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It's worth seeing. Interview sites and interview skills

2022-07-07 21:57:00 InfoQ


With Android The development industry is gradually saturated , Yes Android The interview requirements of developers are becoming higher and higher , Whether to master the underlying source code , It's the interviewer who measures a Android An important basis for developers . Whether you have read the source code can also judge your learning ability and way of thinking to a great extent . No matter how many years of development experience you have , The interview was asked to answer the source code question , 
《Android Summary of learning notes + Latest mobile architecture video + Big Android interview questions + Project actual combat source code handout 》 Free open source Hui Xin search official account 【 Advanced programming 】
  Not only will it lose its value 、 Not to mention cutting salaries , I can't even pass the interview !

All kinds of online source code analysis articles and blogs are diverse 、 Uneven, some good and some bad . clutter 、 Or the content quality is too shallow , scattered 、 fragmentation , I can't connect when I always look at it .

therefore , Bloggers use their leisure time , It took nearly three months to Android Most commonly used in development 、 The most frequently asked interviewers 18 Class source code is integrated into a set of system knowledge notes PDF, total 487 page ,18 Chapters ! I believe that after reading this document , You will be right Android The development of various types of core source code has a more in-depth 、 A more systematic understanding of .

Because there is so much , Avoid affecting your reading experience , Here's just a screenshot of the table of contents ,487 Detailed and complete version of 《Android  Development of relevant source code analysis 》 How to get e-book documents :** give the thumbs-up + Focus on , Then private message keywords  【666】** You can add my personal wechat and send it to you ( Free of charge ). You are also welcome to discuss with me Android Technical problems

Catalog :

Because there are many questions , Space limitation , The interview questions in the article are not all shared with detailed analysis , But it's a detailed PDF Documents can be shared with you , At the end of the article, we get the free way

Looking at the interview questions can be for an interview , It can also be a kind of leakage of what you have learned , Learn more about some core knowledge points

1、Java  relevant

  • Containers
    (HashMap、HashSet、LinkedList、ArrayList、 Array etc. )

You need to understand how it works , And use it flexibly , Such as : Realize it by yourself  LinkedList、 Two stacks implement a queue , Array implementation stack , Queue implementation stack, etc .

  • Memory model
  • Garbage collection algorithm
  • Class loading process
    ( Need to see more , Focus on understanding , It's important for hot fixes and plug-ins )
  • Reflection
  • Multithreading and thread pooling
  • HTTP、HTTPS、TCP/IP、Socket signal communication 、 Three handshakes, four waves
  • Design patterns
    ( Six basic principles 、 Design patterns commonly used in projects 、 Handwritten notes, etc )
  • Breakpoint continuation

2、Android  Basics

  • Customize  View
  • Event interception distribution
  • Some performance problems solved
    , Practical application in the project .
  • Performance optimization tools
     (TraceView、Systrace、 debugging  GPU  Over drawing  & GPU  Presentation pattern analysis 、Hierarchy Viewer、MAT、Memory Monitor & Heap Viewer & Allocation Tracker  etc. )
  • performance optimization
    (1) The Internet :API  Optimize 、 Traffic optimization 、 Weak network optimization (2) Memory :OOM  Handle 、 Memory leak 、 Memory detection 、 analysis 、Bitmap  Optimize (3) draw (4) Electric quantity :WeakLock  Mechanism 、JobScheduler  Mechanism (5)APK  Slimming (6) Memory jitter (7) Memory leak (8) Carton (9) performance optimization : Layout optimization 、 Over rendering 、ANR  Handle 、 monitor 、 Buried point 、Crash  Upload .
  • IntentService  Principle and Application
  • How to cache yourself (LRUCache  principle )
  • Graphics and images
    :OpenGL ES  Pipeline process 、EGL  The understanding of 、Shader  relevant
  • SurfaceView、TextureView、GLSurfaceView
      Differences and use scenarios
  • Animation 、 Differentiator 、 Estimator
  • Handler、ThreadLocal、AsyncTask
  • Gradle
    (Groovy  grammar 、Gradle  Plug in Development Foundation )
  • Hot repair 、 pluggable

3、Android Framework

  • AMS 、PMS
  • Activity  Start process
  • Binder  Mechanism
    (IPC、AIDL  Use )
  • Why use  
    , What are the benefits ?
  • Android  Image display
    Related processes ,Vsync  Signals, etc

4、 Three party source code

  • Glide
     : load 、 cache 、LRU  Algorithm
  • EventBus
  • LeakCanary
  • ARouter
  • pluggable
    ( Principles and schools of different plug-in mechanisms , Advantages and disadvantages . limitations )
  • Hot repair
  • RXJava
  • Retrofit

5、 Algorithm and data structure

  • Single chain list
    : reverse 、 Insert 、 Delete
  • Double linked list
    : Insert 、 Delete
  • Common sorting of handwriting
    、 Merge sort 、 Heap sort
  • Foreword of binary tree
    、 Middle preface 、 After the sequence traversal
  • Maximum  K  problem
  • Breadth 、 Depth first search algorithm

At the end of the article

Okay , Today's sharing is here , If you have any questions about the interview , Or just graduated and work for a few years confused, do not know how to prepare for the interview and break through the status quo to improve themselves , I don't know enough about my future. I don't know how to plan for it , Let's see how peers break through the status quo , How to learn , To absorb their interview and work experience, improve their future interview plan and career planning .

Here is a collection of interviews I have participated in since my work
Advanced learning videos and interview packages
, The main thing is to hope that the interview can go smoothly under the current bad environment , I hope I can help you

