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Learning breakout 2 - about effective learning methods

2022-07-07 13:32:00 Ah_ coke

1.1 About search

1、 Your search awareness

   Search power : Have a problem , You know what to look for , Where to find it , How to find effective information and resources , And can use them to finally solve the problem .
   Purpose : Faster Get information , Faster Know how to do things better than others , Faster Find the resources you want 、 contacts 、 Information, etc. to adapt to your work , And it can also Make sure you make the right decision , Information gap is wealth .
   When you feel pain , How do you solve : If you encounter a problem you can't solve , Don't build a car behind closed doors , And learn to walk on the shoulders of giants .

2、 Your search method

(1) What are you looking for
   If you give me 1 Hours to answer a question that determines life and death , I can spend 55 Minutes to find out what you're asking again , Once you know what you're asking , The rest 5 Minutes is enough to answer this question .

(2) Where to find

  • General channel : Search engine Baidu 、 Google 、 Sogou etc.
  • Dedicated channels :CSDN、 Nuggets 、 Blog Garden 、testerhome、 You know 、 headlines 、B standing 、 Trill etc.
  • Payment channels : TaoBao 、 Salted fish 、 around 、 Training institutions 、 A community of industry leaders 、 Circle, etc .
  • Versatile website :pick free、 Insect tribe search 、 Cat and dog website navigation 、 Koala new media navigation
  • E-book resources : Kumo search 、 Bookcase 、 WeChat reading 、 Douban studies
  • Free website resources :B standing 、 University of China MOOC、 I want to learn by myself 、 Netease public class 、 Novice tutorial

(3) How to find

1、 Double quotes : Accurately match the search content , for example :“ Singing Course ”, Without double quotation marks, all you find are advertisements
2、site Instructions : As long as the content of a specific website , for example : Boys wear site : zhihu.com
5、intitle Instructions : As long as the specific content in the title , for example : Knowledge payment report intitle:2021
6、 Time limited instructions : Time begins … Time is over , for example : Knowledge payment report 2021…2022
7、 Minus sign instruction : Subtract what you don't want to see , Remove ads when searching , for example : Singing teaching - advertisement - Extension - Promotion Links
8、 Combination of instructions
3、filetype Instructions : Find the textbook 、 e-book 、 Industry information, etc , for example :《 A dream of red mansions 》 filetype:pdf

except pdf What other instructions ,ppt、xls、doc、rtf、txt etc.

4、inurl Instructions :site、filetype The combination of , for example : Loan policy inurl:gov

In addition to the format of the document , also exe、mps、mp4 etc. , for example : Cultivate love inurl:mp4

1.2 About reading

   People who can really read , It can ensure high absorption efficiency , It can also quickly remember the essence of the book and internalize it into its own knowledge system . Knowledge can only be highly combined with our application scenarios , Will produce a memory that can be called , If you don't know why you learn 、 Where can it be used in the future , And what it has to do with yourself , It will make the reading content have no foothold

Theme Reading : Let all books serve your problems , Serve your needs . While reading , The theme and content of reading are all around the purpose . We don't need to read a book from beginning to end , And adopt a rough way , Read only the contents of our relevant departments . targeted , Reading speed block , So masters usually read hundreds of books a year , It's not because of more time , It's all because reading serves problems .

1、 Problem consciousness
   Knowledge is only highly related to our application scenarios , Will produce a memory that can be called , If you don't know why you learn , Where can it be used in the future , And what it has to do with yourself , Will let us read these things have no foothold .

What does the book say ?
Why should I read it ?
How should I read it ?

2、 Incorporate the acquired content into the existing knowledge system .【 How to build your own knowledge system ?】
3、 Output a work

1.3 About notes

(1) Core purpose :

  1、 Taking notes must make you absorb the learning effect as much as possible ,
  2、 Reduce review costs . Save your time + energy , Put it into the next more important and urgent thing .

(2)3 Principles :

  1、 We must restate it in our own words
  2、 Structure what you have learned
  3、 Visual notes

(3) terms of settlement :

mindmaster Is the best learning note taking tool , structured + Visualization + restatement

1.4 About memory

(1) The principle of memory ?

1、 Encode and process external information , Form representations in the brain .
2、 The brain makes repeated calls to form long-term memory , No more calls are gradually hidden

(2) How to remember quickly ?

1、 focus , Set the purpose of my reading this book , First, sort out the framework of the whole book , Then start sorting out the details I want to read
2、 Call touch 、 taste 、 Smell 、 listen 、 Depending on the 、 intuition . Call full 6 The feeling forms strong stimulation
3、 Into the knowledge system 【 How to establish knowledge system ?

(3) How to call it quickly ?

The brain has a set of energy conservation and protection mechanisms , He will press the current information that is not conducive to our survival into the subconscious , Second, give special consideration to the most frequently used information at present .

1、 link . When studying , Don't learn and remember a certain knowledge point in isolation , Try to link other knowledge points , The more links , The more knowledge points are indexed .
2、 Scenario based introduction . Don't isolate 、 Abstract memory , Instead, put a vivid 、 Clear 、 Memory in perceptible scenes .
3、 High repetition . After getting up in the morning , Think about what you learned today before going to bed at night , What I learned this month , What I learned this year , It's probably good to have one

All in all , We should spend a lot of time thinking , Instead of how to remember them , What is not deliberately to remember but remains , Is the most valuable

1.5 Writing output

(1) purpose :

   Add a lever to time , Anyone can see you at any time , It will magnify your personal influence a hundred times , Even a thousand times , Used to writing , You have the power to influence others , Ordinary people become super big through writing IP There are also many cases .

(2) The standard of growth :

   See if you can write something valuable every day , If you can't write it out, it means that you input 、 reflection 、 Not growing enough . Output through writing , It can make us aware of our ignorance , So as to force us to output , To achieve superimposed progress .

(3) Writing mistakes

1、 As long as you think output , That is writing , All you have to do is make it clear , Express your opinions smoothly .
2、 People's growth never starts when everything is ready , But start with the worst , Growing up step by step
3、 Writing ideas come from your own experience 、 friend 、 Public opinion topic , Seen 、 What you hear 、 What I think of , Can be written down in words .

(4) Series article title > skeleton > Fill in the content

1、 Good articles are all modified ,


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