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Tron smart wallet PHP development kit [zero TRX collection]

2020-11-06 20:21:00 Blockchain tutorial

TronSmartWallet The development package is suitable for the platform side to efficiently complete the Trx/TRC20 The collection of tokens , There is no need to inject Trx Can finish Trx/TRC20 The collection of tokens . Official download address :TronSmartWallet PHP Development kit .

1、 Development package Overview

TronSmartWallet The main features of the development package are as follows :

  • Real platform unmanaged wallets , The platform does not need to manage a large number of user address keys, and there is no loss of security
  • There is no need to inject Trx Can finish Trx/TRC20 The collection of tokens , The process is simpler , More efficient
  • Support the collection of multiple user addresses in a single transaction

TronSmartWallet To run on PHP 7.1+ In the environment , The main classes and their relationships are shown in the figure below :

uml chart

TronSmartWallet See the official website for a list of the main code files :http://sc.hubwiz.com/codebag/tron-smartwallet/ .

2、 Use sample code

2.1 Deploy plant contracts

TronSmartWallet Development packages use factory contracts SmartWalletFacotry Manage the generation and collection of user addresses . So first you need to deploy the factory contract .

Sample code demo/deploy-contracts.php Shows how to deploy SmartWalletFactory Contract and a demo TRC20 The token contract . Execute the following command to run the sample code :

php deploy-contracts.php

The operation results are as follows :

After the contract is deployed, it will be generated in the current directory addresses.json file , The document records SmartWalletFactory Contract and HappyToken The deployment address of the contract , The information recorded in this file will be used in other demo code .

2.2 Generate user address

Sample code demo/generate-user-address.php Shows how to use TronSmartWallet The development package generates platform addresses for users or orders .

Execute the following command to run the sample code , For three different ID Generate the corresponding address respectively :

php generate-user-wallet.php

The operation results are as follows :

notes : There is no handling charge for generating user address .

2.3 User top-up

Sample code demo/fund-user-address.php Simulation of the user to the platform address recharge behavior .

Execute the following command to run the sample code , Assign to three ID The corresponding address is transferred to Trx and token:

php fund-user-wallet.php

The operation results are as follows :

2.4 Check user address balance

Sample code demo/get-user-balance.php It shows how to query the user's address Trx/TRC20 Token balance .

Execute the following command to run the sample code , Display three corresponding to the specified ID The balance information of the address of :

php get-user-balance.php

The operation results are as follows :

2.5 Collect user address balance

Sample code demo/sweep-user-address.php Shows how to use the Trx and TRC20 Token to designated cold ( heat ) Wallet address .

Execute the following command to run the sample code :

php sweep-user-wallet.php

The operation results are as follows :

3、Tron Identity and address

TronSmartWallet Development packages use Credential Object to represent a specific Tron identity certificate , This object contains the key and address information of the account .

3.1 Instantiation Credential

Use static methods create() Create a new Ethereum account , for example :

//use TronSmartWallet\Credential;

$credential = Credential::create();                          //  Create a new account 

You can also use static methods fromPrivateKey() Import an existing private key to instantiate Credential object , for example :

$credential = Credential::fromPrivateKey(
  '4f3edf983ac6......b113bce9c46'                       //  Private key to import 

3.2 Check your account key and address

Credential Class provides the following methods to obtain the private key of the current account 、 Public key and address :

  • privateKey() : Return the private key 16 Base string
  • publicKey() : Return public key 16 Base string
  • address() : return Address object

for example , The following code creates a new Tron ID card and show its address :

$credential = Credential::new();
echo 'address => ' . $credential->address() . PHP_EOL;  //  Show account address 

3.3 Tron address translation

stay Tron In blockchain , There are two expressions for an address :16 Into the system and base58 Express , For example, here are two representations of the same address :

  • Base58 :TDN3QY85Jft3RwgyatjRNmrwRmwkn8qwqx
  • 16 Base number :412539EF4F3EB733C105A957EEBB20FD60AD8C9A43

Address Class contains the corresponding encoding and decoding logic , The address format can be easily converted . for example :

//use TronSmartWallet\Address;
$a1 = Address::decode('TDN3QY85Jft3RwgyatjRNmrwRmwkn8qwqx');         // decode Base58 Address 
echo $a1 . PHP_EOL;             // Output :412539EF4F3EB733C105A957EEBB20FD60AD8C9A43
$a2 = Address::encode('412539EF4F3EB733C105A957EEBB20FD60AD8C9A43'); // code 16 Base address 
echo $a2 . PHP_EOL;             // Output :TDN3QY85Jft3RwgyatjRNmrwRmwkn8qwqx

4、 Use TronApi

TronApi A variety of Tron Nodes provide API, for example tron All the nodes 、solidity Node and event service node API,TronSmartWallet utilize TronApi visit Tron Blockchain .

Instantiation TronApi when , It can be divided into different types of Tron Nodes specify different connections URL, for example :

//use TronSmartWallet\TronApi;

$api = new TronApi(
  'https://api.trongrid.io',       // All the nodes URL
  'https://api.trongrid.io',       // Contract node URL
  'https://api.trongrid.io'        // Event node URL

When the above three nodes URL Phase at the same time , I could just write it as :

$api = new TronApi('https://api.trongrid.io');

If I use theta Tron Official TronGrid node , So you can use it directly TronApi Two static functions provided mainNet() and testNet(), Access the main chain and shasta Test chain .

for example , The following code is equivalent :

$api = new TronApi('https://api.trongrid.io');
$api = TronApi::mainNet();                       // Equivalent to the above 

$api = new TronApi('https://api.shasta.trongrid.io');
$api = TronApi::testNet();                       // Equivalent to the above 

5、SmartWalletKit Class

3.1 Instantiation SmartWalletKit

SmartWalletKit yes TronSmartWallet The entry class of the development package , When instantiating, you need to pass in TronApi object 、Credential Object and factory contract address . for example :

//use TronSmartWallet\TronApi;
//use TronSmartWallet\Credential;
//use TronSmartWallet\SmartWalletKit;

$kit = new SmartWalletKit(
  TronApi::mainNet(),                                             //  Access Tron Main network 
  Credential::fromPrivateKey('......'),                           //  Ethereum account object 
  'TGuQLmDSmYEfFcQaKBqEJWNGtD4RontQBm'                            //  Factory contract address 

3.2 Generate user address

Use SmartWalletKit Of getUserWallet() Method to generate the platform address for the specified user , for example :

$userId = 'u010203';                                         //  User's platform ID
$userAddress = $kit->generateUserWallet($userId);            //  Return user address 
echo 'user address => ' . $userWallet . PHP_EOL;             //  Show user address 

3.3 Aggregate individual user address balance

Use SmartWalletKit Of sweepUserWallet() Method to collect the specified user address Trx/TRC20 Token balance . for example :

$userId = 'u010203';                                         //  User's platform ID
$txid = $kit->sweepUserWallet(
  'u010203',                                                 //  user ID  
  'TDN3QY85Jft3RwgyatjRNmrwRmwkn8qwqx'                       //  Receiving address 
echo 'sweep txid => ' . $txid . PHP_EOL;                     //  Show pooled transactions ID

$success = $kit->waitForConfirmation($txid);                 //  Waiting for transaction confirmation 
echo 'success => ' . $success . PHP_EOL;                     //  Show execution results 

3.4 Batch collection of user address balance

Use SmartWalletKit Of sweepUserWallets() Method to collect a set of user addresses Trx/TRC20 Token balance . for example :

$txid = $kit->sweepUserWallets(
  ['u010203', 'u030405', 'u050607'],                         //  user ID Array 
  'TDN3QY85Jft3RwgyatjRNmrwRmwkn8qwqx'                       //  Receiving address   
echo 'sweep txid => ' . $txid . PHP_EOL;                     //  Show pooled transactions ID

$success = $kit->waitForConfirmation($txid);                 //  Waiting for transaction confirmation 
echo 'success => ' . $success . PHP_EOL;                     //  Show execution results 

3.5 operation TRC20 Tokens,

Use SmartWalletKit Of trc20() Method to get the specified address TRC20 Token instance , Call standard TRC20 Interface can operate token . For example, query USDT Balance and transfer :

$somebody = 'TDN3QY85Jft3RwgyatjRNmrwRmwkn8qwqx';                         //  Receiving account number 

$token = $kit->trc20('TR7NHqjeKQxGTCi8q8ZY4pL8otSzgjLj6t');
echo 'balance => ' . $token->balanceOf($somebody) . PHP_EOL;              //  Inquire about USDT balance 

$txid = $kit->transfer($somebody, hex('100000000'));                       // TRC20 Transfer accounts 
echo 'transfer token txid => ' . $txid . PHP_EOL;                          //  Show transactions ID

$success = $kit->waitForConfirmation($txid);                               //  Waiting for transaction confirmation  
echo 'success => ' . $success . PHP_EOL;                                   //  Show execution results 

hex($numstr) yes SmartWalletKit Auxiliary methods provided , It's convenient to put 10 A large number represented by a decimal string is converted to 16 Hexadecimal said .

TronSmartWallet Development package official download address :http://sc.hubwiz.com/codebag/tron-smartwallet/

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