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[Structure internal power practice] Structure memory alignment (1)
2022-08-05 08:04:00 【阿尔伯特·爱迪生】
This article focuses on the size of the structure,and how it is aligned in memory.
1. 结构体的声明
结构是一些值的集合,这些值称为 成员变量.
结构的每个成员可以是 不同类型 的变量.
struct tag
member-list; //成员列表
}variable-list; //变量列表
Suppose I now want to define a student's 结构体类型 ,包括:姓名、性别、年龄、身高
struct Stu
char name[20]; //姓名
char sex[5]; //性别
int age; //年龄
int hight; //身高
So now we're going to take the just defined Student struct type 去创建 结构体变量
struct Stu
char name[20];
char sex[5];
int age;
int hight;
int main()
struct Stu s1;
return 0;
Can also use this method to create a structure variable
struct Stu
char name[20];
char sex[5];
int age;
int hight;
struct Stu s5;
int main()
struct Stu s1;
return 0;
此时创建的 s2、s3、s4、s5 are created global variables;
s1 为局部变量;
For example, when defining a structure,remove the tag;
char c;
int a;
double d;
int main()
return 0;
The above method is called 匿名结构体类型,但是 sa 只能使用一次;
But what if the following?
char c;
int a;
double d;
char c;
int a;
double d;
int main()
ps = &sa;
return 0;
sa 是一个匿名结构体,ps is an anonymous struct pointer;
Although their member types are exactly the same,但是编译器会认为 = Both sides are different struct types,So this spelling is completely wrong
struct Node
int data;
struct Node next;
This is absolutely impossible;
If we include in a struct a member of type the struct itself,So what is the size of this structure type I ask for at this time??
首先在 Node 里面有个 int 类型,然后还有个 struct Node next 类型;
那么在 struct Node next 里面还有个 int 类型,和 struct Node next 类型…And so on will form a wireless loop;
So we only need to store the address of a structure type.
struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;
此时,我们创建的每个 Node 节点里面,can save a value,another address;
通过这个地址,can be found by next 指向的下一个节点;
At this time the size of the structure can be identified:int 类型 4 个字节、指针类型 4 / 8 字节;
struct Point
int x;
int y;
}p1; //声明类型的同时定义变量p1
struct Point p2; //定义结构体变量p2
struct Point p3 = {
1, 2 };
What if it's a little more complicated?
#include <stdio.h>
struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;
struct Stu
char name[20];
char sex[5];
int age;
int hight;
int main()
struct Node n1 = {
100, NULL };
struct Stu s1 = {
"张三", "男", 20, 180 };
return 0;
上面可以看到,Every time we define the variables of the structure, we have to use struct Node,是不是感觉很麻烦?
那么可以使用 typedefto do it 重命名,At this point, we can create variables and use 重命名
typedef struct
int data;
struct Node* next;
int main()
Node n = {
0 };
return 0;
Compile a look
then if the members of the struct are 嵌套 的,So how to initialize structure variables??
#include <stdio.h>
struct Stu
char name[20];
char sex[5];
int age;
int hight;
struct Data
struct Stu s;
char ch;
double d;
int main()
struct Data d = {
"李四", "女", 30, 170 }, "w", 3.14 }; //结构体嵌套初始化
return 0;
2. 结构体传参
Think about when we pass parameters to the structure,Pass the structure or pass the address??
#include <stdio.h>
struct S
int data[1000];
int num;
struct S s = {
1,2,3,4}, 1000 };
void print1(struct S s)
printf("%d\n", s.num);
int main()
print1(s); //传结构体
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
struct S
int data[1000];
int num;
struct S s = {
1,2,3,4}, 1000 };
void print2(struct S* ps)
printf("%d\n", ps->num);
int main()
print2(&s); //传地址
return 0;
上面的 print1
和 print2
Which function is better??
答案是:首选 print2
3. 结构体内存对齐
关于 结构体的内存对齐 This is a high-frequency test site for interviews,很重要;
First, there is a piece of code below,Analyze the size of this structure type in bytes.?
struct S1
char c1;
int i;
char c2;
int main()
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S1));
return 0;
第一眼,大家会想到:c1 是 char 类型,占 1 个字节;
i 是 int 类型,占 4 个字节;
c2 是 char 类型,占 1 个字节;
加起来就是 6 个字节,那么究竟是不是呢?运行看一下
咦?这里为什么是 12 呢?
Here we need to explore,But before that,要学习一个东西,叫 offsetof.
,是一个 宏,it is used to return:the offset of a member from the start of a structure.
也就是,It can compute a struct member,an offset from the starting position.
size_t offsetof(structName, memberName);
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stddef.h>
struct S1
char c1;
int i;
char c2;
int main()
printf("%d\n", offsetof(struct S1, c1));
printf("%d\n", offsetof(struct S1, i));
printf("%d\n", offsetof(struct S1, c2));
return 0;
为什么是 0、4、8 呢?
首先,我们创建一个结构体类型 S1,红色箭头 Is the structure of the starting position,从起始位置开始,每个格子代表 1 个字节,The first grid is compared to 起始位置 偏移量是 0;The second grid is compared to 起始位置 偏移量是 1;The third grid is compared to 起始位置 偏移量是 2,以此类推…
According to the running result of the above code, we can know,c1 相较于 起始位置 偏移量是 0,并且 c1 是 char 类型,占 1 个字节,所以 c1 The memory space occupied by members is as follows
i 相较于 起始位置 偏移量是 4,并且 i 是 int 类型,占 4 个字节,所以 i The memory space occupied by members is as follows
c2 相较于 起始位置 偏移量是 8,并且 c2 也是 char 类型,占 1 个字节,所以 c2 The memory space occupied by members is as follows
But what we calculated is 12 个字节呀,也就是说,前 3 And after a grid 3 grid is useless
那么为什么呢?Why waste so much space doing this??
这个时候,Introduced to our topic today 结构体内存对齐 !
1、结构体的第一个成员,存放在结构体变量开始位置的 0 的偏移量处.
对齐数 :成员自身大小和默认对齐数的较小值.
在 VS 环境下,默认的对齐数是 8,S1 中 i The size of the member itself is 4 字节,而 VS The default alignment number provided by the editor is 8,Take both of it 最小值 为对齐数,所以 i 的对齐数就是 4;
那么 i 就要对齐到 4 的整数倍的地址处,所以 i is placed at an offset of 4 at multiple addresses,换句话说 4 Integer multiples include 4 (It might be a little bit twisty here)
c2 的自身大小是 1,And the default alignment number is 8,Take both of it 最小值 为对齐数,所以 c2 的对齐数就是 1;
and any address is 1 的倍数,So put the offset as 8 the grid
最大对齐数 :是指所有成员的对齐数中最大的那个.
c1 :自身大小是 1,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
i :自身大小是 4,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 4;
c2 :自身大小是 1,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
所以 S1 结构体的总大小必须是 4 的倍数,At this point, after we align the 9 byte grid,9 不是 4 multiples of!
Then keep going down,浪费 3 个空间,The total size 12 个字节了(4 的 3 倍)
注意:Linux环境没有默认对齐数,The alignment number is the size of itself
We have basically mastered the rules of alignment,Then change the position of the above code slightly
#include <stdio.h>
struct S1
char c1;
int i;
char c2;
struct S2
char c1;
char c2;
int i;
int main()
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S2));
return 0;
So let's do the math again S2 How are they aligned in memory?
First the first member of the struct is always placed 0 偏移处,那么 c1 就放在 0 偏移处
第二个成员 c2 自身大小是 1,默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
and any address is 1 的倍数,So put the offset as 1 the grid
第三个成员 i 自身大小是 4,默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 4;
Then look down 4 的倍数,4 的 1 倍是 4,所以 i 对齐到偏移量为 4 的地址处
c1 :自身大小是 1,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
c2 :自身大小是 1,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
i :自身大小是 4,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 4;
所以 S2 结构体最大对齐数是 4 ,then the total size must be 4 的倍数,At this point, after we align the 8 byte grid,8 是 4 的倍数;
所以结构体总大小为 8
#include <stdio.h>
struct S3
char c1;
char c2;
int i;
int main()
struct S3 s;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S3));
return 0;
This time we are drawing first,Check after drawing
First the first member of the struct is always placed 0 偏移处,那么 d 就放在 0 偏移处;
d 是 double 类型,占 8 个字节,所以从 0 偏移处开始,put down 8 个字节
第二个成员 c2 自身大小是 1,默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
and any address is 1 的倍数,So put the offset as 8 the grid
第三个成员 i 自身大小是 4,默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 4;
Then look down 4 的倍数,4 的 3 倍是 12,所以 i put it at an offset of 12 的地址处
d :自身大小是 8,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 8;
c :自身大小是 1,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
i :自身大小是 4,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 4;
所以 S3 结构体最大对齐数是 8 ,then the total size must be 8 的倍数,At this point, after we align the 16 byte grid,16 是 8 的倍数;
所以结构体总大小为 16
Now that we have learned how to align structure memory,So think about how nested structure alignment?
#include <stdio.h>
struct S3
double d;
char c;
int i;
struct S4
char c1;
struct S3 s3;
double d;
int main()
struct S4 s;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S4));
return 0;
我们还是先画图,Check after drawing
First the first member of the struct is always placed 0 偏移处,那么 c 就放在 0 偏移处;
c 是 char 类型,占 1 个字节,所以从 0 偏移处开始,put down 1 个字节
At this point the second member of structure,So that leads us to our fourth rule:
4、 如果嵌套了结构体的情况,嵌套的结构体对齐到自己的最大对齐数的整数倍处,结构体的整
第二个成员 s3 ,Its maximum number of alignments is 8,那么也就是说 s3 要对齐到 8 的整数倍处;
因为 8 的 1 倍就是 8,此时 8 The grid at the address is not occupied,So put the offset as 8 the grid
s3 We just calculated 16 个字节,所以从偏移量 8 The grid starts,put down 16 个字节
第三个成员 d 自身大小是 8,默认对齐数是 8,所以对齐数是 4;
Then look down 8 的倍数,8 的 3 倍是 24,所以 d put it at an offset of 24 的地址处;
所以从偏移量 24 The grid starts,put down 8 个字节
c :自身大小是 1,VS 默认对齐数是 8,取较小值,所以对齐数是 1;
s3 :是嵌套结构体,Its overall size is that all the maximum alignments are 8,VS 默认对齐数是 8,所以对齐数是 8;
d :自身大小是 8,VS 默认对齐数是 8,所以对齐数是 8;
所以 S4 结构体最大对齐数是 8 ,then the total size must be 8 的倍数,At this point, after we align the 32 byte grid,32 是 8 的倍数;
所以结构体总大小为 32(0~31,就是32个字节)
4. 为什么存在内存对齐
- 平台原因(移植原因):
- 性能原因:
#include <stdio.h>
struct S1
char c1;
int i;
char c2;
struct S2
char c1;
char c2;
int i;
int main()
struct S1 s1;
struct S2 s2;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S1));
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S2));
return 0;
S1 和 S2 类型的成员一模一样,但是 S1 和 S2 所占空间的大小有了一些区别.
5. 修改默认对齐数
之前我们见过了 #pragma
#pragma pack(1) //设置默认对齐数为 1
struct S1
char c1;
int i;
char c2;
#pragma pack() //取消设置的默认对齐数,还原为默认
struct S2 //不设置,默认就是 8
char c1;
int i;
char c2;
int main()
struct S1 s1;
struct S2 s2;
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S1));
printf("%d\n", sizeof(struct S2));
return 0;
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