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Using thread communication to solve the problem of cache penetrating database avalanche

2020-11-07 18:55:00 lis1314

Business scenario :

There is one aspect C The query interface of the end , A lot of visits , Suppose we use caching technology for traditional optimization , The first time you query data , Check cache -> The cache does not -> Database search -> Write cache

But there may be a problem 、 There are many users at the same time ( hypothesis 1W) Query the same data ( Suppose the commodity ID Agreement )、 At this point, the data is not being cached 、 May cause database avalanche , The reason is that at this moment, the same data may be used for the database 1W Time of SQL Inquire about ( The write ahead caching scheme is not discussed here , At the same time, it's said here 1W This is an extreme situation ).

How do we optimize , This is the focus of this article :

Thought effect :

No matter how many users access the query 、 Let's say they query the product data for ID Agreement 、 So it only produces 1 Queries 、 Other user threads share the same query result , So it's from n(10000) Turned into 1.

This scheme is suitable for any scenario where multithreading works to remove duplication and improve performance , This is just one of the scenes .

The implementation is discussed below :

A、B、C 3 Three threads simultaneously query products ID by 1 The data of , Traditional cache optimization when there is no data in the cache , By the church 3 individual SQL Query access database , example sql:select * from products where id = 1;

So how do we use row level locks ( user ID dimension ) In order to achieve A、B、C,3 Each thread only queries the database once to get the corresponding result ?

Ideas : First, we need a communication dimension ( user ID Consensus is the same behavior ), If the user accessing the parameter ID equally , We can achieve the following effect :

The first thread that enters performs the query operation ( The assumption is A), that B、C Thread we put him in a waiting state , Wait for thread A Query results of , Finally, we can query the database only once .

Code inspiration from Alibaba open source cache framework jetcache, Here is the improved public implementation , Can be used in general

package com.xxx.utils.sync;

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.slf4j.Logger;

import com.alibaba.fastjson.JSON;

 *  Synchronization tool class <br/>
 *  Cache optimization mainly prevents avalanches 、 Data avalanche </br>
 *  In the case of multithreading access 、 Think of it as a repetition of the same operation 
public class SyncUtil {

	private static final Logger logger = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(SyncUtil.class);

	private ConcurrentHashMap<Object, LoaderLock> loaderMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

	private Function<Object, Object> KeyConvertor;
	public SyncUtil() {
	 * @param KeyConvertor  Set up key Conversion rules <br/>
	 *  Can be null , By default fastJson
	public SyncUtil(Function<Object, Object> KeyConvertor) {
		if(KeyConvertor == null) {
			this.KeyConvertor = new Function<Object, Object>() {
				public Object apply(Object originalKey) {
					 if (originalKey == null) {
						 return null;
					 if (originalKey instanceof String) {
						 return originalKey;
					 return JSON.toJSONString(originalKey);
		}else {
			this.KeyConvertor = KeyConvertor;

	 *  Synchronous loading function <br/>
	 *  for example :A、B、C Three threads query at the same time to perform an operation ( Query database, etc ), In fact, the query parameters are the same <br/>
	 *  At this time, we can optimize the thread 、 Prevent data avalanche, cache penetration , Let one of the threads check the database , Other threads wait for the return result of the specific worker thread <br/>
	 *  Such as :A The thread searches the database 、B、C The thread waits A The return result of the thread .
	 * @param <K>
	 * @param <V>
	 * @param timeout  Waiting time ( millisecond )( hypothesis A Thread query exceeded waiting time 、 that B、C Threads give up waiting for themselves to execute business queries )
	 * @param key  Identify whether it is the same operation key
	 * @param loader  Function to load data <br/>
	 * Function<String, String> loader = new Function<String, String>() {
			public String apply(String t) {
				return "dbData";
	 * @return
	public <K, V> V synchronizedLoad(Integer timeout, K key, Function<K, V> loader) {
		Object lockKey = buildLoaderLockKey(key);
		while (true) {
			// Whether there are threads to do specific logic to obtain business data 
			boolean create[] = new boolean[1];
			LoaderLock ll = loaderMap.computeIfAbsent(lockKey, (unusedKey) -> {
				create[0] = true;
				LoaderLock loaderLock = new LoaderLock();
				loaderLock.signal = new CountDownLatch(1);
				loaderLock.loaderThread = Thread.currentThread();
				return loaderLock;
			if (create[0] || ll.loaderThread == Thread.currentThread()) {
				try {
					// The first incoming thread performs the actual access operation 
					V loadedValue = loader.apply(key);
					ll.success = true;
					ll.value = loadedValue;
					return loadedValue;
				} finally {
					if (create[0]) {
			} else {
				// Other threads are waiting 
				try {
					if (timeout == null) {
					} else {
						boolean ok = ll.signal.await(timeout, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
						if (!ok) {
							// If the wait times out , Give up waiting , The current thread accesses directly 
							logger.info("loader wait timeout:" + timeout);
							return loader.apply(key);
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
					logger.warn("loader wait interrupted");
					return loader.apply(key);
				// Share the same return result 
				if (ll.success) {
					return (V) ll.value;
				} else {


	private Object buildLoaderLockKey(Object key) {
		return KeyConvertor.apply(key);

	static class LoaderLock {
		CountDownLatch signal;
		Thread loaderThread;
		volatile boolean success;
		volatile Object value;


Test code

package test;

import java.util.concurrent.CyclicBarrier;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.test.context.SpringBootTest;
import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringRunner;

import com.xxx.MessageServiceApplication;
import com.xxx.mapper.ActivityInfoMapper;
import com.xxx.model.ActivityInfo;
import com.xxx.utils.sync.SyncUtil;

@SpringBootTest(classes = { MessageServiceApplication.class })
public class QueryTest {
	private ActivityInfoMapper activityInfoMapper;
	SyncUtil syncUtil = new SyncUtil();
	private AtomicInteger count = new AtomicInteger();
	private CyclicBarrier barrier = new CyclicBarrier(100);
	ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
	public void synSelect(Long id) throws Exception {
		for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
				try {
					barrier.await();// Thread waiting , The effect of triggering multithreading synchronization 
//					realSelect1(id);// Traditional query 
					realSelect2(id);// After optimization 
				} catch (Exception e) {
	public ActivityInfo realSelect2(Long id) {
		// Access to thread communication 
		Function<Long,ActivityInfo> loader = (param)->{
			// Record the actual number of visits to the database (1)
			return activityInfoMapper.selectById(param);
		return syncUtil.synchronizedLoad(3000, id, loader);
	public ActivityInfo realSelect1(Long id) {
		// Record the actual number of visits to the database (100)
		return activityInfoMapper.selectById(id);
	public void testSelect() throws Exception {
		System.out.println(" The actual number of calls ="+count.get());

Traditional query results

Optimized query results , Only execution 1 Time SQL
