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Bitcoin once exceeded 14000 US dollars and is about to face the test of the US election

2020-11-06 20:32:00 Everybody loves it

According to the Morecoin The market shows , stay 10 month 31 On the afternoon of Sunday , That's bitcoin 12 Anniversary ,10 Last day of the month , Bitcoin is strong , Break through 14000 The dollar pass , Up to 14100 dollar , set up 2018 year 1 Month high .

Nobody thought of it , Bitcoin will commemorate itself in this way , Strong gains have broken many people's predictions , The next trend is more unpredictable , In particular, the outcome of the US election , The probability will affect the next market trend .


however ,BTC In the impact 14000 After the dollar , Fast fall back , Once upon a time 13600 dollar , Some contract investors have to face the fate of burst positions , is “ Multi air double blast ”.


The United States The results of the election will be announced this week , Bitcoin's trading volume has plummeted recently also A bigger storm is brewing . Technically , The currency has On the moon line, take out the big sun line with bald head and bare feet , It closed last week 4 After Lian Yang , Bitcoin distance 15300 The goal is Seems to be It's so close . overall ,11 The month is bullish and the atmosphere is strong ,


But everything is random , The market is more unpredictable , Although we can see more , But sometimes , The market won't let us , therefore , We need to lower expectations , Wait for the result , The market will give us the answer .


The market seems calm , In fact, undercurrent surges .


From the message side , The president of the state is in 《 Seeking truth 》 publish 《 Several major issues concerning the country's medium - and long-term economic and social development strategy 》 Important articles . Article presentation


We need to take advantage of the situation , Accelerating the digital economy 、 Digital society 、 Digital government building , Promote digital optimization and upgrading in various fields , Active participation in digital currency 、 International rules and regulations , Creating new competitive advantages .


The news is seen as good by many investors , Further increased investor optimism . And tomorrow ,11 month 3 Japan , Financial markets all over the world will face the test of the US election , Bitcoin is no exception .


On the one hand, we are going to buy and buy , On the other hand, we need to avoid risks , Prevent possible collapses .


Speaking of this , I have to say Morecoin The best strategy of ,Morecoin According to the market demand, we have developed a variety of investment strategies to help users build diversified 、 Risk diversification Portfolio .



Through a combination of strategies , Even if bitcoin goes to extremes , It can also greatly reduce risk , Avoid asset collapse ; If bitcoin goes up , The strategy will also track the rise , Beat most retail investors in the market , Get a steady income .


By building a diversified portfolio ,Morecoin It can help you reduce the frequency of operation , Do a good job in risk protection , Develop good investment habits , Make your investment more sustainable . what's more , You will no longer be controlled by fear and greed , No more chasing up and down .


So far , Bitcoin is priced at 13700 Volatility around the dollar , The performance of the next two days is very important , Bitcoin is taking off 、 Or continue to consolidate in the range ? Let's wait and see .


Ps: WeChat zyjy95ch7, Welcome to add friends , Communicate and learn together .

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