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[Paper Notes] - Low Illumination Image Enhancement - Supervised - RetinexNet - 2018-BMVC
2022-08-04 07:32:00 【chaikeya】
In this paper made the weak light of their/Normal light image datasets to the weak light ofLOL数据集,利用RetinexThe theory of image reflectance under different illumination conditions are the same this characteristic makes its reflectivity sharing,Through a network of decomposition and an enhanced network to deal with low illumination image enhanced by the final result.
【题目】:Deep retinex decomposition for low-light enhancement
【会议】:2018 British Machine Vision Conference(BMVC)
Previous methods is limited by reflection and light decomposition model of capacity,很难设计出适用于各种场景的有效的图像分解约束条件.此外,Lighting figure operations are handmade,这些方法的性能通常依赖于仔细的参数调整.
- In the real scene captured pairs of low/Normal light image to build a large data sets.LOL数据集:
- 构造了一种基于Retinex模型的深度学习图像分解算法.分解网络与连续的弱光增强网络进行端到端训练,因此该框架具有良好的光状态调节能力.
- This paper puts forward a structure of perception total variation constraints for depth image decomposition.在梯度很强的地方,通过减轻总变化的影响,Constraint successfully smoothing lighting diagram and retain the main structure.
Retinex-NetFramework of enhancing process is divided into decomposition、Adjustment and reconstruction of three steps.
在分解步骤中,子网络DECO-NETThe input image is decomposed into reflectanceR和照度I.
首先使用3 × 3卷积层从输入图像中提取特征.然后,采用几个以直线矫正单元(ReLU)为激活函数的3×3卷积层,对RGB图像进行反射率和光照映射.一个3×3卷积层从特征空间投影R和I,用sigmoid函数约束R和I在[0,1]的范围内.
It during the training phase with low light/Normal light image of,In the testing phase with low light image as the only input.在低光/Normal light images with the same reflectivity and light under the constraint of smoothness,Decom-NetLearning to extract data driven way consistency between different illumination imagesR.
In the subsequent adjustment steps,基于Enhance-Net的编码器-Decoder make lighting lights.引入多尺度拼接,From the perspective of multi-scale to adjust light,To keep the light and the global consistency of the context information in large area,At the same time adjustment has the concentration distribution of local.Reflection on the noise in this step also be removed.
最后,By page element method to the adjustment of the lighting and reflection.Light and reflectivity of adjusted reconstruction,For enhanced results.
Enhance-Net 多尺度照明调整
编码器-Decoder architecture in the regional domain context information.The input image is under continuous sampling to a small scale,On this scale network can have a large scale illumination distribution perspective.It brings the network adaptive adjustment ability.Use of large-scale light information,上采样块重建局部光照分布.By each element sum from the sampling block on its corresponding image sampling piece of introducing jump connection,This forced online learning residual.
为了分层调整光照,That maintain a consistent global illumination,At the same time, adjust the different local illumination distribution,Introduced the multi-scale joining together.如果存在MOn a gradual sample piece,Each piece of extractionC通道特征图,Are we using nearest neighbor interpolation in different scales, adjust the size of these characteristics to the final scale,并将它们连接到C×M通道特征图.然后,通过1×1卷积层,The characteristics of the idea league is simplified toC个通道.随后是3×3Convolution layer with refactoring illume figure^I.
The sample piece by step length for the2的卷积层和ReLU组成.In the sample piece on,Using resize convolution layer.如[19]所示,It can avoid artifacts of chessboard pattern.Resize convolution layer by the nearest neighbor domain interpolation operation、跨距为1的卷积层和ReLU组成.
图像的尺度 :Here refers to the scale of the image is not the size of the image,It is the image of the fuzzy degree of(σ),例如,People close to see an object and the distance an object fuzzy degree is not the same,From close to the distance has become increasingly blurred image process,也是图像的尺度越来越大的过程.
R - 反射率:Describes the captured objects intrinsic properties,Considered in any lighting condition is consistent.
I - 照度:On behalf of the various brightness of objects.In the low light image,It's often influenced by darkness and uneven illumination distribution.
本文先把S分解成R和I,然后对R和I进行调整得到^R和^I,最后把^R和^IRestructuring of final^S.
L = 重建损失Lrecon + 不变反射率损失Lir + 照明平滑度损失Lis:
1、Deco-Net 重构损失 Lrecon
The consistency of constraint reflectivity
3、Structure of total variation minimization of perception(TV)照明平滑度损失Lis
Lighting diagram of a basic assumption is that local consistency and structure of perception,如[9]所述.换句话说,A good light figure solution should be smooth in texture details at the same time will still be able to keep the whole structure boundaries.
In order to make the loss to reflect the structure of the image,对原始的TVWeighted function using reflection diagram gradient.
其中,∇表示包括∇H(水平)和∇V(垂直)的梯度,λgTo show the strength of the equilibrium structure consciousness coefficient.利用权重exp(-λg∇Ri),LisRelaxed to steep reflection gradient local smoothness constraint,换句话说,Image structure in place and lighting should be discrete.
全变差最小化 (TV):是将整个图像的梯度最小化的算法,经常被用作各种图像恢复任务的平滑先验.然而,直接使用TVAs the loss function in images with strong structure or dramatic change brightness area failure.这是由于统一的减少梯度的照明图无论该区域是文本细节或强边界.换句话说,TVLoss is a structure of blind.光照模糊,反射率上留下强黑边,如图2(g)所示.
全变差最小化 (TV):[2] An augmented lagrangian method for total variation video restoration. paper
4、Multi-scale lighting adjustments Enhance-Net Strengthen the loss
照明增强网络采用编码器-Decoder architecture of whole frame. In order to from the Angle of the stratification adjustment light,我们引入了多尺度连接,如图 1 所示.
Enhance-Net 的损失函数 L = 重建损失 Lrecon (Eq.6)+ 光照平滑度损失 Lis (Eq.5)
Lrecon (Eq.6)在第二步Enhance-Net调整后的得到的^I和Rlow与Snormal的重构损失
- 包含 500 A low light/Normal light image of.
- The original image has been adjusted to 400×600 And converted into a portable network graphics format.
- Use three steps to eliminate our data focused image on the mismatch between the.
Three-stage method to eliminate the low light/Normal light image of the dislocation between the:
- 第一步:Get two normal light image,称为 N1 和 N2.
- 第二步:Change the exposure time and ISO To capture more than low light image.
- 第三步:The exposure time andISOReset to the original Settings,For the other two Zhang Zhengchang light imageN3和N4.
- Calculate 4 pictures ground-truth 的均值 G 和 MSE(mean squared error 均方误差)的均值 M.
- 当 M 值较大时,Four serious mismatch between normal optical image.因此,From the data set to delete the corresponding to.阈值设置为 0.1.
三步法:[1] RENOIR - A Dataset for Real Low-Light Image Noise Reduction paper
In this paper, the method in the absence of overexposure,Fully illuminated objects hidden in the dark brightness,Benefit from the image decomposition method based on learning and multi-scale custom light figure.
2、The result of the enhancement and noise reduction joint
Retinex-Net Keep the details better,而 LIME 和 JED Blur the edge.
Denoising strategy depends on the lighting:
在 Retinex-Net 中使用 BM3D [3] As a denoising operation.由于噪声在反射率上被不均匀地放大,Use lighting relative strategy.
In the different area,The size of the noise is not the same.Through the lighting is separated from the original image to magnify the noise in the dark.In order to prevent the bright part of the part of the noise smoothing and dark,Using the denoising strategy of depends on the lighting.
其中IOn behalf of the decomposition results light,RtOn behalf of each iterationtAfter the reflectivity of,R0是R,BM3D(·)代表BM3D算法,σt是它的参数. 等式(4)和等式(5)为等式(6)Produce lighting guide map. 等式(4)Remove the already clean area,等式(5)To strengthen regional noise. 在等式(6)中,The darker area by BM3D Denoising and combined with the current reflectivity. Finally, the iterative operation 3 次,UB1 = 1, α1 = 1, σ1 = 10, UB2 = 0.08, α2 = 10, σ2 = 20, UB3 = 0.03, α3 = 100 和 σ3 = 40.
BM3D: [3] Image denoising with blockmatching and 3d filtering paper
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