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C + + things: from rice cookers to rockets, C + + is everywhere

2020-11-08 14:09:00 Muge love programming

Bjarne Stroustrup He's managing director of information technology at Morgan Stanley 、 Visiting professor, Department of computer science, Columbia University , Member of the National Institute of Engineering ,IEEE、ACM、CHM Senior members . It's also C++ The father of .

The past of Bell Labs

20 century 70 S to 90 years , Bell lab's computer science research center is the world's greatest place to practice computer science and theory , Not one of them. .

Bjarne When I'm about to graduate from Cambridge , I called Bell Labs and asked if there was a job offer . There were no vacancies at Bell Labs , But welcome Bjarne To show your work . Final , After a few days of presentation and interviews , He still managed to get a job at Bell Labs .


Bell Labs Computer Science Research Center

Bell labs from 1925 It has a glorious history since its establishment in , More than 25000 patents have been obtained , Won the 8 The second Nobel Prize . The computer science research center at Bell Labs , A group of computer science elites , These people are very smart 、 Knowledgeable and creative , Many people are also very good listeners , It's very helpful in developing new systems and coming up with new ideas , Whatever you want to know , You can find experts nearby .

The center is located in Mount Murray , Have 1000 Many doctors from different fields of science and Engineering . Researchers are given a lot of freedom to choose what to do , It's much better than elsewhere , Whether it's the past or the present . All you need to do is finally create something great .

It's here ,Bjarne Created the famous computer programming language ——C++.

C++ The things about

When someone asks about : Was there a moment , You feel C++ It could change the software / The rules of the game in the hardware industry .Bjarne Quite frankly : No, , Because I've been busy developing and using C++.

But he also confessed , There will still be one or two closer moments . for instance 1989 year , When IBM And representatives from HP appeared at Bell Labs , Insisting “ You really should be in ANSI( American National Standards Institute ) Standardize on the Committee C++” when . Again for instance , When ACM( The international computer society ) The society for the history of programming languages suggested that he write an article C++ When . He felt C++ The difference in software development , But even so , He said he still underestimated C++ And the programming technology it supports .


When asked , If there is a time machine, it can take him back to the original creation C++ When , What he wants to change the most ?Bjarne Smile and say , Now he's no better than creating C++ At that time, he knew more about that era , Any changes he made may not be able to adapt to that memory, only 1MB Working environment , There's no way to compile to the early 640MB Windows On the computer .

What surprised him most was ,C++ The range of application of : From rice cookers to space rockets , When we looked around , automobile 、 The movie 、 game 、 medicine 、 Finance 、 Computer 、 It is used in agriculture and other industries C++. In his opinion ,C++ Its application in the field of science is the most satisfactory : Human genome project 、 Basic physics at CERN and elsewhere, and Mars probes ,C++ All contributed , Whether the contribution is small or great , It feels good to him .

As a door, it has 30 Old language with many years of history ,C++ There are always sharp questions to ask , all 0202 Years. , It's also necessary to learn C++ Do you ?Bjarne Very candid answer to this question , Of course it's necessary .

C++ Is one of the most useful languages ,Bjarne Think this is one of the most important reasons . Want to be a professional in the computer industry, industry or academia , One programming language is usually not enough , For jobs that require performance and reliability ,C++ Is a good choice .

Look at it from another Angle , After so many years of development, an old language , It's not as much marketing as new languages , but C++ But it has been fully used in various industries , This in itself illustrates some problems .

Bjarne Think , Study C++ The best reason is that it gives you a deep understanding of various programming and design techniques , These technologies are available in all languages , All orifices are connected with each other .


Some words for the younger generation

Bjarne say , Programming can be fun , But it's not all fun and games . He thinks that , Our whole modern civilization depends on good software . In this day and age , Whatever you're interested in , literature 、 chemical 、 history 、 The rockets 、 Medical Science 、 Agriculture 、 Industry , Programming can play its role .

Young people may eventually make a significant contribution in one area , But to do that , He has to understand the domain of software development 、 Tools and Technology . We must learn the basic knowledge , Data structures and how machines work .

Facing the development of Technology , Don't be at a loss , Don't think you'll be an expert in a few weeks . Think about how long it takes to learn to speak a natural language , How long does it take to be a good athlete , How long does it take to learn to play an instrument that people outside your family would like to listen to .

Think about how much fun you'll have in reaching this state , How many friends are you likely to make . Some of the best people are learning to program 、 Use software .



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There are senior professional software development engineers , Answer all your doubts online ~C++ introduction “so easy”

The information contains : Introduction to programming 、 Game programming 、 curriculum design 、 Hackers, etc .

Programming learning books :


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