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The ninth Operation Committee meeting of dragon lizard community was successfully held

2022-07-05 11:18:00 InfoQ

6  month  30  Japan , Dragon lizard community held   The ninth Operation Committee meeting . This online meeting was presided over by operation committee member Jin Meiqin , Chen Xu, chairman of the dragon lizard Community Operation Committee, made an opening speech . come from  Arm、 Alibaba cloud 、 Red flag software 、Intel、 Unicom 、 Tianyi cloud 、 Godson 、 PwC basic software 、 Unified Software 、 Wan Lihong, Zhongke Fangde and other governing units  22  An operation representative attended the meeting . At the meeting , Review and summarize the dragon lizard community  6  Monthly operation , And discussed the key work of community operation in the next stage .

( chart / The operation representatives attending this meeting )

At the meeting , Operation committee member Jin Meiqin from the content construction 、 Ecological construction and dragon lizard activities are reviewed   The operation of the community .6  month , Dragon Dragon community in brand influence 、 The number of users 、 The number of ecological cooperation continues to grow . Ecologically , The dragon lizard has a growing circle of friends , There are already super  220  Enterprises join , And actively carry out product adaptation and marketing activities , The community will continue to deepen the cooperation between partners and the community , Output the manual of partners' participation in community co construction ; In terms of activities , Dragon Dragon community launched heavily this month
「 Everyone can participate in open source 」
Activities ,  Catch bugs by posting 、 Code contribution 、 Document contributions and other types of tasks encourage developers to participate , At the same time, recruit community volunteers and seed users , Open source in an open source way , Make the community more active 、 to open up .

「 Dragon lizard lecture hall 」、 College activities and dragon lizard developers said that other activities are also being carried out in an orderly manner .6  Monthly total output  10+  Technology sharing , From alicloud 、 China, Kuwait, Fangde 、Intel  And other experts from enterprises .  among ,“ Walk into the series ”  The first  3  period —— Walk into  Intel MeetUp  It is also the benchmark of monthly community activities . Dragon lizard community operation committee member Jin Meiqin mentioned , This is the first time that the community has held online  MeetUp, The result is right , According to  500+  Optimize and adjust the activity research feedback , Better coverage of core developer groups 、 Help enterprises link the ecosystem , Show the technical hard power of partners and dragon lizard community .

Dragon lizard Community Operation Committee  Jane  Say :“ This activity (MeetUp) Our exposure and satisfaction are very good ,
Give Way  Intel  I feel that the industry status of dragon lizard community is improving , And the enthusiasm and professionalism of many small partners in the community
. After the meeting, I also received feedback from some enterprises and developers ,  I hope we can continue to communicate in the future , Let the dragon lizard ecology more prosperous !”

stay  SIG  aspect ,6  New cloud native  SIG, At the same time open  SIG  Technology sharing , Intense community feedback . This month, ,
The home page of dragon lizard's official website launched a community activity calendar
, Relevant  SIG  Group meetings and technical sharing meetings are arranged , Welcome all developers to pay attention to .

Focus on the next stage of community operation , The operation committee members have reached a consensus , And said it would actively participate in community operation . The members also affirmed and encouraged the operation of the dragon lizard community .“ Personally, I feel that the community construction is very good ,
Every time I come to the operation committee meeting, I can feel that there is a new breakthrough in the dragon lizard community , The community is getting better and better
”, Xiao Wei, the operation committee member of dragon lizard community, said ,“ Recently launched
Everyone can participate in open source
, It is also a good activity , I hope the community will continue , Better and better .”

Last , Jin Meiqin and Ren Zidong made a summary of the meeting .

Dragon lizard community operation committee member Jin Meiqin
Express :“ Thank you for your support , We hope to do something practical in dragon lizard , Not false prosperity , Let us see the growth and changes of dragon lizards every time we come here . A community should be simple , But it is not easy to do well , It requires a lot of people's efforts behind this . I hope we can grow up with dragon lizard , Make the community better , go further .”

Ren Zidong, vice chairman of dragon lizard Community Operation Committee
say :“ As everyone said , We've been moving forward , Community operation depends on the joint efforts of everyone . The work of operation is to moisten things silently , The challenge of operation is how to make long-term and continuous progress . This requires enthusiasm and responsibility , I hope you all work together , Work together in such an open environment , Maintain the spirit of open source culture , We are all common participants , I'm glad to build dragon lizard together .”

Thank you all for participating in the dragon lizard community  9  Meetings of the operation committee , The content of this meeting will continue to be synchronized in 「 Community brand promotion  SIG」 in , Welcome to your attention .

「 Longteng plan 」
It's still going on , The dragon lizard community always adheres to “ Neutral and open ” We sincerely invite more enterprises to join , Around compatibility and adaptation 、 Technical cooperation 、 Commercial release 、 Cooperation from multiple perspectives such as operation activities .

——  End  ——
