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Visualization of chip SEQ data by deeptools
2022-07-02 11:36:00 【qq_ twenty-seven million three hundred and ninety thousand and 】
deepTools: tools for exploring deep sequencing data
deepTools It's a set python Tools , Especially developed for efficient analysis of high-throughput sequencing data , Such as ChIP-seq、RNA-seq or MNase-seq.
## Before and after calculating transcription start sites 1K Of peaks Distribution situation , It can be processed in parallel , Speed up
computeMatrix reference-point -p 2 --referencePoint TSS -b 1000 -a 1000 -R UCSC_GRCH38_refGene.bed -S chip_coverage.bw control_coverage.bw --skipZeros -out ./TSS.computeMatrix.gz --outFileSortedRegions ./test.genes.bed
# notes :chip_coverage.bw control_coverage.bw come from Macs2 result
plotHeatmap -m TSS.computeMatrix.gz -o heatmap_TSS.pdf --zMin 0 --zMax 8 --colorMap coolwarm --missingDataColor 1
# -o (-out) The output file , It can be ".png", ".eps", ".pdf" and ".svg"
computeMatrix scale-regions -p 2 -S chip_coverage.bw control_coverage.bw -R UCSC_GRCH38_refGene.bed -a 1000 -b 1000 -o gene_region.computeMatrix.gz
plotHeatmap -m gene_region.computeMatrix.gz -o heatmap_gene_region.pdf --zMin 0 --zMax 8 --colorMap coolwarm --missingDataColor 1
# Parameter description :-m Input matrix ;-o Output pdf file ;-zMin 0 --zMax 8 Are the maximum and minimum values of the heat map ;--colorMap It's a choice # Choose the heat map color type (RdBu, coolwarm etc. , See the help document for details ). Made pdf The heat map can be directly displayed in Ai Editor .
## Drawing only profile
plotProfile -m TSS.computeMatrix.gz -out TSSProfile.png --numPlotsPerRow 2 --plotTitle "TSS data profile"
# Set up profile style
plotProfile -m TSS.computeMatrix.gz -out ExampleProfile2.png --plotType=fill --perGroup --colors red yellow blue --plotTitle "Test data profile"
## Drawing only heatmap
plotHeatmap -m TSS.computeMatrix.gz -out TSSHeatmap.png --colorMap RdBu --whatToShow 'heatmap and colorbar' --zMin -3 --zMax 3 --kmeans 4
## Draw at the same time profile and heatmap
plotHeatmap -m TSS.computeMatrix.gz -o heatmap_profile.pdf --zMin 0 --zMax 8 --colorMap coolwarm --missingDataColor 1 --kmeans 4
### Parameters --kmeans Number of clusters
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