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[camera topic] turn a drive to light up the camera
2022-07-03 01:50:00 【C maple_ The day of shopping】
One 、 Say something ahead
1. I got to know you through my blog last month Eric, before oppo Working , It happens that he is my current colleague and fellow countryman - Lao Wu's good friend ,
So we had dinner together , Watch them take care of the children , Listen to them talk about the midlife crisis , I will be similar to them in the future .
The biggest feeling is Choice is important ,Eric 2012~2013 In OPPO inauguration , Choose to leave later .
If I had been there , Now it may mean wealth and freedom , Just say Life is like a play , This is life !2. Something happened at home recently , Just in time for the company to travel , Travel time should be made up on Saturday , But there is a small thing that makes me brood .
I also completely understand :
The leader won't talk to you , Just talk about your duty .
Money is really important , Try to make money .
Life is too short , Enjoy pleasure in good time .3. There have been many things recently , Home , Working , It makes me anxious 、 Impatience , I don't know how many years I can do , Stay for a few years .
Change the problems of young people , No hurry, no impatience , Step by step . I haven't written a blog for a long time , Continue to accumulate and share !
Two 、 Knowledge point
1. How to write a copy by yourself Camera drive
When I first entered the industry before , I always hope to write a drive by myself , After all, I drive engineers ,
It's been a while since we moved bricks , Now it's time to build a new platform , The driver code can't be found on Qualcomm's official website , Our module factory also has no code , So I can only write one by myself .
Mainly share ideas .
With s5k4h7 As an example
1.1 Compare new and old platforms
Old platform -8909
s5k4h7_lib.cNew platform
Because the new platform does not s5k4h7, We can casually find a platform that exists and is similar , Such as s5k2l7.
change :
Compared with ,
1. The architecture has changed :
Everything about the old platform is written in c In file .
The new platform is split c Document and h The header file , And one more pdaf.
2. Function implementation :
Old platform
1.static uint32_t s5k4h7_real_to_register_gain(float real_gain)
2.static float s5k4h7_register_to_real_gain(uint32_t reg_gain)
3.static uint32_t s5k4h7_digital_gain_calc(float real_gain, float sensor_real_gain)
4.int32_t s5k4h7_calculate_exposure(float real_gain, uint32_t line_count,
sensor_exposure_info_t *exp_info)
5.static int32_t s5k4h7_fill_exposure_array(uint16_t gain, uint32_t line,
uint32_t fl_lines,
int32_t luma_avg,
uint32_t fgain,
struct msm_camera_i2c_reg_setting* reg_setting)
6.void *s5k4h7_open_lib(void)
New platform
1.static unsigned int s5k2l7_real_to_register_gain(float real_gain)
2.static float s5k2l7_register_to_real_gain(unsigned int reg_gain)
3.static unsigned int s5k2l7_digital_gain_calc(float real_gain, float sensor_real_gain)
4.int32_t sensor_calculate_exposure(float real_gain,
uint32_t line_count, sensor_exposure_info_t *exp_info,
__attribute__((unused)) float s_real_gain)
5.int32_t sensor_fill_exposure_array(uint32_t gain,
uint32_t digital_gain, uint32_t line,
uint32_t fl_lines, __attribute__((unused)) int32_t luma_avg,
__attribute__((unused)) uint32_t hdr_param,
struct camera_i2c_reg_setting* reg_setting,
__attribute__((unused)) unsigned int s_gain,
__attribute__((unused)) int s_linecount,
__attribute__((unused)) int is_hdr_enabled)
6.void *sensor_open_lib(void)
therefore , In fact, the framework has changed , The function of the implementation remains unchanged , We put s5k2l7 All changed s5k4h7
, Put the old platform 8909 The implementation of can be moved directly , One thing to note is function parameters ,
for example : attribute((unused)) int is_hdr_enabled, These can be written according to the new platform , Otherwise the compilation will report an error .
3. Parameter configuration
Old platform :
New platform :
The above is only a partial screenshot , As an example , The parameter configuration also reported an error res、sensor_slave_info、out_info wait .
Now , use Beyondcompare Software for comparison , Then follow the new framework , hold 8909 Move your configuration to sdm429 that will do .
Of course , You will encounter some new configurations , It's not before , for example :
If you don't know what it is for the time being , Just keep the original .
What to pay attention to
/* Res 0 */
.x_output = 3264,
.y_output = 2448,
.line_length_pclk = 3688,
.frame_length_lines = 2530,
.vt_pixel_clk = 280000000,
.op_pixel_clk = 280000000,
.binning_factor = 1,
.min_fps = 7.50,
.max_fps = 30.0,
/* Res 0 */
.x_output = 4640,
.y_output = 3488,
.line_length_pclk = 5088,
.frame_length_lines = 3668,
.op_pixel_clk = 585600000,
.binning_factor = 1,
.binning_method = 0,
.min_fps = 7.5,
.max_fps = 30.0,
.offset_x = 0,
.offset_y = 0,
.scale_factor = 1.000,
.is_pdaf_supported = 0,
.data_rate = 1500000000ULL * 4,
Compared with : The new platform is gone vt_pixel_clk , In its place data_rate, And more is_pdaf_supported ,
is_pdaf_supported Whether the surface supports pdaf, Follow af dependent , When it is lit in the early stage, it can be set to 0.
Be careful 1:data_rate This must be configured , Otherwise, the camera will not light up , Preview black screen .
Be careful 2: If the preview is red or other colors , modify filter_arrangement Value
Supported values
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_RGGB,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_GRBG,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_GBRG,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_BGGR,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_RGGB,
.sensor_output =
.output_format = SENSOR_BAYER,
.connection_mode = SENSOR_MIPI_CSI,
.raw_output = SENSOR_10_BIT_DIRECT,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_GRBG,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_GRBG,
.filter_arrangement = SENSOR_BGGR,
Here we are Even if the driver is finished .
2. The new platform camera lights up
Think about the old platform What changes are needed to light a camera .
1. To configure device-vendor.mk- What's needed to compile so Libraries and effects files
2. stay sensor_init.c Add supported sensor
3. Add the corresponding driver file and effect file .
4.kernel The configuration dtsi file
We follow this line of thinking , Try to modify the new platform =.
2.1 device-vendor.mk modify
MM_CAMERA += libmmcamera_s5k4h7
In order to light up quickly , I didn't add the effect file myself , Instead, it directly refers to the existing effect file .
The subsequent addition of effect files will also include changes :
2.2 stay xml Add supported sensor
··· Omit
<!-- <ActuatorName>dw9714_s5k4h7</ActuatorName> -->
<!--<EepromName>s5k4h7_otp</EepromName> -->
Something to watch out for :
1.CameraConfigurationRoot It can only be configured 22 individual CameraModuleConfig, Directly report an error after exceeding .
2. Configuration analysis :
*<CameraId>1</CameraId> Indicates proactive
*<SensorName>s5k4h7</SensorName> Expressing support for sensor
*<ActuatorName>dw9714_s5k4h7</ActuatorName> Comment first
*<EepromName>s5k4h7_otp</EepromName> Comment first
Effect file , lazy , First use the existing , You still have to add one later s5k4h7_chromatix
*<ModesSupported>1</ModesSupported> Set up 1 that will do
*<Position>FRONT</Position> Proactive settings FRONT
*<MountAngle>270</MountAngle> Rotation Angle It doesn't seem to matter if it's mismatched
4lane To configure
2lane To configure
LensInfo It's camera information , Wrong matching does not affect lighting , You can get it from the module factory , It can also be migrated from the previous driver file .
2.3 Add the corresponding driver file and effect file
s5k4h7 Folder
1. Android.mk
2. s5k4h7_lib.c
3. s5k4h7_lib.h
4. s5k4h7_pdaf.h
In order to light up quickly , If you follow the lazy method ,
xml The effect file is configured with an existing gc8034_chromatix, Then press no need to add effect files .
If the s5k4h7_chromatix, Then you have to add the following files :
2.4 kernel Next dtsi Modification of
kernel/msm-4.9/arch/arm64/boot/dts/qcom/ New platform -camera-sensor-spyro.dtsi
qcom,[email protected]1 {
cell-index = <1>;
compatible = "qcom,camera";
reg = <0x1>;
qcom,csiphy-sd-index = <1>;
qcom,csid-sd-index = <1>;
qcom,mount-angle = <270>;
cam_vdig-supply = <&pm660_l3>;
cam_vio-supply = <&pm660_l14>;
cam_vaf-supply = <&pm660_l19>;
qcom,cam-vreg-name = "cam_vdig", "cam_vio", "cam_vana",
qcom,cam-vreg-min-voltage = <1200000 1800000 2800000 2850000>;
qcom,cam-vreg-max-voltage = <1200000 1800000 2800000 3200000>;
qcom,cam-vreg-op-mode = <200000 0 80000 100000>;
pinctrl-names = "cam_default", "cam_suspend";
pinctrl-0 = <&cam_sensor_mclk1_default
pinctrl-1 = <&cam_sensor_mclk1_sleep
gpios = <&tlmm 27 0>,
<&tlmm 33 0>,
<&tlmm 66 0>,
<&tlmm 38 0>;
qcom,gpio-vana= <1>;
qcom,gpio-vdig= <2>;
qcom,gpio-reset = <3>;
qcom,gpio-req-tbl-num = <0 1 2 3>;
qcom,gpio-req-tbl-flags = <1 0 0 0>;
qcom,gpio-req-tbl-label = "CAMIF_MCLK1",
qcom,sensor-position = <0x1>;
qcom,sensor-mode = <0>;
qcom,cci-master = <1>;
clocks = <&clock_gcc clk_mclk1_clk_src>,
<&clock_gcc clk_gcc_camss_mclk1_clk>;
clock-names = "cam_src_clk", "cam_clk";
qcom,clock-rates = <24000000 0>;
Which power supply pins are used ,clk,gpio wait , Need to communicate with hardware , Configure according to your own hardware .
I used the lazy way to light up the camera , No effect file added , The following is a screenshot of the changes :
ok, The new platform is basically finished !
Stay Hungry,Stay Foolish!
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