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IP and long integer interchange

2022-07-07 14:04:00 It is small new

IP Swap with long integer
public class IPUtil {
    public static void main(String[]args){
        String ip="";
        long ipLong=ipToLong(ip);
     * take Formal IP The address is converted to a decimal integer   There is no error handling here
     * Move left operation (<<) Weight each number The power of the first paragraph is 2 Of 24 Power The power of the second paragraph is 2 Of 16 Power
     * The power of the third paragraph is 2 Of 8 Power The last paragraph is 1
    public static long ipToLong(String ipadress){
        long[]ip=new long[4];
        // First find IP In the address string . The location of
        int position1=ipaddress.indexOf(".");
        int position2=ipaddress.indexOf(".",position1+1);
        int position3=ipaddress.indexOf(".",position2+1);
        // Each one . Convert the string between to integer  
        ip[0]=Long.parseLong(ipadress, substring(0,position1));
        ip[1] = Long.parseLong(ipaddress.substring(position1 + 1, position2));
        ip[2] = Long.parseLong(ipaddress.substring(position2 + 1, position3));
        ip[1] = Long.parseLong(ipaddress.substring(position3 + 1));
        return (ip[0]<<24)+(ip[1]<<16)+(ip[2]<<8)+ip[3];
 * Convert decimal integer form to Formal IP Address Move the integer value to the right (>>) Move right 24 position , When moving to the right, the high position makes up 0, The number obtained is the first paragraph IP.
 * adopt & The operator Set the high order of the integer value to 0, Move right again 16 position The number obtained is the second paragraph ip
 * The high of the integer value through the and operator 16 Set as 0, Move right again 8 position , The number obtained is the third paragraph IP.
                    The high of the integer value through the and operator 24 Set as 0, The figure obtained is the fourth paragraph IP.
    public static String longToLong(long ipaddress){
        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("");
        // Move right directly 24 position
        // Will be high 8 Location 0 And then move right 16 position
        // Will be high 16 Location 0 And then move right 8 position
        // Will be high 24 Location 0
        sb.append(String.valueOf((ipaddress & 0x000000FF)));
        return sb.toString();


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