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How to hide part of barcode text in barcode generation software
2020-11-06 01:47:00 【Zhonglang software】
1. After creating a new label in the barcode generation software , Click the bar code button on the left side of the software , Draw barcode objects on canvas , Double click bar code , In graphic properties - The data source , First input the fixed data (ZLRJ), And then use sequence generation to generate variable (00001), As shown in the figure :
2. Double click the bar code drawn , In graphic properties - In words , Set the bar code text position to none , Click ok , You can hide barcode data .
Then click on the left side of the software “ Solid A” Button , Draw plain text on the canvas , Double click plain text , In graphic properties - The data source , Click on “ modify ” Button , Data object type selection “ Sequence generation ”, The start string is 1, Click edit .
In the processing on the right , Click on “+” Button No , Processing method type selection “ A filling ”, The target length is 5. The fill character is 0, Click Add - determine .
Once you set it up , The effect is shown in the figure :
The above is about Bar code generation software The hidden part of Bar code text Steps for , Bar code generation software settings are more flexible , You can put the barcode text on the bar code according to your own needs 、 Next 、 nothing . I won't show you in detail here , Please refer to : Bar code printing software how to hide bar code text .
本文为[Zhonglang software]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢
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