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Platform management background and merchant menu resource management: merchant role management design
2022-07-02 17:32:00 【Jue seconds of writing code】
Business role management design
The authority management of merchants is realized through role management , The role and resource energy table establish a general alliance. The general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly, the general assembly . What roles does a user have , It means that this user has
Have access to .
Role management is mainly through RoleRestService And other components access the interface provided by the merchant service , So as to manage the data configuration of roles . Role management includes the addition, deletion, modification and query of roles , The following takes the design of role modification as an example .
Managing controllers in roles MerchantRoleController in , The design of the role modification part is as follows :
public class MerchantRoleController {
private static Logger logger =LoggerFactory.getLogger(MerchantRoleController.class);
private ResourceRestService resourceRestService;
private RoleRestService roleRestService;
@RequestMapping ("/edit/{id} ")
public String edit (CPathvariable Long id, ModelMap model,HttpServletRequestrequest) {
String json = roleRestService. findById(id);
RoleQo roleQo = new Gson() .fromJson(json,RoleQo.class);
String resources = resourceRestService.findList()
List<ResourceQo> resourceVoList = new Gson().fromJson(resources, new
// Cache resource list
request.getSession().setAttribute("resources", resourceVoList);
List<Long> rids = new ArrayList<>();
for(ResourceQo resource : roleQo.getResources()){
model.addAttribute("resources", resourceVoList);model.addAttribute( "role", roleQo);
mode1.addAttribute("rids", rids);
@RequestMapping (method = RequestMethod.POST, value="/update")@ResponseBody
public String update (RoleQ0 roleQ0, HttpServletRequest request)
Exception {
// Through resources ID Specify the associated object
String[] rids = request. getParameterValues ("rids");// Get a list of resources
List<ResourceQo>resourceQoList = (List<ResourceQ0>)
request.getSession() .getAttribute ("resources");
List<ResourceQ0> resourceQos = new ArrayList<ResourceQo>();for (String rid :rids) {
for (ResourceQo resourceVo :resourceQoList) {
if (resourceVo.getId().compareTo(new Long(rid)) == 0)
resourceQos .add(resourceVo);
roleQo.setResources (resourceQ0s);
String ret =roleRestService.update (roleQo);logger.info(" modify =" +ret);
return ret;
among , For resources that have been associated with roles , You can use a resource ID The list of components rids Judge the selected resources in the multi-choice drop-down list box on the page . If it is an associated role , Set it to the selected style .
Corresponding page view edit.html The implementation code is as follows :
<html xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">
<script th:src="@(/scripts/merchantrole/edit.js}"></script><form id="saveForm" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id"th:value="${role.id}"/><div class="addInfBtn">
<h3 class="itemTit"><span> The role of information </span></h3><table class="addNewInfList">
<th> name </th>
<td width="240">
<input class="inp-list w-200 clear-mr f-left" type
th: value="${role.name}" id="name" name="name" maxlength="32"/>
<span class="tipstar f-left">*</span>
<th> resources </th>
<td width="240">
<div >
<select name="rids" id="rids" multiple="multiple">
<option th:each= " resource:${resources}"
th:value="S{resource.id] "
th:text="${#strings.length (resource.name) >20?#strings.substring (resource.name,0,20)+'...':resource.name} "
th: selected="${#lists.contains (rids,
<th> date </th><td>
input onfocus="WdatePicker ({dateFmt:'yyyy-MM-dd
HH:mm:ss'})" type="text" class="inp-list w-200 clear-mr f-left"th:value="$ {role.created} ? $ {#dates.format (role.created, 'yyyy-MM-HH:mm:ss')}:''" id="created" name="created"/>
<div class="bottomBtnBox">
<a class="btn-93x38 saveBtn" href="javascript:void (0)"> determine </a>
<a class="btn-93x38 backBtn" href="javascript:closeDialog (0)"> return
</div></ div>
Use lists Function to determine whether the resource in the drop-down list box has been associated with a role , If it is , Set the selected style to true.
After finishing the design , The display effect is shown in the figure 11-6 Shown .
The data of business information and menu resource management function can be found in the project of this chapter merchant-microservice In order to get , This will make it easier for readers to test .
This paper mainly realizes the design of access control in the background of platform management 、 Business registration and its authority , And the functions of menu configuration and management . among , Business registration and its authority 、 Menu configuration and management , All through calling the business service REST API The implementation of microservices .
actually , In our microservice architecture design ,Web UI Microservices are developed by calling Rest API The implementation of microservices , When it is necessary to manage various service functions of the e-commerce platform in the platform management background , Can be achieved by calling various micro service interfaces .
The development of microservices has come to an end , Start with the next one , We will discuss the deployment of micro services and the construction of micro service operation environment from the perspective of operation and maintenance .
The content of this article is platform management background and business menu resource management : Business role management design
- The next article is about cloud service environment and Docker Deployment tools ;
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