULL)
delete m_Age;
m_Age = NULL;
// Overload assignment operator
Person& operator=(Person &p)
// The compiler provides shallow copies
// m_Age = p.m_Age;
// You should first determine whether there are attributes in the heap , If so, release it first , And then deep copy
if(m_Age != NULL)
delete m_Age;
m_Age = NULL;
// Deep copy
m_Age = new int(*p.m_Age);
return *this;
int* m_Age;
void test01()
Person p1(19);
Person p2(20);
Person p3(32);
p2 = p1 = p3;
cout<<"p1 The age is :"<<*p1.m_Age<<endl;
cout<<"p2 The age is :"<<*p2.m_Age<<endl;
cout<<"p3 The age is :"<<*p3.m_Age<<endl;
int main() {
return 0;
4.5.5 Relational operator overloading
effect : Overloaded relational operator , You can compare two custom type objects .
Example :
using namespace std;
// Overloaded relational operator
class Person
Person(string name, int age)
m_Name = name;
m_Age = age;
// heavy load == Number
bool operator==(Person &p)
if(this->m_Age == p.m_Age && this->m_Name == p.m_Name)
return true;
return false;
string m_Name;
int m_Age;
void test01()
Person p1("Tom", 19);
Person p2("Tom", 9);
if(p1 == p2)
cout<<"p1 and p2 They are equal. !"<<endl;
cout<<"p1 and p2 It's not equal !"<<endl;
int main() {
return 0;
4.5.6 Function call operator overload
Function call operators () It can also be overloaded
Because the way used after overloading is very similar to function call , So it's called parafunction
There is no fixed way to write a functor , Very flexible .
using namespace std;
// Function call operator overload
// Printout class
class MyPrint
// Overloading function call operators
void operator()(string test)
void MyPrint02(string test)
void test01()
MyPrint myPrint;
myPrint("hello world"); // Because it's very similar to function call , So it's called parafunction
MyPrint02("hello world");
// Parafunctions are very flexible , There is no fixed way of writing
// Add class
class MyAdd
int operator()(int num1, int num2)
return num1 + num2;
void test02()
MyAdd myadd;
int ret = myadd(100, 100);
cout<<"ret = "<<ret<<endl;
// Anonymous function object
cout<<MyAdd()(100, 100)<<endl;
int main() {
return 0;
4.6 Inherit
Inheritance is one of the three characteristics of object-oriented
We found that , When defining a class , In addition to having the commonalities of the upper level , And its own characteristics .
At this time, we can consider using inherited technology , Reduce duplicate code .
4.6.1 The basic syntax of inheritance
For example, we see a lot of websites , They all have a common head , The bottom of the public , Even the public list on the left , Only the central content is different . Next, we use the common writing method and the inherited writing method to realize the content in the web page , Take a look at the significance and benefits of inheritance .
Common implementation :
using namespace std;
// Common implementation page
// Java page
class Java
void header()
cout<<" home page , Public class , Sign in , register ( The public head )"<<endl;
void footer()
cout<<" Help center , Exchange and cooperation , Map of the station ( The public bottom )"<<endl;
void left()
cout<<"Java,Python,C++( List of common categories )"<<endl;
void content()
cout<<"Java Subject video "<<endl;
// Python page
class Python
void header()
cout<<" home page , Public class , Sign in , register ( The public head )"<<endl;
void footer()
cout<<" Help center , Exchange and cooperation , Map of the station ( The public bottom )"<<endl;
void left()
cout<<"Java,Python,C++( List of common categories )"<<endl;
void content()
cout<<"Python Subject video "<<endl;
// C++ page
class Cpp
void header()
cout<<" home page , Public class , Sign in , register ( The public head )"<<endl;
void footer()
cout<<" Help center , Exchange and cooperation , Map of the station ( The public bottom )"<<endl;
void left()
cout<<"Java,Python,C++( List of common categories )"<<endl;
void content()
cout<<"C++ Subject video "<<endl;
void test01()
cout<<"Java The download video page is as follows :"<<endl;
Java ja;
cout<<"Python The download video page is as follows :"<<endl;
Python py;
cout<<"C++ The download video page is as follows :"<<endl;
Cpp cpp;
int main() {
return 0;
Inheritance implementation
using namespace std;
// Inheritance implementation page
// Public page class
class BasePage
void header()
cout<<" home page , Public class , Sign in , register ( The public head )"<<endl;
void footer()
cout<<" Help center , Exchange and cooperation , Map of the station ( The public bottom )"<<endl;
void left()
cout<<"Java,Python,C++( List of common categories )"<<endl;
// Java page
class Java:public BasePage
void content()
cout<<"Java Subject video "<<endl;
// Python page
class Python:public BasePage
void content()
cout<<"Python Subject video "<<endl;
// C++ page
class Cpp:public BasePage
void content()
cout<<"Cpp Subject video "<<endl;
void test01()
cout<<"Java The download video page is as follows :"<<endl;
Java ja;
cout<<"Python The download video page is as follows :"<<endl;
Python py;
cout<<"C++ The download video page is as follows :"<<endl;
Cpp cpp;
int main() {
return 0;
summary :
- Benefits of inheritance : Can reduce duplicate code
- class A:public B;
- A Classes are called subclasses or Derived class
- B A class is called a parent class or Base class
Members in derivation , It consists of two parts :
- One is inherited from the base class , One is to increase the number of members .
- Inherited from the base class shows its commonality , And the new members reflect their personality .
4.6.2 Inheritance mode
The grammar of inheritance :class Subclass : Inheritance mode Parent class
There are three ways of inheritance :
- Public inheritance
- Protection succession
- Private inheritance
using namespace std;
// Inheritance mode
// Public inheritance
class Base1
int m_A;
int m_B;
int m_C;
class Son1:public Base1
void func()
m_A = 10; // Public permission members in the parent class To Subclasses are still public permissions
m_B = 10; // Protection permission member in parent class To Subclasses are still protected permissions
//m_C = 10; // Private permission member in parent class Subclass cannot access
void test01()
Son1 s1;
s1.m_A = 100;
//s1.m_B = 100; // To Son1 in m_B It's about protecting authority Out of class access to
// Protection succession
class Base2
int m_A;
int m_B;
int m_C;
class Son2:protected Base2
void func()
m_A = 100; // Public in parent class To It becomes protection permission in subclass
m_B = 100; // Protect members in the parent class To It becomes protection permission in subclass
//m_C = 100; // Private member in parent class , Subclass cannot access
void test02()
Son2 s1;
//s1.m_A = 10; // stay Son2 in m_A Change to protection permission , Therefore, it cannot be accessed outside the class
//s1.m_B = 10; // stay Son2 in m_B Protection rights , No access
// Private inheritance
class Base3
int m_A;
int m_B;
int m_C;
class Son3:private Base3
void func()
m_A = 100; // Public in parent class To Become private permissions in subclasses
m_B = 100; // Protect members in the parent class To Become private permissions in subclasses
//m_C = 100; // Private member in parent class , Subclass cannot access
class GrandSon3:public Son3
void func()
//m_A = 1000; // here we are Son3 in m_A Become private , Even the son , I can't access
//m_B = 1000; // here we are Son3 in m_B Become private , Even the son , I can't access
void test03()
Son s1;
s1.m_A = 10; // To Son3 in Turn into Private member Out of class access to
s1.m_B = 10; // To Son3 in Turn into Private member Out of class access to
int main()
return 0;
4.6.3 Object model in inheritance
problem : Members inherited from the parent class , Those that belong to subclass objects ?
Example :
using namespace std;
// Object model in inheritance
class Base
int m_A;
int m_B;
int m_C;
class Son:public Base
int m_D;
void test01()
// All non static member properties in the parent class will be inherited by the child class
// Private member properties in the parent class It's hidden by the compiler , So it's not accessible , But it was inherited
cout<<"size of Son = "<<sizeof(Son)<<endl;
int main()
return 0;
4.6.4 The order of construction and Deconstruction in inheritance
After the subclass inherits the parent class , When creating subclass objects , The constructor of the parent class is also called
problem : The order of construction and Deconstruction of parent class and subclass is who comes first and who comes second ?
Example :
using namespace std;
// The order of construction and Deconstruction in inheritance
class Base
cout<<"Base Constructors !"<<endl;
cout<<"Base Destructor !"<<endl;
class Son : public Base
cout<<"Son Constructors !"<<endl;
cout<<"Son Destructor !"<<endl;
void test01()
Son s;
int main()
return 0;
summary : In the inheritance Call the parent class constructor first , Then call the subclass constructor , The order of deconstruction is opposite to that of structure
4.6.5 Inherits the handling of members with the same name
problem : When a member with the same name appears in the subclass and parent class , How to use subclasses , Access the data with the same name in the subclass or parent class ?
- Access a member of a subclass with the same name Just visit directly
- Access members of the same name of the parent class , Need to add scope
using namespace std;
// Handling of members with the same name in inheritance
class Base
m_A = 100;
void func()
cout<<"Base - func() call !"<<endl;
void func(int a)
cout<<"Base - func(int a) call !"<<endl;
int m_A;
class Son : public Base
m_A = 200;
void func()
cout<<"Son - func() call !"<<endl;
int m_A;
// Member property processing with the same name
void test01()
Son s;
cout<<"Son Next m_A = "<<s.m_A<<endl;
// If through subclass objects Access to a member with the same name in the parent class , Need to add scope
cout<<"Base Next m_A = "<<s.Base::m_A<<endl;
// Member functions with the same name handle
void test02()
Son s;
s.func(); // Call directly , The call is a member with the same name in a subclass
// How to call a member function with the same name in the parent class ?
// If a member function with the same name as the parent class appears in the subclass , A member with the same name in a subclass hides all member functions with the same name in the parent class
// If you want to access the member function with the same name hidden in the parent class , Need to add scope
int main() {
return 0;
summary :
- Subclass objects can directly access members with the same name in subclasses
- Subclass objects and scopes can access members of the same name of the parent class
- When a subclass and a parent have member functions with the same name , Subclasses hide member functions with the same name in the parent class , The function with the same name in the parent class can be accessed by adding scope
4.6.6 Inherits the processing of static members with the same name
problem : How to access a static member with the same name on a subclass object in inheritance ?
Static and non static members have the same name , It's handled in the same way
- Access a member of a subclass with the same name Just visit directly
- Access members of the same name of the parent class Need to add scope
using namespace std;
// Handling of static members with the same name in inheritance
class Base
static int m_A;
static void func()
cout<<"Base - static void func()"<<endl;
int Base::m_A = 200;
class Son : public Base
static int m_A;
static void func()
cout<<"Son - static void func()"<<endl;
int Son::m_A = 100;
// Static member property with the same name
void test01()
Son s;
// 1 Object access
cout<<" Object access :"<<endl;
cout<<"Son Next m_A = "<<s.m_A<<endl;
cout<<"Base Next m_A = "<<s.Base::m_A<<endl;
// 2 Access by class name
cout<<" Access by class name :"<<endl;
cout<<"Son Next m_A = "<<Son::m_A<<endl;
// first :: Represents access to... By class name the second :: Represents access to the scope of the parent class
cout<<"Base Next m_A = "<<Son::Base::m_A<<endl;
// Static member function with the same name
void test02()
// 1 Object access
cout<<" Object access :"<<endl;
Son s;
// 2 Access by class name
cout<<" Access by class name :"<<endl;
int main() {
return 0;
summary : Static members with the same name are handled in the same way as non static members , There are just two ways to access it ( Through object and By class name )
4.6.7 Multiple inheritance Syntax
C++ Inheritance allows multiple classes
grammar :class Subclass : Inheritance mode Parent class 1, Inheritance mode Parent class 2…
Multiple inheritance may cause the parent class to have a member with the same name , Need to add scope distinction
C++ Multiple inheritance is not recommended in actual development
using namespace std;
// Multiple inheritance Syntax
class Base1
m_A = 100;
int m_A;
class Base2
m_A = 200;
int m_A;
// Subclass Need to inherit Base1 and Base2
// grammar :class Subclass : Inheritance mode Parent class 1, Inheritance mode Parent class 2.....
class Son : public Base1, public Base2
m_C = 300;
m_D = 400;
int m_C;
int m_D;
void test01()
Son s;
cout<<"sizeof Son = "<<sizeof(s)<<endl;
// When a member with the same name appears in the parent class , Need to add scope distinction
cout<<"Base1::m_A = "<<s.Base1::m_A<<endl;
cout<<"Base2::m_A = "<<s.Base2::m_A<<endl;
int main() {
return 0;
summary : In multiple inheritance, if the same name appears in the parent class , Subclasses should be scoped .
4.6.8 diamond inheritance
Diamond inheritance concept :
- Two derived classes inherit the same base class
- There are two more classes that inherit these two derived classes at the same time
- This kind of inheritance is called diamond inheritance , Or diamond inheritance
Diamond inheritance problem :
- Sheep inherit animal data , Camel also inherits animal data , When the grass mud horse uses data , There's ambiguity .
- The data of Grass Mud Horse inherited from animals is integrated in two , In fact, we should be clear , We only need one copy of this data .
using namespace std;
// Animal species
class Animal
int m_Age;
// Use virtual inheritance Solve the problem of diamond inheritance
// Before inheritance Add keywords virtual Become virtual inheritance
// Animal Class is called virtual base class
// Sheep
class Sheep : virtual public Animal
// Camel
class Tuo : virtual public Animal
// Alpacas
class SheepTuo : public Sheep, public Tuo
void test01()
SheepTuo st;
st.Sheep::m_Age = 18;
st.Tuo::m_Age = 28;
// When we have diamond inheritance , Two parent classes have the same data , Need to be scoped
cout<<"st.Sheep::m_Age = "<<st.Sheep::m_Age<<endl;
cout<<"st.Tuo::m_Age = "<<st.Tuo::m_Age<<endl;
// This data we know Just have one , Diamond inheritance results in two copies of data , Waste of resources
int main() {
return 0;
4.7 polymorphic
4.7.1 The basic concept of polymorphism
Polymorphism is C++ One of the three characteristics of object orientation
There are two types of polymorphism :
- Static polymorphism : function overloading and Operator overloading is static polymorphism , Reuse function name
- Dynamic polymorphism : Derived classes and virtual functions implement runtime polymorphism
The difference between static polymorphism and dynamic polymorphism :
- Static polymorphic function address binding The compile phase determines the function address
- The dynamic address of function binding is polymorphic The runtime determines the function address
Example :
using namespace std;
// polymorphic
// Animal species
class Animal
// Virtual functions
virtual void speak()
cout << " Animals are talking " << endl;
// Cats
class Cat : public Animal
void speak()
cout << " The cat is talking " << endl;
// Dogs
class Dog : public Animal
// rewrite Function return value type Function name parameter list Exactly the same
void speak()
cout << " The dog is talking " << endl;
// Functions that perform speech
// Address binding Determine the function address at compile time
// If you want to make the cat talk , Then the function address cannot be bound in advance , You need to bind at run time , Address late binding
// Dynamic polymorphism satisfies the condition
// 1. There is an inheritance relationship
// 2. Subclass to override the virtual function of the parent class
// Dynamic polymorphism uses
// Pointer or reference to the parent class Point to a subclass object
void doSpeak(Animal &animal) // Animal & animal = cat;
void test01()
Cat cat;
Dog dog;
int main() {
return 0;
summary :
Polymorphism satisfies the condition
- There is an inheritance relationship
- Subclasses override virtual functions in the parent class
Polymorphic use conditions :
A parent class pointer or reference points to a child class object
rewrite : Function return value type Function name parameter list Complete agreement is called rewriting
Principle analysis :
4.7.2 Polymorphic cases —— Calculator class
Case description : Using common writing method and polymorphic technology respectively , Design and implementation of two operands to calculate the calculator class
Advantages of polymorphism :
- The code structure is clear
- High readability
- It is conducive to the expansion and maintenance of the early and later period
Example :
using namespace std;
// The calculator is realized by common writing and polymorphic technology
// Common writing
class Calculator
int getResult(string oper)
if(oper == "+")
return m_Num1 + m_Num2;
else if(oper == "-")
return m_Num1 - m_Num2;
else if(oper == "*")
return m_Num1 * m_Num2;
// If you want to expand new features , Need to modify the source code
// In real development promote Opening and closing principle
// Opening and closing principle : Open to expansion , Close the changes
int m_Num1; // Operands 1
int m_Num2; // Operands 2
void test01()
// Create a calculator object
Calculator c;
c.m_Num1 = 10;
c.m_Num2 = 10;
cout << c.m_Num1 << " + " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("+") << endl;
cout << c.m_Num1 << " - " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("-") << endl;
cout << c.m_Num1 << " * " << c.m_Num2 << " = " << c.getResult("*") << endl;
// Using polymorphism to realize calculator
// The benefits of polymorphism :
// 1. The organization is clear
// 2. High readability
// 3. For early and late expansion and high maintainability
// Implement calculator abstract class
class AbstractCalculator
virtual int getResult()
return 0;
int m_Num1;
int m_Num2;
// Addition calculator class
class AddCalculator : public AbstractCalculator
int getResult()
return m_Num1 + m_Num2;
// Subtraction calculator class
class SubCalculator : public AbstractCalculator
int getResult()
return m_Num1 - m_Num2;
// Multiplication calculator class
class MulCalculator : public AbstractCalculator
int getResult()
return m_Num1 * m_Num2;
void test02()
// Polymorphic use conditions
// The parent class pointer or reference points to the child class object
// Addition operation
AbstractCalculator * abc = new AddCalculator;
abc->m_Num1 = 100;
abc->m_Num2 = 100;
cout << abc->m_Num1 << " + " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;
// Remember to destroy after use
delete abc;
// Subtraction
abc = new SubCalculator;
abc->m_Num1 = 100;
abc->m_Num2 = 100;
cout << abc->m_Num1 << " - " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;
// Remember to destroy after use
delete abc;
// Multiplication
abc = new MulCalculator;
abc->m_Num1 = 100;
abc->m_Num2 = 100;
cout << abc->m_Num1 << " * " << abc->m_Num2 << " = " << abc->getResult() << endl;
// Remember to destroy after use
delete abc;
int main()
// test01();
return 0;
summary :C++ Development advocates the use of polymorphic technology to design program architecture , Because polymorphism has many advantages
4.7.3 Pure virtual functions and abstract classes
In polymorphism , In general, the implementation of a virtual function in a parent class is meaningless , It's mainly about calling subclasses to rewrite
Therefore, virtual functions can be renamed pure virtual functions
Pure virtual function syntax :virtual return type Function name ( parameter list ) = 0;
When a class has a pure virtual function , This class is also called an abstract class
Abstract class features :
- Cannot instantiate object
- Subclasses must override pure virtual functions in abstract classes , Otherwise, it belongs to the abstract class
Example :
using namespace std;
// Pure virtual functions and abstract classes
class Base
// Pure virtual function
// As long as there's a pure virtual function , This class is called an abstract class
// Abstract class features :
// 1. Cannot instantiate object
// 2. A subclass of an abstract class You must override the pure virtual function in the parent class , Otherwise, it belongs to the abstract class
virtual void func() = 0;
class Son : public Base
virtual void func()
cout << "func Function call " << endl;
void test01()
//Base b; // Abstract classes are objects that cannot be instantiated
//new Base; // Abstract classes are objects that cannot be instantiated
//Son s; // Subclasses must override pure virtual functions in the parent class , Otherwise, the object cannot be instantiated
Base * base = new Son;
int main()
return 0;
4.7.4 Case 2 —— Making drinks
Case description : The general process of making drinks is : Boil the water - Brewing - Pour it into a cup - Add accessories
This case is realized by using polymorphism technology , Provide abstract base classes for making drinks , Provides subclasses for making coffee and tea .
using namespace std;
// Polymorphic cases 2 Making drinks
class AbstractDrinking
// Boil the water
virtual void Boil () = 0;
// Brewing
virtual void Brew() = 0;
// Pour it into a cup
virtual void PourInCup() = 0;
// Add auxiliary seasoning
virtual void PutSomething () = 0;
// Making drinks
void makeDrink()
// Making coffee
class Coffee : public AbstractDrinking
// Boil the water
virtual void Boil ()
cout << " Boil Nongfu mountain spring " << endl;
// Brewing
virtual void Brew()
cout << " Making coffee " << endl;
// Pour it into a cup
virtual void PourInCup()
cout<< " Pour it into a cup " <<endl;
// Add auxiliary seasoning
virtual void PutSomething ()
cout << " Add sugar and milk " <<endl;
// Making tea
class Tea : public AbstractDrinking
// Boil the water
virtual void Boil ()
cout << " Boil mineral water " << endl;
// Brewing
virtual void Brew()
cout << " Brew tea " << endl;
// Pour it into a cup
virtual void PourInCup()
cout<< " Pour it into a cup " <<endl;
// Add auxiliary seasoning
virtual void PutSomething ()
cout << " Add wolfberry " <<endl;
// Making functions
void doWork(AbstractDrinking * abs) // AbstractDrinking * abs = new Coffee
delete abs; // Release
void test01()
// Making coffee
doWork(new Coffee);
cout << "------------------" << endl;
// Making tea
doWork(new Tea);
int main()
return 0;
4.7.5 Virtual deconstruction and pure virtual deconstruction
When using polymorphism , If there are attributes in the subclass that go to the heap , Then the parent class pointer cannot call the child class's destruct code when it is released
Solution : Change the destructor in the parent class to virtual or pure virtual destructor
There are some similarities between virtual and pure virtual destructions :
- Can solve the parent class pointer to release the child class object
- Need to have specific function implementation
The difference between virtual and pure virtual deconstruction :
- If it's pure virtual deconstruction , This class belongs to the abstract class , Cannot instantiate object
Virtual deconstructive grammar :virtual ~ Class name (){}
Pure virtual deconstruction grammar :virtual ~ Class name ()= 0; Class name ::~ Class name (){}
using namespace std;
// Virtual deconstruction and pure virtual deconstruction
class Animal
cout << "Animal Constructor call " << endl;
// Using virtual destructor, we can solve The parent class pointer is not clean when releasing child class objects
//virtual ~Animal()
// cout << "Animal Destructor call " << endl;
// Pure virtual deconstruction You need to declare and implement
// With pure virtual destructor after , This class is also an abstract class , Cannot instantiate object
virtual ~Animal() = 0;
// Pure virtual function
virtual void speak() = 0;
Animal :: ~Animal()
cout << "Animal Pure virtual destructor call " << endl;
class Cat : public Animal
Cat(string name)
cout << "Cat Constructor call " << endl;
m_Name = new string (name);
virtual void speak()
cout << *m_Name << " The cat is talking " << endl;
if(m_Name != NULL)
cout << "Cat Destructor call " << endl;
delete m_Name;
m_Name = NULL;
string *m_Name;
void test01()
Animal * animal = new Cat("Tom");
// The parent class pointer is destructed Destructors in subclasses are not called If subclass has heap property There is a memory leak
delete animal;
int main()
return 0;
summary :
- Virtual destructors and pure virtual destructors are used to release subclass objects through parent class pointers
- If there is no heap data in the subclass , It can not be written as virtual destruct and pure virtual destruct
- Classes with pure virtual destructors also belong to abstract classes
4.7.6 Case 3 —— Computer assembly
Case description : The main components of a computer are CPU( Used to calculate ), The graphics card ( Used for display ), Memory module ( Used to store );
Encapsulate each part into an abstract base class , And provide different manufacturers to produce different parts , for example intel Manufacturer and lenovo manufacturer ;
Create a computer class to provide functions for the computer to work , And call the interface of each part work
Three different computers were assembled to work during the test
using namespace std;
// Abstract different part classes
// abstract CPU class
class CPU
// Abstract computational functions
virtual void calculate() = 0;
// Abstract graphics class
class VideoCard
// Abstract display functions
virtual void display() = 0;
// Abstract memory module class
class Memory
// Abstract storage functions
virtual void storage() = 0;
// Computer
class Computer
Computer(CPU * cpu, VideoCard * vc, Memory * mem)
m_cpu = cpu;
m_vc = vc;
m_mem = mem;
// Functions that provide work
void work()
// Let the parts work Call interface
// Provide destructors Release 3 A computer part
// Release CPU Spare parts
if(m_cpu != NULL)
delete m_cpu;
m_cpu = NULL;
// Release the graphics parts
if(m_vc != NULL)
delete m_vc;
m_vc = NULL;
// Release the memory module part
if(m_mem != NULL)
delete m_mem;
m_mem = NULL;
CPU * m_cpu; // CPU Part pointer of
VideoCard * m_vc; // Graphics card part pointer
Memory * m_mem; // Memory module l Part pointer
// Specific manufacturers
// Intel manufacturer
class IntelCPU : public CPU
virtual void calculate()
cout << "Intel Of CPU It's time to calculate !" <<endl;
class IntelVideoCard : public VideoCard
virtual void display()
cout << "Intel My graphics card is starting to show !" <<endl;
class IntelMemory : public Memory
virtual void storage()
cout << "Intel The memory module started to store !" <<endl;
// Lenovo manufacturer
class LenovoCPU : public CPU
virtual void calculate()
cout << "Lenovo Of CPU It's time to calculate !" <<endl;
class LenovoVideoCard : public VideoCard
virtual void display()
cout << "Lenovo My graphics card is starting to show !" <<endl;
class LenovoMemory : public Memory
virtual void storage()
cout << "Lenovo The memory module started to store !" <<endl;
void test01()
// The first computer parts
CPU * intelCpu = new IntelCPU;
VideoCard * intelCard = new IntelVideoCard;
Memory * intelMem = new IntelMemory;
// Create the first computer
Computer * computer1 = new Computer(intelCpu, intelCard, intelMem);
delete computer1;
cout << "====================" <<endl;
cout << " The second computer starts working :" <<endl;
// The second computer is assembled
Computer * computer2 = new Computer(new LenovoCPU, new LenovoVideoCard, new LenovoMemory);
delete computer2;
cout << "====================" <<endl;
cout << " The third computer starts working :" <<endl;
// The third computer is assembled
Computer * computer3 = new Computer(new LenovoCPU, new IntelVideoCard, new LenovoMemory);
delete computer3;
int main()
return 0;
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