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Image processing toolkit imagexpresshow to view events

2020-11-06 22:27:00 roffey

ImagXpress  Is the most advanced color image and photo image processing kit , It's released in the form of :.NET Control 、COM Components 、VC Components . use ImagXpress , Developers build applications that support image browsing 、 edit 、 Print 、TWAIN scanning 、 File format conversion and so on .ImagXpress A comprehensive set of image processing functions is provided , Support 30 Multiple file formats , With amazing image processing speed .ImagXpress The image function provided also includes : Copy 、 rotate 、 Keep the image transparent 、 A variety of image scaling algorithms 、 Advanced scroll bar 、 Automatic resizing and image fusion .

  • After selecting the tool , Will lead to ToolbarSelect event , To tell the application which tool to choose .
  • When using tools , In the following cases ,ToolUse Event raises the notification application : Click the tool , The tool is active and is no longer in use . 
  • When the toolbar window opens , take   trigger ToolbarOpen event .
  • When the toolbar window is closed , take   trigger ToolbarClose event .
  • After selecting the menu item , Will pop up MenuSelect  To inform the application of the choice . When this event was triggered , Put the menu ID Provided to the event handler .   

VB Example  

//  Write the event handler to the scheduler when the user makes a menu selection 
Sub IX1_MenuSelect (long menuType, long tool, long topMenuID, long subMenuID, long user1, long user2)
if (menuType = MenuContext) then
     Select Case topMenuID
          Case 100 ' Color
             MyObj.Color = user1
          Case 200 ' Size
             MyObj.Size = user1
          Case 300 ' Type
             SelectCase subMenuID
          Case 310
          Case 320
          Case 330
     End Select
end if
end sub

End user scrolling


The end user of the application can use the scroll bar to change in “ View the window ” The image section of view in .

If the scroll bar is enabled , When you click the scroll bar , Will lead to Scroll event , To alert the application that there is a scrolling request . Set up ScrollBarLargeChangeH,ScrollBarLargeChangeV,ScrollBarSmallChangeH and ScrollBarSmallChangeV  Property to indicate the amount of requested changes to the horizontal and vertical position of the view . The view updates on the next paint .

End user cursor moves

Track the position of the cursor in the displayed image , As shown below :

  • stay XPOS and YPos The read-only property returns the logical position of the cursor in the displayed image , In pixels . 
  • Of DIBXpos and DIBYpos Read only property relative to return cursor position to DIB, In pixels .
  • Described PixelColor The color of the pixel returned by the read-only property at the current cursor position .

To display the coordinates of the image and DIB Coordinate conversion between coordinates in , Please use TranslateX and TranslateY Method .


End user mouse and button operations  


  • When the end user of the application uses the mouse , Mouse events ( Click on ,DBLCLICK, Of MouseUp, Of MouseDown,MouseMove event ,OLEDragDrop and OLEDragOver), If they have enabled ( raise EventSetEnabled,EventGetEnabled).
  • The end user of the application presses a key , Key events ( Of KeyDown, Key response ,KEYUP If the key is enabled () elevated KeysGetEnabled,KeysSetEnabled), If critical events are enabled (EventSetEnabled,EventGetEnabled).

This article is reprinted from 【 Huidu technology 】. Any reprint is welcome , But be sure to indicate the source 、 Do not modify the original link , Respect for the work of others
