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Equipment failure prediction machine failure early warning mechanical equipment vibration monitoring machine failure early warning CNC vibration wireless monitoring equipment abnormal early warning

2022-07-07 14:17:00 Machine tool data acquisition is not authorized

Mechanical vibration is a common phenomenon in Engineering , The parts and components of mechanical equipment and the whole machine have different degrees of vibration . The vibration of mechanical equipment often affects its working accuracy , Aggravate the wear of the machine , Accelerate fatigue failure ; With the increase of wear and fatigue damage , The vibration of mechanical equipment will be more intense , Such a vicious circle , Until the equipment breaks down and is damaged . Increased vibration is often accompanied by abnormal working conditions of machine components 、 Even a physical phenomenon caused by failure . Yes 60% The above mechanical faults are reflected through vibration . No shutdown and disassembly , Through the measurement and analysis of mechanical vibration signals , The degree of deterioration and the nature of the fault can be understood . Now , The theory of vibration is quite mature , The method is simpler and easier .
Equipment failure prediction machine tool failure early warning mechanical equipment vibration monitoring machine tool failure early warning CNC Early warning of abnormal vibration of wireless monitoring equipment



The maintenance and repair of industrial equipment can be roughly divided into 3 Means , Predictive maintenance is the general trend .

Corrective maintenance : It belongs to post maintenance , Mend the fold after the sheep have been stolen .

Preventive maintenance : It belongs to prior maintenance , Based on time 、 Regularly maintain the equipment under the conditions of performance , More depends on experience .

Predictive maintenance : It belongs to prior maintenance , Based on various sensors installed on the equipment , Real time monitoring of equipment operation state , More accurately judge when the fault occurs . If hidden trouble is found , Automatically trigger alarm or repair command .

For the most widely used auxiliary machinery in the factory , Such as motor 、 Fan 、 Air compressor 、 Water pump 、 Most of the equipment on non key process and process nodes such as reducer have not used online monitoring system . The new intelligent vibration sensing and end cloud integrated monitoring system will help significantly reduce the deployment cost of equipment online monitoring 、 Use cost and maintenance cost , It is bound to usher in a huge incremental market , At present, many equipment manufacturers are also actively promoting the use of vibration sensors for equipment condition monitoring as an optional or standard configuration of factory equipment .

The solution of intelligent vibration monitoring system mainly consists of wireless vibration sensors ( Wireless uniaxial temperature vibration sensor 、 Wireless triaxial temperature vibration sensor 、 Wireless uniaxial temperature acceleration sensor 、 Wireless three-axis temperature acceleration sensor, etc )、 Intelligent wireless acquisition instrument 、 The intelligent vibration monitoring system is composed of cloud platform and mobile phone applet . The system collects the temperature of terminal equipment through wireless vibration sensor 、 Vibration amplitude 、 Acceleration and other information , adopt LoRa/BLE/Wi-Fi/ NB-IOT( Optional ) Wait for Wireless , Use intelligent wireless acquisition instrument or operator base station , Transmit relevant information to smart .


Two 、 Program advantages

1、 Accurate detection , Real time reporting ;

2、 Ultra-low power consumption , Stable performance ;

3、 Wireless transmission , Easy to install ;

4、 Battery powered , Waterproof and explosion-proof ;

5、 Support cloud platform , Real-time query 、 Abnormal alarm , Remote monitoring ;

3、 ... and 、 The application case

Case study 1: Flywheel bearing condition monitoring project in stamping workshop of a large car factory
Demand scenarios :
Stamping shop AB The line adopts flywheel structure , Flywheel bearing installation is concealed , Its wear state cannot be observed , Replacing this bearing requires 6 A shift ,8 people / shift , If the damage degree cannot be judged in advance , Wait for its sudden failure and shutdown , It will also cause damage to the clutch brake and the main shaft , The loss is in 200 More than ten thousand yuan .

Case study 2: Intelligent monitoring system for factory equipment in a semiconductor factory in Wuxi
Demand scenarios :
Wuxi semiconductor Fab factory , Facility fans 、 Water pump 、 The motor must work reliably and stably , In case of abnormal shutdown, the loss is very huge , High requirements for equipment operation and maintenance , The cost is also high , Through the intelligent monitoring of the equipment, the abnormality of the equipment can be effectively detected in advance , Preventive maintenance can be achieved .

Case study 3: Intelligent monitoring project of a vibrating screen machine for coal sorting in Tianjin
Demand scenarios :
This application scenario has a harsh environment , There is dust outside 、 Water and high temperature , The vibration amplitude of the sorter is large , It's noisy , There is no effective monitoring means for equipment status , use Zigbee The networked wireless vibration monitoring sensor can online monitor the running state of the screen , Find fault symptoms in advance , Preventive maintenance .

Case study 4: Rolling mill fault alarm and prediction project in a steel plant in Chengde
Demand scenarios :
The rolling equipment in the rolling mill must ensure reliable and stable operation , In case of abnormal shutdown, the loss is very huge , High requirements for equipment operation and maintenance , The cost is also high , At present, it depends on personnel experience , It is time-consuming and laborious, and the failure of equipment cannot be warned in advance , Through intelligent online monitoring, the abnormality of the equipment can be effectively detected in advance , Preventive maintenance can be achieved .

Case study 5: Cooperate with a group in Shanghai to provide subway axle box intelligent monitoring system
Demand scenarios :
Subway traffic safety concerns almost every one of us , Hub monitoring 、 Maintenance and repair is a very important safety guarantee , Our company cooperates strategically with customers to develop vibration monitoring sensors with independent intellectual property rights 、 Data transmission and data analysis system . Set detection device for axle box system , Realize the monitoring of bearing temperature rise and vibration in the axle box , Realize hierarchical alarm , All test results can be displayed in the cab , And the alarm information can be sent to OCC, This system will first be installed and used in Shanghai Rail Transit 6、8 Line no. .

Case study 6: Cooperate with a listed company in the power industry to provide an intelligent monitoring system for power plant auxiliaries
Demand scenarios :


The customer is a well-known system solver in the power industry , Build a remote intelligent monitoring system , The real-time collection of equipment operation data is carried out through the temperature vibration integrated sensor , At the same time, the existing monitoring system data is integrated through the remote intelligent monitoring system , And according to the operation characteristics of power units and related auxiliary machines, configure targeted data acquisition strategies , Grasp the vibration that is effective for analyzing and locating unit faults 、 Temperature data , And with the help of intelligent alarm strategy , Discover the abnormal operation of the equipment in time , And realize automatic push SMS and mobile in abnormal state APP Alarm push . Remote diagnostic engineers conduct precise analysis of data , Issue equipment diagnosis conclusions and maintenance suggestions , And submit the diagnostic report , So as to provide targeted maintenance guidance and suggestions for the site .

Case study 7: some LCD Module water cooling system equipment status intelligent monitoring project
Demand scenarios :
The client is LCD Leading enterprises of Taiwan enterprises in the industry ,3 There are 13 All cooling water towers are 5 The top of the building , All pumps have been in service 9 In the above , Due to the failure of maintenance personnel to conduct regular and fixed-point patrol inspection of equipment points , It was found that a cooling water system had stopped working after the factory environment seriously exceeded the standard 3 God , The equipment has been seriously damaged , Direct loss 30 Ten thousand yuan . Now we are installing our wireless vibration and temperature integrated monitoring sensor 、 Gateway and upper computer system , There is no site modification and wiring construction , Realize the remote monitoring in the central control room , Instead of manual spot check and patrol inspection , Reduced labor costs and maintenance costs .

Case study 8: some A Stock listed OEM giant machine tool equipment tool life intelligent monitoring project
Demand scenarios :
The cutting tools of CNC machine tools are vulnerable parts , The wear state of the tool , It directly determines the yield of processed products . The current tool detection methods are inaccurate , Complex modeling and other issues , Unable to meet the requirements of Intelligent Manufacturing . Jiejie sensor has deep cooperation with customers , Develop intelligent tool wear detection sensor VB30, By testing the knife handle ( Tool holding device ) Vibration signal , More accurate detection of tool wear status , Implement “ Unmanned factory ” Strategies provide reliable data sources . After the implementation of the project 60% Unexpected shutdown , Quality defect rate from 6‰ Down to 3‰, save 16% Cost of .

Four 、 Product introduction
1、 Wireless vibration sensor

Wireless vibration sensors are mainly divided into : Wireless uniaxial vibration sensor 、 Wireless uniaxial temperature vibration sensor 、 Wireless triaxial vibration sensor 、 Wireless triaxial temperature vibration sensor 、 Wireless single axis acceleration sensor 、 Wireless uniaxial temperature acceleration sensor 、 Wireless three-axis acceleration sensor 、 Wireless three-axis temperature acceleration sensor, etc .

2、 Intelligent wireless vibration acquisition instrument
Intelligent wireless acquisition instrument is an intelligent 、 Specialized wireless electronic devices , Used to collect the temperature of the sensor 、 Vibration 、 Acceleration and other data information . It integrates RS232、RS485、 Ethernet 、4G And so on , With data acquisition 、 Handle 、 Storage and sending functions , It can reliably transfer device data to the cloud platform .

3、 Intelligent vibration monitoring system cloud platform

  There are many common points between the faults of the mechanical part of CNC machine tools and those of ordinary machine tools , Therefore, when diagnosing and repairing mechanical faults , Many places are interlinked . however , The mechanical structure of CNC machine tools is greatly simplified , The failure of its mechanical structure presents some new features , For example, the transmission chain is shortened , High accuracy of transmission components , Mechanical maintenance covers a wider range .

  1、 Mechanical structure of CNC machine tool

  1.1 Main components

  (1) Main drive system ;

  (2) Feed transmission system ;

  (3) System and device for realizing automatic action and auxiliary functions of some parts of machine tool , Such as chip removal 、 Protective devices , Tool holder and automatic tool changing device , Automatic workbench switching device ;

  (4) Special function device , Such as tool breakage monitoring 、 Precision detection and monitoring device .

  1.2 Main mechanical components

  ⑴ Spindle components : Provide cutting power 、 It also has C Axis function and orientation function

  ⑵ Feed part : The positioning of linear motion is completed under the drive of servo motor 、 feed .

  ⑶ Rotating moving parts : Refers to the rotating shaft, such as :B Axis 、A Axis

  ⑷ Automatic tool change device : Turret tool rest of CNC lathe 、 Tool magazine and tool changing mechanism of Machining Center

  2、 Mechanical fault diagnosis of CNC machine tools

   Diagnosis technology of mechanical faults of CNC machine tools , It is divided into simple diagnosis technology and precision diagnosis technology

  2.1 Simple diagnostic technology : Also known as mechanical inspection technology . Ask about the machine tool 、 see 、 listen 、 feel 、 Smell, wait .

  2.2 Precision diagnostic technology : According to the difficult faults proposed in the simple diagnosis , The full-time fault precise diagnosis personnel use advanced testing means to carry out accurate quantitative detection and analysis , Find out the fault location 、 reason 、 data , Determine the repair method and time

  2.2.1 Common fault diagnosis methods

  (1) Intuitive method ( look , listen , question and feel the pulse -- four ways of diagnosis )

   ask — Malfunction of machine tool 、 Processing status, etc

   see —CRT Alarm information 、 Alarm indicator 、 Whether the fuse is broken 、 Components are smoked and charred 、 Capacitor expansion deformation 、 Crack 、 The protector trips 、 Contact sparks, etc

   listen — Abnormal sound ( Iron core 、 Undervoltage 、 Vibration etc. )

   smell — Burnt smell and other peculiar smell of electrical components

   feel — fever 、 Vibration 、 Poor contact, etc

  (2)CNC Self diagnosis function of the system

  (3) Data and status check

  (4) The alarm indicator shows fault

  (5) Plate replacement method ( Alternative law )

  (6) Exchange templates or units with the same function , Observe the failover , Can quickly determine the fault location .

  (7) Percussion

   CNC system is composed of various circuit boards , On the circuit board 、 Faulty soldering or poor contact of the interface slot at the connector will

   Cause trouble . Gently tap the doubtful point with insulation , If it appears , Then the striking part is likely to be the fault part .

  (8) Heating method

   When the equipment operates for a long time or the ambient temperature is high , The machine tool will fail , Use a hair dryer 、 Infrared light

   Shoot suspicious components or components . Determine the fault point .

  (9) Functional program testing

  (10) Segregation

   The isolation method is to disconnect some control circuits , So as to achieve the purpose of narrowing the fault area .

  (11) Measurement comparison method

   For the convenience of detection , A detection terminal is set on the template or unit , With a multimeter 、 Oscillograph and other instruments test the level or waveform of these terminals , Compare the test value with the normal value , It can analyze and judge the cause and location of the fault . Various fault diagnosis methods have their own characteristics , Flexible combination and application should be carried out according to the characteristics of fault phenomena .

  2.2.2 Mechanical vibration detection and diagnosis

   Take machine tool vibration as information source , Obtain signals during the operation of the machine tool , Make various processing and analysis of signals , Judge whether there is a fault through the change of some characteristic quantities 、 Determine the nature of the fault according to some criteria formed by previous diagnosis experience, and further determine the location of the fault based on some other basis . It is practical and reliable 、 The characteristics of accurate judgment

This paper is written by Yunwojia digital chemical plant service provider Release ,[ Click here ] (https://www.yun-360.com) You can find me


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