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Using swift language features, write a pseudo-random number generator casually
2022-07-03 12:38:00 【iWillook】
// main.swift
// Ultimate
// Created by Mewlan Musajan on 2/13/22.
// Apple Inc. “The Swift Programming Language (Swift 5.5).” Apple Books. https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-swift-programming-language-swift-5-4/id881256329
protocol RandomNumberGenerator {
func random() -> Double
// Linear Congruential Generator
class LinearCongruentialGenerator: RandomNumberGenerator {
var lastRandom = 42.0
let m = 139968.0
let a = 3877.0
let c = 29573.0
func random() -> Double {
lastRandom = ((lastRandom * a + c)
.truncatingRemainder(dividingBy: m))
return lastRandom / m
let generator = LinearCongruentialGenerator()
print("Here's a random number: \(generator.random())")
print("And another one: \(generator.random())")
extension Int {
func repetitions(task: () -> Void) {
for _ in 0..<self {
5.repetitions {
var randomNumberSet: Set<Int> = []
8.repetitions {
randomNumberSet.update(with: Int(generator.random() * 10))
8.repetitions {
if var someNumber = randomNumberSet.popFirst() {
if someNumber == 0 {
someNumber = 1
print(someNumber, terminator: "")
Self made pop-up input box, input text, and click to complete the event.
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