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From zero learning artificial intelligence, open the road of career planning!

2020-11-06 01:21:00 Elementary school students in IT field

The authors introduce

Zero one , Senior Algorithm Engineer , at AI Technical director of Medical Project ,CSDN Experts . Former director of network technology operations, supply and demand world 、 Master of Mathematics , Dozens of modeling Awards , First prize winner of the National Mathematical Modeling Contest for graduate students , Share enthusiastically . Personal micro signal :huangtaonide、 WeChat official account :R-data、 There's another you .

Yes AI The attitude of

about AI, Don't laugh , Don't exaggerate !

Artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence, The abbreviation is AI) Every once in a while, the topic will be very popular . Just finished the international event ——2018 Boao Forum for Asia , Artificial intelligence for the first time (Artificial Intelligence, The abbreviation is AI ) Simultaneous interpretation is at the critical moment “ Off the chain ” 了 : The foreign guests will speak in English “ the Belt and Road ” Translated into “ A road and a belt ”“ Roads and conveyor belts ”. this AI Simultaneous interpretation is spitting “ Drawback ” Many more , Like a system crash , The statement , One after another “ ah , ah ”, There's a bunch of “for,for,for⋯⋯”, Even their own abbreviations “AI” I can't recognize , It can only be translated into “ Suffer from ”. So many stems , As a result, the translation industry is filled with regret and self mockery :“ My job has been saved for the time being !”
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The person in charge came forward to explain , High standard of Boao Forum activities , The language of the speaker varies a lot 、 Many professional directions 、 There are many speakers , There are all kinds of corpus knowledge 、 Professional terms 、 English schools from all over the world , Plus microphone noise 、 The interference of environmental sound such as echo ,AI Simultaneous interpretation does face great challenges .

But Robin Li said well ,“ about AI, Don't laugh , Don't exaggerate ”. What needs to be done now , It's not about finding AI Black history of 、 Dig it “ Drawback ”、 Resist its coming , It's about getting used to it , Welcome to “ AI Time ” The arrival of the . about AI practitioners , In particular, we need to have a clear understanding of the current situation of technology and industrial application , Keep finding problems , solve the problem , Push AI Towards more and more mature direction .( Source of information : Beijing Science and technology news No 004 edition )

AI The trend of

One 、 World class AI comes from China

last year 7 month , Issued by the state council 《 Development plan of new generation artificial intelligence 》, Make a comprehensive design for the layout development of artificial intelligence , Proposed to 2030 Artificial intelligence theory 、 Technology and application reach the world leading level .

More and more traditional manufacturing enterprises hope to realize transformation and upgrading with the help of artificial intelligence , Internet companies have increased the layout of artificial intelligence .

Two 、 Artificial intelligence industry is in short supply

And with the artificial intelligence station on the air , Related enterprises 、 Talent is in short supply . In the planning of the State Council , We must speed up the cultivation of talents at all levels of artificial intelligence , To meet the needs of industry development .

China's AI talent gap exceeds 500 ten thousand people , At present, the number of artificial intelligence talents in China is insufficient 5 ten thousand people . at present , In China, there are only less than 30 individual , The annual output of talents is far less than the market demand . So the AI industry is close to 3 To 5 The annual meeting will be the industry with the most shortage of people .

3、 ... and 、 How industry giants are in AI Domain layout

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Four 、 The language choice of artificial intelligence

1956 year , The concept of artificial intelligence was first proposed , Now , Artificial intelligence has become one of the hottest industries !

Computer level two examination to join “Python Language programming ” subject !

Python Programming to enter Zhejiang Province Information Technology College Entrance Examination !

Primary school information technology sixth grade teaching material also added Python Content !

The pupils all began to touch Python The language !!!

It's really , Don't let your child lose on the starting line !!

The choice of programming language

Who will be AI And the first development language in the era of big data ?

This is a question that does not need to be debated . If three years ago , Matlab 、 Scala 、 R 、 Java and Python There are also opportunities , The situation is not clear , So three years later , The trend is very clear , Especially the first two days Facebook Open source PyTorch after , Python As AI The position of time's top language is basically established , The suspense of the future is just who can take the second place .

Python Language from 1991 First version released in , So far it's almost 30 Years. . As an interpretative language , I've been fighting for years “ Scripting language ” The label of , And it was criticized for its speed .

According to the data platform Kaggle released 2017 A survey of machine learning and data science , In terms of tool language use ,Python It's the language most used by data scientists and AI practitioners ( See the picture below ).
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IEEE an overview (IEEE Spectrum) released 2017 On the list of most popular programming languages ,Python The same number one ( See the picture below ).
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If you don't want to be a code poet , Or language masters , It's just trying to be as simple and direct as possible , Did something , The preferred language is indeed Python.

Start with theory and practice AI

There is a certain threshold in the field of artificial intelligence research . For beginners , The general practice is to buy some popular books directly , such as “ Watermelon book ”、“ Flower Book ”、“xx Heaven from entry to mastery ”、“xx Heaven from entry to abandonment ” wait , But most books are about the basics , A little boring and boring , Besides, the content is too profound , Beginners may want to give up after watching for a while . So we need a good way to !

this is The story : This is a story of mathematicians finding girlfriends through code .

OkCupid It's a dating website , Every registered user needs to answer 350 A question , The system automatically calculates the matching degree between users according to the answers , Give priority to recommending suitable objects .
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McKinley (Mckinlay) It's a mathematician , Mathematicians who can write code . He registered 12 Accounts , use Python Script from the OkCupid The website crawled tens of thousands of women who met his personal requirements . And then use Bell Labs K-Modes The algorithm divides these women into 7 class . He wrote another program , Leave footprints on the home page of the type of person he best matches . such , When the girls log in, they find , A man with a high speed dating index came to pay attention to himself . Soon , McKinley's in box was jammed , Every day, there are beautiful women who come to answer the conversation , Finally, McKinley chose a master's degree in fine arts as his girlfriend . This year , He 35 year .
McKinley wrote his story into a Book ,OkCupid It's even more hype , It brought tens of millions of exposures to the website .
This story happened in 2012 year , It's still spreading .

“ The most useful knowledge is about methods ” — Darwin , The author starts with his own learning experience , Select valuable knowledge points , I hope the ideas and methods of this course can play a positive role in your career !

brief introduction

This course is based on AI Engineers are the ultimate goal , from AI Career start , utilize Python 3 To break the ice AI.

This course starts with mathematical modeling , In detail Python 3 stay AI Engineering applications , Including data exploration 、 Data analysis and mining 、 machine learning 、 Data Science 、 Natural language processing, etc . Each section provides the reader with mathematical knowledge and code examples to understand , To help readers better grasp each knowledge point .

Finish this lesson carefully , You'll find that AI It's not that unattainable , Even with AI Related technical work says Hello!

This course consists of three parts :

The first part ( The first 01 course ), Base part ( Including preparatory knowledge and preparation ), It briefly introduces Python Important package such as Numpy、Pandas etc. ;

The second part ( The first 02-10 course ), Introduce four kinds of engineer content ( Data scientist 、 Machine learning Engineer 、 Natural language engineer and Recommendation Algorithm Engineer ), In the form of constructing actual combat cases , Real implementation “ be personally on the scene ”;

The third part ( The first 11 course ),Tensorflow Introduction to minimalism , Open the door to deep learning .


See this , If you're still right about Python Next AI Very interested , Then you need to be ready to install Python The environment ( Specific installation method please do Baidu , If you really can't contact Xiaobian ), Before you start learning Python Before , most important of all , You need to install Python Environmental Science .

Many beginners get tangled up , You should choose 2.x Version or 3.x Version problem . in my opinion , The world is changing faster , The same is true of language update speed , There's no reason to stay in the past , Instead of looking forward .

For more and more popular 、 At the same time, it has many cool new features python 3.x, We really have no reason to reject it . If you understand life is short, you need python It's hard work , We should choose this future oriented development model . Choose one of your own at the same time IDE Tools , The author is recommended to use Python IDE, be called PyCharm, Of course, the others IDE It's all possible . After installation, you can enter the learning process . If you are ready for work and have problems, you can consult the editor at any time !

The way of reading

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