2022-07-02 05:47:00 【杰儿__er】
cpu 使用率
- 代码实现:
function getCpu()
exec("top -n 1| grep id| awk {'print $8'}", $out);
$cpu_usage = 100 - $out[0]; //还有这么多可用
$ret = array('cpu'=>$cpu_usage);
return $ret;
$cpu = getCpu();
var_dump($cpu); //CPU 当前使用率百分比
- 结果显示:
array(1) {
string(4) "35.0"
array(1) {
硬盘 使用率
- 代码实现:
function getDisk()
$result = array();
exec("df", $result);
var_dump($result); //见打印区域
$s_total = 0;
$s_used = 0;
foreach($result as $value){
if(strripos($value,"/mnt")!==false && strripos($value,"sd")!==false){
var_dump($match); //见打印区域
$s_total += intval($match[3]);
$s_used += intval($match[5]);
$disk_val = intval($s_used/1024);
$disk_usage = intval($s_used/1024).'/'.intval($s_total/1024);
$ret = array('disk'=>$disk_usage,'disk_usage'=>$disk_val);
return $ret;//系统硬盘空间使用率 系统盘空间使用率
$disk = getDisk();
var_dump($disk); //见打印区域
- 结果显示:
array(10) {
string(70) "文件系统 1K-块 已用 可用 已用% 挂载点"
string(51) "/dev/root 14899176 7580252 6542376 54% /"
string(54) "devtmpfs 8293440 0 8293440 0% /dev"
string(58) "tmpfs 8296512 0 8296512 0% /dev/shm"
string(54) "tmpfs 8296512 391232 7905280 5% /run"
string(59) "tmpfs 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock"
string(64) "tmpfs 8296512 0 8296512 0% /sys/fs/cgroup"
string(55) "/dev/sda1 523248 163956 359292 32% /boot"
string(54) "/dev/sda5 197607880 15855736 171644548 9% /mnt"
string(54) "tmpfs 2097152 102528 1994624 5% /tmp"
array(12) {
string(54) "/dev/sda5 197607880 15855736 171644548 9% /mnt"
string(9) "/dev/sda5"
string(6) " "
string(9) "197607880"
string(1) " "
string(8) "15855736"
string(1) " "
string(9) "171644548"
string(4) " "
string(2) "9%"
string(1) " "
string(4) "/mnt"
array(2) {
string(12) "15484/192976"
- 代码实现:
function getMemory()
$str = shell_exec('more /proc/meminfo');
$pattern = "/(.+):\s*([0-9]+)/";
preg_match_all($pattern, $str, $out);
$mem_val = intval($out[2][0]-$out[2][1]);
//已使用内存 / 总的内存 = 内存使用率
$mem_usage = intval($out[2][0]-$out[2][1])./.intval($out[2][0]);
$ret = array('mem'=>$mem_usage,'mem_usage'=>$mem_val);
return $ret; //系统内存使用率
$memory = getMemory();
- 结果显示:
array(3) {
array(45) {
string(24) "MemTotal: 16593088"
string(24) "MemFree: 2904768"
string(24) "MemAvailable: 3336832"
string(24) "Buffers: 699520"
string(24) "Cached: 1220096"
string(24) "SwapCached: 0"
string(24) "Active: 3834752"
string(24) "Inactive: 501824"
string(24) "Active(anon): 2939584"
string(24) "Inactive(anon): 433856"
string(24) "Active(file): 895168"
string(24) "Inactive(file): 67968"
string(24) "Unevictable: 0"
string(24) "Mlocked: 0"
string(24) "SwapTotal: 0"
string(24) "SwapFree: 0"
string(24) "Dirty: 1024"
string(24) "Writeback: 0"
string(24) "AnonPages: 2418240"
string(24) "Mapped: 1238848"
string(24) "Shmem: 956608"
string(24) "Slab: 503680"
string(24) "SReclaimable: 144896"
string(24) "SUnreclaim: 358784"
string(24) "KernelStack: 5280"
string(24) "PageTables: 18368"
string(24) "NFS_Unstable: 0"
string(24) "Bounce: 0"
string(24) "WritebackTmp: 0"
string(24) "CommitLimit: 8296512"
string(24) "Committed_AS: 6852224"
string(28) "VmallocTotal: 133009637312"
string(24) "VmallocUsed: 0"
string(24) "VmallocChunk: 0"
string(24) "Percpu: 4608"
string(24) "HardwareCorrupted: 0"
string(24) "AnonHugePages: 0"
string(24) "ShmemHugePages: 0"
string(24) "ShmemPmdMapped: 0"
string(24) "HugePages_Total: 0"
string(24) "HugePages_Free: 0"
string(24) "HugePages_Rsvd: 0"
string(24) "HugePages_Surp: 0"
string(24) "Hugepagesize: 524288"
string(24) "Hugetlb: 0"
array(45) {
string(8) "MemTotal"
string(7) "MemFree"
string(12) "MemAvailable"
string(7) "Buffers"
string(6) "Cached"
string(10) "SwapCached"
string(6) "Active"
string(8) "Inactive"
string(12) "Active(anon)"
string(14) "Inactive(anon)"
string(12) "Active(file)"
string(14) "Inactive(file)"
string(11) "Unevictable"
string(7) "Mlocked"
string(9) "SwapTotal"
string(8) "SwapFree"
string(5) "Dirty"
string(9) "Writeback"
string(9) "AnonPages"
string(6) "Mapped"
string(5) "Shmem"
string(4) "Slab"
string(12) "SReclaimable"
string(10) "SUnreclaim"
string(11) "KernelStack"
string(10) "PageTables"
string(12) "NFS_Unstable"
string(6) "Bounce"
string(12) "WritebackTmp"
string(11) "CommitLimit"
string(12) "Committed_AS"
string(12) "VmallocTotal"
string(11) "VmallocUsed"
string(12) "VmallocChunk"
string(6) "Percpu"
string(17) "HardwareCorrupted"
string(13) "AnonHugePages"
string(14) "ShmemHugePages"
string(14) "ShmemPmdMapped"
string(15) "HugePages_Total"
string(14) "HugePages_Free"
string(14) "HugePages_Rsvd"
string(14) "HugePages_Surp"
string(12) "Hugepagesize"
string(7) "Hugetlb"
array(45) {
string(8) "16593088"
string(7) "2904768"
string(7) "3336832"
string(6) "699520"
string(7) "1220096"
string(1) "0"
string(7) "3834752"
string(6) "501824"
string(7) "2939584"
string(6) "433856"
string(6) "895168"
string(5) "67968"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(4) "1024"
string(1) "0"
string(7) "2418240"
string(7) "1238848"
string(6) "956608"
string(6) "503680"
string(6) "144896"
string(6) "358784"
string(4) "5280"
string(5) "18368"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(7) "8296512"
string(7) "6852224"
string(12) "133009637312"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(4) "4608"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(1) "0"
string(6) "524288"
string(1) "0"
array(2) {
string(17) "13688320/16593088"
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