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Open source a set of minimalist front and rear end separation project scaffold
2020-11-06 21:07:00 【itread01】
Fast Scaffold It's a very simple front and back separation project scaffold , Include a portal front end 、 One admin back-end , It can be used to quickly set up front and back end separation projects for secondary development
Technology stack
portal front end :vue + element-ui + avue, Use typescript Syntax encoding
admin back-end :springboot + mybatis-plus + mysql, Adopt jwt Authentication
Project structure
portal front end
Front end projects , It's us :Vue Project entry example , On this basis, I made a jump
introduce avue
avue, Based on element-ui Developed a front-end framework for many operations , We are, too test Test module Admin A simple test is done on the page
Official website :https://avuejs.com/
router To configure
router Routing configuration , newly added test Module menu routing ,beforeEach There is no token in the judgment , Jump to the login page
router.beforeEach(async(to, from, next) => { console.log(" Jump start , The goal is :"+to.path); document.title = `${to.meta.title}`; // No token , Jump to the login page if (to.name !== 'Login' && !TokenUtil.getToken()){ console.log(" No token , Jump to the login page "); next({ name: 'Login' }); } // Jump to page next(); });
store To configure
store To configure , newly added user Properties ,getters Provide getUser Method , as well as mutations、actions Of setUser Method
import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' import User from "@/vo/user"; import CommonUtil from "@/utils/commonUtil"; import {Object} from "@/utils/commonUtil" import AxiosUtil from "@/utils/axiosUtil"; import TokenUtil from "@/utils/tokenUtil"; import SessionStorageUtil from "@/utils/sessionStorageUtil"; Vue.use(Vuex); /* Make an appointment , Components are not allowed to be changed directly store Example of state, It should be carried out action To distribute (dispatch) Event notification store To change */ export default new Vuex.Store({ state: { user:User, }, getters:{ getUser: state => { return state.user; } }, mutations: { SET_USER: (state, user) => { state.user = user; } }, actions: { async setUser({commit}){ let thid = this; console.log(" call getUserByToken Interface get login user !"); AxiosUtil.post(CommonUtil.getAdminUrl()+"/getUserByToken",{token:TokenUtil.getToken()},function (result) { let data = result.data as Object; commit('SET_USER', new User(data.id,data.username)); // Set to sessionStorage SessionStorageUtil.setItem("loginUser",thid.getters.getUser); }); } }, modules: { } })
Tool class encapsulation
Set global withCredentials,timeout
Set request Intercept , Set... In the request header token token
Set response Intercept , Set the unified response to the exception message prompt and jump to the login page when the token is invalid
It encapsulates post、get And so on , Convenient call
It encapsulates the common use of 、 Common methods , For example, get the back-end service address 、 Get login users, etc
Package sessionStorage Session level caching , Easy to set up cache
Package token Token utility class , Easy to set token Token to cookie
admin back-end
Back end projects , Using our :SpringBoot series ——MyBatis-Plus Integrated packaging , On this basis, adjustments have been made
Only keep tb_user Table module , Other tables and code modules don't need , Change the password to MD5 Encrypted storage
Configuration file
server: port: 10086 spring: application: name: admin datasource: # Database related url: jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test?serverTimezone=GMT%2B8&characterEncoding=utf-8 username: root password: 123456 driver-class-name: com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver mvc: format: date: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss jackson: date-format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss #jackson Format the date arguments that respond back time-zone: GMT+8 portal: url: # Front end address ( For cross domain configuration ) token: secret: huanzi-qch #token Encrypt the private key ( Very important , Keep it secret ) expire: time: 86400000 #token Effective time , Unit millisecond 24*60*60*1000
cors Security cross domain
establish MyConfiguration, Turn on cors Security cross domain , Details can be found in our previous blog :SpringBoot series ——CORS( Cross source resource sharing )
@Configuration public class MyConfiguration { @Value("${portal.url}") private String portalUrl; @Bean public WebMvcConfigurer corsConfigurer() { return new WebMvcConfigurer() { @Override public void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) { registry.addMapping("/**") .allowedOrigins(portalUrl) .allowedMethods("*") .allowedHeaders("*") .allowCredentials(true).maxAge(3600); } }; } }
jwt Authentication
maven introduce jwt Rely on
<!-- JWT --> <dependency> <groupId>com.auth0</groupId> <artifactId>java-jwt</artifactId> <version>3.5.0</version> </dependency>
JwtUtil Tool class , Package generation token, Check token, And according to token Get login users
/** * JWT Tool class */ @Component public class JwtUtil { /** * Expiration time , millisecond */ private static long TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME; @Value("${token.expire.time}") public void setExpireTime(long expireTime) { JwtUtil.TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME = expireTime; } /** * token Private key */ private static String TOKEN_SECRET; @Value("${token.secret}") public void setSecret(String secret) { JwtUtil.TOKEN_SECRET = secret; } /** * Generate signature */ public static String sign(String userId){ // Expiration time Date date = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + TOKEN_EXPIRE_TIME); // Private key and encryption algorithms Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(TOKEN_SECRET); // Set header information HashMap<String, Object> header = new HashMap<>(2); header.put("typ", "JWT"); header.put("alg", "HS256"); // With userID Generate signature return JWT.create().withHeader(header).withClaim("userId",userId).withExpiresAt(date).sign(algorithm); } /** * Verify signature */ public static boolean verity(String token){ // Token is empty if(StringUtils.isEmpty(token)){ return false; } try { Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(TOKEN_SECRET); JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm).build(); // Can I decrypt DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token); // Verification expiration time if(new Date().after(jwt.getExpiresAt())){ return false; } return true; } catch (IllegalArgumentException | JWTVerificationException e) { ErrorUtil.errorInfoToString(e); } return false; } /** * According to token Get users id */ public static String getUserIdByToken(String token){ try { Algorithm algorithm = Algorithm.HMAC256(TOKEN_SECRET); JWTVerifier verifier = JWT.require(algorithm).build(); DecodedJWT jwt = verifier.verify(token); return jwt.getClaim("userId").asString(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException | JWTVerificationException e) { ErrorUtil.errorInfoToString(e); } return null; } }
Login interceptor
LoginFilter Login interceptor , Do not block login requests 、 Cross domain pre check request , All other requests are intercepted to check whether there is a token
PS: We have configured global security across domains , But in the interceptor ,PrintWriter.print Go back response, To manually add a response header tag to allow the other party to cross domain
// Mark the current request Party to allow cross domain access response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials","true"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers","content-type, token"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods","*"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin",portalUrl);
/** * Login interceptor */ @Component public class LoginFilter implements Filter { @Value("${server.servlet.context-path:}") private String contextPath; @Value("${portal.url}") private String portalUrl; @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest; HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) servletResponse; String method = request.getMethod(); // Do not block login requests 、 Cross domain pre check request , All other requests are intercepted to check whether there is a token if (!"/login".equals(request.getRequestURI().replaceFirst(contextPath,"")) && !"options".equals(method.toLowerCase())) { String token = request.getHeader("token"); // Verify signature if(!JwtUtil.verity(token)){ String dataString = "{\"status\":401,\"message\":\" Invalid token token , Access failed , Please log in again !\"}"; // eliminate cookie Cookie cookie = new Cookie("PORTAL_TOKEN", null); cookie.setPath("/"); cookie.setMaxAge(0); response.addCookie(cookie); // Turn json A string is converted to Object thing , Set to Result And assign it to the return value , Remember to indicate that the current page can be accessed across domains response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials","true"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers","content-type, token"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods","*"); response.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin",portalUrl); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.setContentType("application/json; charset=utf-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); out.print(dataString); out.flush(); out.close(); return; } } filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse); } }
Simple controller
IndexController controller , Provide three post Method :login Log in ,logout Log out ,getUserByToken Through token Token acquisition login user
@RestController @RequestMapping("/") @Slf4j public class IndexController { @Autowired private TbUserService tbUserService; /** * Log in */ @PostMapping("login") public Result<String> login(@RequestBody TbUserVo entityVo){ // Focus only on the user name 、 code if(StringUtils.isEmpty(entityVo.getUsername()) || StringUtils.isEmpty(entityVo.getPassword())){ return Result.build(400," Account number or password cannot be empty ......",""); } TbUserVo tbUserVo = new TbUserVo(); tbUserVo.setUsername(entityVo.getUsername()); // code MD5 After encryption, the ciphertext is stored , Match first MD5 Match after encryption tbUserVo.setPassword(MD5Util.getMD5(entityVo.getPassword())); Result<List<TbUserVo>> listResult = tbUserService.list(tbUserVo); if(Result.OK.equals(listResult.getStatus()) && listResult.getData().size() > 0){ TbUserVo userVo = listResult.getData().get(0); //token String token = JwtUtil.sign(userVo.getId()+""); return Result.build(Result.OK," Login successful !",token); } return Result.build(400," Account or password error ...",""); } /** * Log out */ @PostMapping("logout") public Result<String> logout(HttpServletResponse response){ // eliminate cookie Cookie cookie = new Cookie("PORTAL_TOKEN", null); cookie.setPath("/"); cookie.setMaxAge(0); response.addCookie(cookie); return Result.build(Result.OK," I drive this road , I planted this tree , To pass by from here on , leave token token !",""); } /** * Through token Token acquisition login user */ @PostMapping("getUserByToken") public Result<TbUserVo> getUserByToken(@RequestBody TbUserVo entityVo){ String userId = JwtUtil.getUserIdByToken(entityVo.getToken()); Result<TbUserVo> result = tbUserService.get(userId); result.getData().setPassword(null); return userId == null ? Result.build(500," Operation failed !",new TbUserVo()) : result; } }
Effect demonstration
Log in
This is a minimalist login page 、 Login function , No token , The route will block the jump to the login page
Save after successful login token Token to cookie in , And get login user information , Store in Store in
To solve the problem of rearranging the page Store Data loss , At the same time, store a copy of the data to sessionStorage Get it , Reading Store When there is no information , Read cache first , If there is , Set it back to Store in
Leave blank after successful login Store、sessionStorage
Minimalist project homepage , Path /, Usually used as a project home page , Now the page is a simple welcome page , It includes several router-link Routing and logout button
test Test
Integrated vue Simple tests such as data binding
info Test
Get the current active configuration environment Branch , Test the configuration of the file
admin Test
element-ui Match up avue, It can be built quickly admin Background management page and function
Packaged deployment
portal front end
It's already configured package.json Archives
"scripts": { "dev": "vue-cli-service serve --mode dev", "test": "vue-cli-service test --mode test", "build": "vue-cli-service build --mode prod" },
At the same time ,vue.config.js The build path is configured in
publicPath: './', outputDir: 'dist', assetsDir: 'static',
Execute build command , It will be in package.json Under the directory at the same level , establish dist Folder , The generated files are in it
Put the generated files in Tomcat In containers or other containers , Execution container , front end portal Project complete deployment
admin back-end
pom The file has already set the package configuration
<plugin> <groupId>org.springframework.boot</groupId> <artifactId>spring-boot-maven-plugin</artifactId> <configuration> <finalName>${project.artifactId}</finalName> <outputDirectory>package</outputDirectory> </configuration> </plugin>
maven Direct execution package command , It will be with pom File under the same level directory to create package Folder , Generated jar The bag is in it
Use java command :java -jar admin.jar, Execute jar package , back-end admin Project complete deployment
A set of minimalist front and back separation project scaffolding is recorded here for the time being , I'll add it later
Open source code
notes :admin Back end database files are in admin Back end projects resources/sql Under the table of contents
The code is open source 、 Trust to my GitHub、 Code cloud :
Code cloud :https://gitee.com/huanzi-qch/fast-scaffold
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