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PHP pseudo original API docking method
2022-07-04 20:04:00 【Yangyang 2013 haha】
Today I want to sum up my php Pseudo original api Docking method , First we know that PHP yes PHP Hypertext preprocessor ( Hypertext and processors ) Abbreviation , The sound of thunder on the day of waking insects , Wake up the hibernating insects . This method is called recursive abbreviation , If opportunity doesn't knock on your door , Then open the door by yourself .
php Pseudo original api Docking source code :
error_reporting(E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE);
define('TITLE_SEPAR', 'xxx**xxx');
define('TITLE_SEPAR2', '262661');
$url = 'http://api.xiaofamao.com/api.php?json=0&v=1&key= You need to apply for it yourself KEY';
$content_tag_name = ' Content ';
$headdd = '';
$taill = '';
case 'List':// Process list page , Can only handle html
case 'Pages':// Process multiple pages , Can only handle html
case 'Content':// Process default pages , Can only handle html
case 'Save':// Tag values can only be processed when saving
// Save the original
try {
// This step is used to obtain pseudo original articles
$LabelArray[$content_tag_name] = curl_request($url, array('wenzhang'=>$LabelArray[$content_tag_name]));
$LabelArray[' title '] = get_ai_title2($LabelArray[' title ']);
catch (Exception $e) {
$LabelArray[' title '] .= $e->getMessage();
$LabelArray[$content_tag_name] .= $e->getMessage();
//$LabelArray[$content_tag_name]=curl_request($url, array('wenzhang'=>$LabelArray[$content_tag_name] ));
echo serialize($LabelArray);
function get_ai_title2($title) {
$title = urlencode($title);
$title_ai = curl_request($url);
return $title_ai;
function compose_article($title, $content) {
$separator = compose_separator();
return $title.$separator.$content;
function compose_separator() {
return PHP_EOL.'('.TITLE_SEPAR2.')'.PHP_EOL;
function fix_separator($article) {
return $article;
function get_wyc_article($str) {
global $url;
$separator = compose_separator();
$separator = str_replace(PHP_EOL, '', $separator);
$wyc = curl_request($url, array('wenzhang'=>$str));
$wyc_f = $wyc;
$wyc = fix_separator($wyc);
$wyc = explode($separator, $wyc);
if (isset($wyc[0])){
$wyc[0] = str_replace(' title :', '', $wyc[0]);
$wyc[0] = str_replace(' title :', '', $wyc[0]);
$wyc[0] = str_replace(' Objective :', '', $wyc[0]);
$wyc[0] = str_replace(' Objective :', '', $wyc[0]);
$wyc[0] = 'xx`xx'.$wyc[0];
$wyc[0] = str_replace('xx`xx topic ', '', $wyc[0]);
$wyc[0] = str_replace('xx`xx', '', $wyc[0]);
//if (isset($wyc[1])) $wyc[1] = trim($wyc[1]);
//$wyc[1] = $wyc_f.'jjjjjjjj'.$wyc[1];
return $wyc;
function get_wyc_title($str) {
$title = get_wyc_article($str.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$str.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL.$str);
$title = fix_newline($title);
$title = explode(PHP_EOL, $title);
return $title[0];
function get_keywords($title, $contents) {
$kws = curl_request($url_kw, array(
return $kws;
function remove_alt($contents) {
$contents = preg_replace('/alt=\"(.*)\"/', '', $contents);
return $contents;
function fix_title($contents) {
$punctuation_symbol = array('.', '?', ',', ':', ';', '、', '!',
'.', '?', ',', ':', ';', '!');
$contents = str_replace($punctuation_symbol, '', $contents);
return $contents;
function br2newline($contents) {
$contents = str_replace('<br>', PHP_EOL, $contents);
$contents = str_replace('<br/>', PHP_EOL, $contents);
$contents = str_replace('<br />', PHP_EOL, $contents);
$contents = str_replace('<BR/>', PHP_EOL, $contents);
$contents = str_replace('<BR>', PHP_EOL, $contents);
$contents = str_replace('<BR />', PHP_EOL, $contents);
return $contents;
function newline2br($contnets) {
$contnets = str_replace(PHP_EOL, "<br>", $contnets);
// $contnets = str_replace('><br><', '><', $contnets);
$contnets = str_replace('<p><br>', '<p>', $contnets);
return $contnets;
function delete_newline($contents) {
$contents = fix_newline($contents);
// $contents = str_replace(PHP_EOL.PHP_EOL, PHP_EOL, $contents);
// $contents = str_replace('>'.PHP_EOL, '>', $contents);
return $contents;
function reset_newline_win($contents) {
// Optimize line breaks
$contents = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $contents);
$contents = str_replace("\r", "\n", $contents);
$contents = str_replace("\n", PHP_EOL, $contents);
return $contents;
function fix_newline($data) {
$data = str_replace("\r", "\n", $data);
while(strpos($data, "\n\n") !== false) {
$data = str_replace("\n\n", "\n", $data);
$data = str_replace("\n", PHP_EOL, $data);
return $data;
function clean_contents($contents) {
// $str = preg_replace('#<([^>\s/]+)[^>]*>#','<$1>', $contents);
// return $str;
$sa = new cleanHtml;
$sa->allow = array( 'src' );
$sa->exceptions = array(
'img' => array( 'src', 'alt' ),
//'a' => array( 'href', 'title' ),
$str = $sa->strip( $contents );
return $str;
function xfm_strong_str_replace_once($search, $replace, $subject) {
$firstChar = strpos($subject, $search);
if($firstChar !== false) {
$beforeStr = substr($subject,0,$firstChar);
$afterStr = substr($subject, $firstChar + strlen($search));
return $beforeStr.$replace.$afterStr;
} else {
return $subject;
// Parameters 1: Access to the URL, Parameters 2:post data ( If you don't fill in it, it will be GET), Parameters 3: The submitted $cookies, Parameters 4: Whether to return $cookies
function curl_request($url,$post='',$cookie='', $returnCookie=0){
if (! extension_loaded('curl')) {
file_exists('./ext/php_curl.dll') && dl('php_curl.dll'); // Load extension
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/6.0)');
if (ini_get('open_basedir') == '' && strtolower(ini_get('safe_mode')) != 'on'){
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_REFERER, "http://XXX");
if($post) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));
if($cookie) {
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIE, $cookie);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, $returnCookie);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 150);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$data = curl_exec($curl);
if (curl_errno($curl)) {
return curl_error($curl);
list($header, $body) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2);
preg_match_all("/Set\-Cookie:([^;]*);/", $header, $matches);
$info['cookie'] = substr($matches[1][0], 1);
$info['content'] = $body;
return $info;
return $data;
//echo $tag;
// Calculate the length of Chinese string
function utf8_strlen($string = null) {
// Decompose a string into units
preg_match_all("/./us", $string, $match);
// Returns the number of units
return count($match[0]);
function reg_escape( $str )
$conversions = array( "^" => "\^", "[" => "\[", "." => "\.", "$" => "\$", "{" => "\{", "*" => "\*", "(" => "\(", "\\" => "\\\\", "/" => "\/", "+" => "\+", ")" => "\)", "|" => "\|", "?" => "\?", "<" => "\<", ">" => "\>" );
return strtr( $str, $conversions );
* Strip attribute Class
* Remove attributes from XML elements
* @author David (semlabs.co.uk)
* @version 0.2.1
class cleanHtml{
public $str = '';
public $allow = array();
public $exceptions = array();
public $ignore = array();
public function strip( $str )
$this->str = $str;
if( is_string( $str ) && strlen( $str ) > 0 )
$res = $this->findElements();
if( is_string( $res ) )
return $res;
$nodes = $this->findAttributes( $res );
$this->removeAttributes( $nodes );
return $this->str;
private function findElements()
# Create an array of elements with attributes
$nodes = array();
preg_match_all( "/<([^ !\/\>\n]+)([^>]*)>/i", $this->str, $elements );
foreach( $elements[1] as $el_key => $element )
if( $elements[2][$el_key] )
$literal = $elements[0][$el_key];
$element_name = $elements[1][$el_key];
$attributes = $elements[2][$el_key];
if( is_array( $this->ignore ) && !in_array( $element_name, $this->ignore ) )
$nodes[] = array( 'literal' => $literal, 'name' => $element_name, 'attributes' => $attributes );
# Return the XML if there were no attributes to remove
if( !$nodes[0] )
return $this->str;
return $nodes;
private function findAttributes( $nodes )
# Extract attributes
foreach( $nodes as &$node )
preg_match_all( "/([^ =]+)\s*=\s*[\"|']{0,1}([^\"']*)[\"|']{0,1}/i", $node['attributes'], $attributes );
if( $attributes[1] )
foreach( $attributes[1] as $att_key => $att )
$literal = $attributes[0][$att_key];
$attribute_name = $attributes[1][$att_key];
$value = $attributes[2][$att_key];
$atts[] = array( 'literal' => $literal, 'name' => $attribute_name, 'value' => $value );
$node['attributes'] = null;
$node['attributes'] = $atts;
unset( $atts );
return $nodes;
private function removeAttributes( $nodes )
# Remove unwanted attributes
foreach( $nodes as $node )
# Check if node has any attributes to be kept
$node_name = $node['name'];
$new_attributes = '';
if( is_array( $node['attributes'] ) )
foreach( $node['attributes'] as $attribute )
if( ( is_array( $this->allow ) && in_array( $attribute['name'], $this->allow ) ) || $this->isException( $node_name, $attribute['name'], $this->exceptions ) )
$new_attributes = $this->createAttributes( $new_attributes, $attribute['name'], $attribute['value'] );
$replacement = ( $new_attributes ) ? "<$node_name $new_attributes>" : "<$node_name>";
$this->str = preg_replace( '/'. reg_escape( $node['literal'] ) .'/', $replacement, $this->str );
private function isException( $element_name, $attribute_name, $exceptions )
if( array_key_exists($element_name, $this->exceptions) )
if( in_array( $attribute_name, $this->exceptions[$element_name] ) )
return true;
return false;
private function createAttributes( $new_attributes, $name, $value )
if( $new_attributes )
$new_attributes .= " ";
$new_attributes .= "$name=\"$value\"";
return $new_attributes;
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PHP It's a kind of HTML Embedded scripting language , The summer solstice enters volita , Farming is like watering a garden .Php Document to , It won't rain for a year , People will not be poor for a lifetime .php, Winter is over , pollen , It's hard for everything to recover .c and java The grammatical difference between , Many of its grammars come from C、Java and Perl Or learn well , And have PHP Several unique features of , Gentlemen and villains tend to be different , Between public and private . The main goal of this language is to make Web Developers can quickly write dynamically generated web pages , A gentleman cannot help worrying about his body and mind , It's also necessary to delay the fun of the moon .
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Server side : Main target areas , If you want to grow well , Fishing for water and grass with mud . This job requires three things :php Parser (CGI Or server module )、web The server and web browser , Think rationally and say , He rushed to say .
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php GUI development , Desktop application :php Not good at making graphical interfaces seems perfect , But if the user is proficient php and php Some advanced features of may be better , have access to php-gtk Write desktop applications , The world is black as a crow , The rich in the world are as ruthless .
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