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Free patent download tutorial (HowNet, Espacenet)
2020-11-06 01:28:00 【Elementary school students in IT field】
This article is original by the author , Reprint please indicate the source !!!https://blog.csdn.net/HHTNAN
Have you been worrying about how to download invention patents , Search for a long time, OK? It's expensive or it can't be downloaded .
Here is a free form .
1. Get website
First of all to enter https://www.epo.org/index.html
2. Enter HowNet
Follow these steps to find the patent you want
3. Get the public number
Obtain the patent publication number as follows
4. Steps in 1 In the website search Public number
Will present espacenet Patent search home page , Enter the patent publication number CNxxxx, Click on patents;
5. Get search results
After entering, you will find whether the search results have the patent , Click on “ Patent name ”, The information about the patent is presented ;
Get details
Click on “Original document”, The first page preview information of the patent is presented ;
Click on “download”, Then enter the verification code , Click to download , The patent was downloaded .
20191120 Website updated , After searching the public number, you should download it in the following way
本文为[Elementary school students in IT field]所创,转载请带上原文链接,感谢
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