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ROS knowledge point - message_filters
2022-07-02 17:25:00 【Jerry_ Sea】
Reference resources :
1) Time synchronizer
https://blog.csdn.net/fana8010/article/details/23880067( This article is the original of the previous one )
2) Policy based synchronizer
https://blog.csdn.net/muyiyushan/article/details/118418040( Official translation , The first 7 part )
http://wiki.ros.org/message_filters#Policy-Based_Synchronizer_.5BROS_1.1.2B-.5D( Official website , The first 7 part )
The following is for Reference resources 1) The first article in :
bug1:3.1 Connect
Two sentences are equivalent to one , But why separate it into two sentences ? Because only one sentence can read one input and send it to the callback function , So you need to use two sentences , First, encapsulate multiple data with a separate sentence , Then use one sentence to pass multiple data to the callback function .
boost bind
bug2:4 Time synchronizer
The TimeSynchronizer filter synchronizes incoming channels by the timestamps contained in their headers
PointCloud2ROS Point cloud data message structure :header There's a stamp, Compare different data sources stamp For time synchronization .
The following is for Reference resources 2) Explanation in :
bug3: Yes “ own ” Code understanding
typedef message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2, sensor_msgs::PointCloud2> SyncPolicyT;
// Define strategy ,message_filters::sync_policies::ApproximateTime The strategy uses an adaptive algorithm based on timestamp to match messages , Match two point clouds
void DualLidarCalib::start()
// Subscriber sub and pub
parent_cloud_sub_ = new message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(nh_, parent_cloud_topic_, 10);
child_cloud_sub_ = new message_filters::Subscriber<sensor_msgs::PointCloud2>(nh_, child_cloud_topic_, 10);
// Point cloud synchronizer ApproximateTime takes a queue size as its constructor argument, hence MySyncPolicy(100)
cloud_synchronizer_ = new message_filters::Synchronizer<SyncPolicyT>(SyncPolicyT(100), *parent_cloud_sub_, *child_cloud_sub_);
// Call callback function
cloud_synchronizer_->registerCallback(boost::bind(&DualLidarCalib::cloudCallback, this, _1, _2));
//registerCallback() Input is const boost::shared_ptr<M const>&
void DualLidarCalib::cloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& in_parent_cloud_msg,
const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2::ConstPtr& in_child_cloud_msg)
boost::bind() understand :
1)https://blog.csdn.net/holyjw/article/details/89883363( Just look “1. adopt functions and function pointers Use bind”)
2)https://blog.csdn.net/bj318318/article/details/116200356( Just look “1 Introduce ”)
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